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  1. This only works as a spoken joke. Shame on you. Takuma Nuva
    9 points
  2. A post for the YH24H mafia idea, fleshing it out a bit. --- First Revision First off, the game may or may not end up as XXIV. Some may contest that, but I will make a bid for XXIV. THE GIMMICKTWIST: The game is over the span of one fictional day, split up into four parts, taking a maximum of NINE rounds. Each of these parts has two rounds, to represent the Morning, the Afternoon, the Evening, and the Night. In addition, the main method of killing is by poison. This means that those targeted do not drop dead immediately. Instead, they have the chance to vote on their killer. If their killer is lynched, they get the antidote and continue to live. If not, they die. Permanently. THE ROLES The Good Guys x16 Matoran: These Matoran do nothing but vote on the killers of their dead friends (or enemies). x1 Alchemist: The Alchemist is like a Doctor, but isn't. Instead, the Alchemist has access to potions and poisons. They can provide antidotes to the poisoned, and also possesses the only potion known to combat the unknown. x1 Detective: The Detective investigates people, as always. This person cannot act during the Morning period, but can vote. If they make it to the Evening, they will get promoted and receive a gun to kill anyone with confirmed ties to the Mafia. (The Detective and Alchemist cannot act because they are on their way to work.) The Bad Guys x1 Godfather/Godmother: This person leads the Mafia. They are the one deciding what item will be found at the start of every part of the game. They're very charismatic and convincing, making their votes count double in the Night period. In addition, when they show up to kill you personally, they have all the attributes of all Mafioso who are dead. x2 Brutes: These brutes are strong and intimidating, able to silence someone and prevent them from voting and acting. Other than that, they're pretty much the generic Mafioso. x1 Witch Doctor: This person was once the Alchemist's apprentice. Unfortunately, they had a falling out, resulting in the once wide-eyed and idealistic apprentice becoming a dark, cynical, and cliched Witch Doctor, who was soon noticed and hired by the Mafia. They are the second-in-command of the Mafia and without the watchful eye of the Alchemist, is able to modify the poisons they use in such a way that the antidotes cannot cure them, but only when the Witch Doctor is sent to kill. They can also produce antidotes, should any of their fellow Mafioso become poisoned. x1 Pyrotechnician: This person is in charge of setting explosives, and is really disappointed they don't get to use a flamethrower. To prevent the curse of the pyro, they are NOT a Pyro. They are a pyrotechnician who sets explosives, rather than playing with fire. They are the third-in-command. When they get sent to kill, they do not use poison: they use an explosive. They target two people. One will always die, but the other has a 1/2 chance to survive. The explosive is instantaneous, unlike poison, so it kills outright. During the Night, thanks to the greater presence of darkness obscuring the village, the Mafia may act twice per night. The This Things x1 The New Guy: This person was originally hired by the leader of the Mafia to commit as much destruction as possible. They have since broken into the local armoury and gained as much as they possibly could, giving them a wide arsenal. This allows them to have the choice to kill instantly, kill with a weak poison, or kill with a potent poison. x1 [REDACTED]: It's said this being is the result of the Alchemist's experimentation. Nobody's ever seen them. Perhaps they even walk among us! Maybe they're affected by time of day... some say they shall come into play when Evening hits. --- Now, how does that look? Suggestions welcome. Yes, there are 25 roles there. But... the list can be 0-24. Still goes up to 24, no more, but doesn't disregard 0 like most lists.
    4 points
  3. Click for Review TL/DR, it's a great set, lots of rare pieces, go buy it now. NOW! Unless you already have it. I mean, you could always buy a second one, but let's not go crazy here.
    3 points
  4. This past weekend at Bricks Cascade, the collaborative Gali Masters Mosaic finally came together. (A little last minute too, with the ones being sent in arriving just in the nick of time and another one requiring some last minute updates.) I haven't got pictures for everything else yet, but time to present this mosaic in its full glory! And it wouldn't be a BZPower mosaic without a group pict of all the builders. (Yes, ALL of them, even the ones that weren't physically there.) From left to right: Trisha, Andrew*, Jason, Ben, Dan*, Riley. Thanks again to everybody who contributed. And fret not if you weren't able to see this one; it's on the BZPower Convention MOC circuit, so it'll be showing up at a few east coast conventions, including BrickFair! *photoshopped into pict
