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Everything posted by BobaFett2

  1. I'm still ###### off that they made Makuta look different from the http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=fflb&biw=1280&bih=668&tbm=isch&tbnid=b6tp7tfJ3kEOzM:&imgrefurl=http://bionicle.wikia.com/wiki/User:Mazeka369&imgurl=http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb57088/bionicle/images/e/e6/Makuta_species.jpg&w=575&h=381&ei=Mbg-UJzCGsKKqwGx9YGwDA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=321&vpy=321&dur=302&hovh=183&hovw=276&tx=132&ty=134&sig=101490078883967629155&page=1&tbnh=147&tbnw=196&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:7,s:0,i:95 super awesome way they used to look. Making them Toa-Sized just felt strange. A renovation like Icarax was fine, but it directly contradicts the fact that they're all the same size and shape.
  2. I think you mean 2006. 2005 was the Visorak on Metru Nui.
  3. Except that's exactly how they were designed. They were built to maintain the Great Spirit Robot's systems during his mission, and that's how the GBs see the Matoran. The GBs gave them sentience because creating is what they do. Or, let's copy-paste from BS01:Wrong. Nanotechnology means it functions at an atomic/molecular level http://en.wikipedia..../Nanotechnology. It doesn't mean that they're small things inside a big thing. As a matter of fact, Matoran are normal-sized, and the Great Beings aren't huge.They function more like cells in a body.This is off-topic here, but they are called nanotechnology in a poetic sense, or in the sense of relative scale to the super-macroscopic Great Spirit robot. And it was Greg that called them that, so there's really no point in arguing it, canonically. They are also poetically compared to cells; let's not pit one canon metaphor against another. They're just metaphors. I'm going to nitpick, because that's the kind of person I am.They are not nanotechnology - Mata Nui is macrotechnology as he is built on a macro scale. The standard size of being is in the Matoran-Toa-Turaga.
  4. I totally forgot that Botar and Ancient are dead. Oh well. And I'm really ###### about Kapura. He's one of my favorite characters. And you can build him (unlike Tamaru)!
  5. Except that's exactly how they were designed. They were built to maintain the Great Spirit Robot's systems during his mission, and that's how the GBs see the Matoran. The GBs gave them sentience because creating is what they do. Or, let's copy-paste from BS01:Wrong. Nanotechnology means it functions at an atomic/molecular level http://en.wikipedia..../Nanotechnology. It doesn't mean that they're small things inside a big thing. As a matter of fact, Matoran are normal-sized, and the Great Beings aren't huge.They function more like cells in a body.
  6. You guys should try it. It is super fun if you like turn-based strategy games.I'll see about it. I don't really have much time to play online games, and I don't really have a computer for it. Any direct links to the .dcr file on cache.lego.com?Nah. I tried finding it, but all that came up were the online versions that people uploaded to game-hosting websites. :/Bummer. Well, if any of the sites are appropriate to link to here, can you find me a good version?Yea :3http://pandagames.bi.../Spybotics.htmlOh man, I so need to try this.And you can!
  7. Voya Nui Online Game definitely was, although it was made by Ankama Games (who make other turn-based Strategy Games).Not sure if there are others.
  8. Windows 7The Folder is RPGfcfN[f<2003The folder is contains is something similarThe file is named BIONICLE.
  9. After setting up, I went to "All Programs" and found the strange "Rpg" thing. It doesn't have anything in the folder except for a file that my computer can't identify.
  10. It's just the window that opens when your computer doesn't know how to open a program. Shouldn't there be an .exe file?
  11. The Hero Factory: Breakout game has a lot less story to it than some older games, but graphically and in terms of gameplay it's way beyond any games ever on LEGO.com in the past. A lot better than Glatorian Arena, which is the only thing that ever came close in terms of graphics.Meanwhile, other games such as last year's Hero Factory "Mission" games had more complex stories, but had dull and repetitive gameplay.Some games pretty much eschew story entirely in favor of puzzle-based gameplay: an example is "Spinjitzu Spinball" from the Ninjago site.I don't think it's a matter of LEGO.com online games in general being worse than in the past. I think it's a matter of them being budgeted differently, if there's any difference at all. And I haven't played any of the non-HF or non-Ninjago games at all so I am not equipped to judge whether the games are worse or even better today than in the past.The Ninjago and HERO Factory Games are significantly different. They're the exception, rather than the rule.
  12. I've realized that today's games lack depth compared with many older games. If you browse LEGO.com most of the games are short, simple, and unimaginative.Compare that to games like Spybotics: The Nightfall Incident, World Builders one and two, and of course the MNOGs.There's a lot more of course, but who else has noticed this sort of thing?
  13. I got the folder but I can't open it. When I try to, something pops up asking me what to load it in. However, I have no idea what to load it in. What should I do?
  14. I think Kapura should be the Great Being...he could be immune to the Matoran Sphere...I really like the idea that Dume is the Great Being, although Keetongu is an interesting choice. However, I'd like to present two more options.I want to say that the Kanohi Dragon is really sentient and the Great Being but that's not my choice.Another possibility would be Ancient. He can fly. He's powerful. He's a member of the Order but he's pretending to be a member of the Brotherhood.My choice is Botar. He's a member of the Order of Mata Nui (who observe the Matoran Universe, he's unaffected by the Pit, he can teleport, and he's big. He has a strange morality and he's extremely powerful.The Kanohi Ignika is a creation of the Great Beings. Nothing expressly forbids it from being a Great Being. However, I don't think it is. It would be too odd.
  15. I suggest playing Online. Site with forums removed. -B6The game is fantastic. I love it and am playing it right now.
  16. Vezon and Kardas because I could rebuild it into Fezon and Fenrak, Axonn, and Brutaka. Or into other guys.
  17. BIONICLE followed by anything futuristic. I'd like Star Wars more if it had more Expanded Universe..all the rehashes are getting repetitive. I'd also like it more if I could afford to buy sets whenever I wanted instead of not at all.
  18. Sure, it happens all the time. In any random assortment there's a chance you'll get what you don't want. Fortunately I got my Spartan.
  19. I'm pretty sure he hasn't posted a new episode in a year.
  20. That makes sense. It would be cool.
  21. then I dont have to pay 50$ to get tahu of ebay.It would be awesome to use a mix of bionicle and hero factory parts. Maybe the toa mata/nuva could be turaga or something.You can get him for far less on Bricklink. I don't think that would be a good idea. While it would work as a way to reintroduce BIONICLE, the idea would require revisiting old characters and morphing them into what they aren't. Also, the Alternate Universes as on a different timeline and it would require another "visit to the past" and as there are no Turaga to tell the story...
  22. I've heard that Glatorians weren't popular...I think the best year for sets was 2009...the Toa-sized characters were truly varied (as they had been in 2001, but more so) in style. The Matoran not so much but rarely have they been built in an interesting manner (other than 2003 and 2006). I loved the vehicles as well.I think Silver is a very legitimate color. It may have been used too much but it seems to me like most armor and weapons were made of protosteel and since protosteel is silver... (draw logical conclusion).I highly enjoyed Voya Nui Online Game (I think that's an unpopular opinion)...
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