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Blog Comments posted by Cambion

  1. I got mine cut a few days ago. Fortunately, there was very little taken off. I'm the only one who can tell the difference. :3


    Generally, mine's long--my ears and eyes are just about always covered. And it's not curly, thank god.

  2. Nice! :D


    I love the use of both Bionicle and HF parts.


    Heh, you made two versions of him. Does kinda reflect how he frequently changes his appearance (though his colorscheme stays fairly constant). :P


    Another thing:




    Yeah, I'm pathetic, right? XP



    How so? I don't think so. :P


    Arms are too short on the left one, but overall I really like them.



    Arms are realistic on the left one, I thought. -_-

  3. Here's my entry:




    Gallery (When Public)



    I probably should have specified that asking the person what they look like is preferred. :/ BTW, Brickeens likes the element stone. Hint.


    I plan to enter. Hint: Mine will probably be the smallest. Try to guess who I'm doing!

    Umm. Idunnolol. :P


    I am totally gonna enter this.

    I'm gonna entry this :)


    Yay, more entrants!

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