    2 points
  5. At age six, I was born without a face.
    2 points
  6. It's okay. Puns are hard.
    2 points
  7. WAIT. Your name isn't already Pablo? How is that possible. No, no, the opposite must be true. It is destiny. Fun fact: the direct translation of "Cap'n Subnuki" into Spanish is Pablo! [CITATION NEEDED]
    2 points
  8. Looks like we've found the season 4.5 new cast member!
    2 points
  9. Just a bit of a "For Your Information," I opened a certain letter today. Starting on August 5th, I won't be available for a whole two years. Call it an "Extended Service Vacation" if you will. I will be among the people of Berlin, Germany and the surrounding regions, working hard and performing service. Though it's a bit of an adjustment, I'm actually really excited. I've been studying German for the past four years and I can't wait to use it. And who knows, I might happen to knock on the door of an old friend of mine... No need to get worried yet. I still have a few good months of posting to get in first. Hopefully I can wrap things up over in Bionicle RPG. So, feel free to ask questions below, and I'll do my best to answer them within BZPower's Rules and Guidelines. And if you happen to see a guy in a black suit with a nametag walking around in a few months, give him some consideration.
    1 point
  10. Remember that Okoto story I've mentioned? This is it, people. In an alternate version of the 2015 storyline where the Toa failed to save the island, YOU (the Protectors) must now save the island. ANNOUNCING... What I'm looking for is anyone interested in being a character in this story. This story will be standalone; no prior reading is required, and there will be no sequels. This shall be my final "major" writing project on BZPower, and I'd love it if all of you signed up to join the ride. Name: (Self-explanatory; I'd prefer your display name, or most commonly known variant) Gender: (Also self-explanatory, I think. This can be anything - what you personally identify as, or what you'd like the character to identify as) Element 1: (This is your preferred element; canon elements only, please. That's Fire, Ice, Earth, Water, Jungle, or Stone) Element 2: (If I find that too many people have the same element above, I'll look at this one) Other: (Any additional info you want to include; keep in mind that I will use the stuff here as a basis of inspiration, not as actual backstory. This section can include the weapon your character favors, or perhaps their personality....) Role: (Do you want to sign up for a role?) Roles I'm Looking For Obviously, there needs to be some sort of structure on Okoto - otherwise, how can the Protectors hope to defend their home? HUNTERS X1: These characters serve as the elite defense force; the best fighters on the island. (ONLY ONE HUNTER SPOT REMAINS) all gone! LEADERS X2: I'm looking for a leader from each element type to serve as the "Guardian/Leader/Turaga" type role for each elemental region, and then an additional two who will serve as advisers for the leader of the island. (I AM STILL LOOKING FOR LEADERS FOR STONE, AND ONE MISC.) --- OTHER INFORMATION Decimation will release on April 22nd. Before any of you ask or predict or start to bother me about it - no, this is not related to anything I have written before. Except that this is also a story where you get to be characters. Signups will remain open until March 19th. The sooner you sign up, the higher chances you have of playing a major role!
    1 point
  11. Bought a weekend pass (with a 20% discount as a perk for going to Let's Play Live) this afternoon! I can't wait for August! Plus some friends from school will be coming down for it. I'm almost looking forward to seeing them more, honestly. ~|ET|~
    1 point
  12. I finally beat it. I was going to try to 100% it, but I think I accidentally overwrote it when starting the master quest. Whoops. On to Majoras Mask! Edit: Question: If Ganondorf can use the triforce of courage to change into a gigantic boar, why can't Zelda use the triforce of wisdom to realize she can throw the sword that is literally three feet from her into the ring.
    1 point
  13. I have returned! The trip was fun, and yes, there will be pictures below. We arrived on Friday at 11:45 pm, and spent the next two days in the Hilton Barcelona preparing for the tournament. Monday and Tuesday we competed, and we did well (we Sophomores crushed it, having five of our six class members winning 1st place in one of out events). (Pictured above: the Sophomores of GMU 4N6, and the people I love the most on the team) By Wednesday, though, we were finally free to travel and visit places! We walked for an hour and a half to the Sagrada Familia, and I was not prepared for it. Wednesday I focused just on the outside, but even that was astounding. We then returned back to our new apartments (conveniently located literally in front of Camp Neu), and prepared for Thursday. Thursday I had a group go with me to the Sagrada Familia Archives for my project; we also used the time to visit the cathedral itself. Two things I want to highlight; the first being the stained glass and how the light made the inside literally change colours the second being how amazing and gorgeous the inside looks (and how it does replicate a forest) Needless to say, I cried. (I also got sweaty palms, but that was when we went up one of the bell towers. Fun fact: I discovered then that I have a fear of heights!) We then spent the evening in the Gothic District, where I found the chance for a literary inside joke that only true (15)90s kids will understand: Spent the next day again in the Gothic District, which conveniently is right next to the beach (Look at these nerds) (CURSE YOU, SEA!) The last day we went to Els Quatre Gats (and I began writing a meta short story right there and then, which I might post here in the future) We then ended the day by going to the Picasso Museum and taking some vague, heroic photos (Pictured here: a fool who thinks he looks cool). In all seriousness, this was a wonderful trip. I got to see one of my fave buildings in the world, spent a week with my friends, and ate amazing. I can't stress enough how lucky I am to belong to such a great program, that dazzles me every day and lets me be thankful for what I have. PS: While there, we filmed the pilot for our new sitcom, Pablo & Pablo. Below are two promotional images:
    1 point
  14. First off, hi there! Been a while. I'll post a life-update thing soon-ish. Anyways, my high-school orchestra conductor may be one of the nicest, most supportive people I have ever met or will ever meet. He's an older man, but he's always full of a joyful energy and can often be seen with a huge grin across his face. He always tells us that he loves us and that we're his favorites, and it's one of the most adorable, fulfilling things to hear him talk. So a few days ago (last Friday, to be exact) we come in for our daily orchestra class. We're all pretty worn out- it's been a long week. He picks up on this, and after we tune he selects me, one of my good friends, and maybe about six other kids and tells us to follow him as he briskly walks out of the classroom. We have to struggle to keep up as he exits the music hall and strolls into the school, finally stopping at the vending machines. Once we all get there, he pulls out a big wad of cash and starts inserting money into one of the vending machines and ordering drinks. He gives us all money and tells us to do the same, and we finally pick up on what he's doing- he's buying drinks for the entire orchestra. And there's maybe about 30-40 kids in the orchestra, too. So we do what he says and buy a bunch of beverages from the vending machines, and then once we've bought a sufficient amount we carry them all back to the orchestra room and distribute them. All the while he's just smiling and watching us enjoy our treat. To think that spending an hour a day with a bunch of high-schoolers makes someone so happy that they would spend their own money to cheer us up. I can't think of any words to describe him. He's just an amazing guy. Just think the polar opposite of J.K. Simmons from Whiplash.
    1 point
  15. Interesting idea. Definitely working it in. Gave me another idea, too. Of course, the game should have 24 spots too.
    1 point
  16. So the victims are poisoned and have 24 hours to live. But they're not dead at first, so they have a chance to get revenge for themselves (and maybe like a temp perk to help figure out who tried to kill em.) If they pick the killer, they survive to the next round (cause the killer will have the antidote) else they die from the poison at the end of the round. Or your idea?
    1 point
  17. WAIT. Your name isn't already Pablo? How is that possible. No, no, the opposite must be true. It is destiny.
    1 point
  18. do you dream about farm animals
    1 point
  19. The "hideous building" looks like a Gothic building on Geonosis. Also I will change my name to Pablo in order to make an appearance on this new show.
    1 point
  20. Season 3 sees the introduction of permanent Guest Star Pablo Neruda
    1 point
  21. This is the only correct answer.
    1 point
  22. 10/10 Would watch Pablo & Pablo for the rest of my life 24/7
    1 point
  23. Doctors recommend one dose of Zatth once per every 150 years for good functioning as a country.
    1 point
  24. ginger ale confirmed for best bonkles character; someone write up an entry for this fantastically written character on bs01 IMMEDIATELY
    1 point
  25. I feel like Barcelona needed a little Zatth.
    1 point
  26. Ginger ale. ... Wait, what do you mean, "not that kind of pop quiz"?
    1 point
  27. Tahu's mask gives him the power of the transparent orange Nike shoe Kraata, defeating the skull armies with a bad case of athlete's foot.
    1 point
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