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Everything posted by T-Dawg

  1. It's kinda hard to take the plot seriously at all when the MC is a dude who wouldn't take off his power armor to shower and only talks to an AI. I found Halo 1 the most fun if only for some casual co-op other than that it really is kinda forgettable.
  2. Facts aside it still looks pretty bland to me. All in all I'd much rather be charged by a horde of lunatics ranting how they can hear with their teeth and killing them with a sniper rifle judging my every action, instead of a horde of squeaky voiced players worshiping Shrek and getting mauled over by their mass horde of legendary weapons they brag about having. All that said I'll be returning to my den of inactivity with Xenoblade for the next couple hundred hours.
  3. Destiny honestly feels like a bland colorless humorless type of Borderlands 2 with all the annoyances of MMOs, course that's just me who has played nothing but Borderlands 2 and Xenoblade chronicles the past couple of weeks.
  4. I use the Monado to alter the future where you never get the mask after shooting him. My mask.
  5. I still wonder how she fit her sword down her shirt most of the time.
  6. I thought talking in really old topics was bad? That topic has not been active since 2014 I just said it's and official topic and from Windrider's official topic list he states they are exempt from revival so feel free to start posting there now.
  7. It's an official topic so it's safe from that if I remember correctly.
  8. I would suggest moving this to the official minecraft topic since we've had it for ages and it's just been really quiet.
  9. I pretty actively watch StephenPlays and StephenVlog, as I find him to be quite the nice underrated gem. Been catching up a lot on Chuggaaconroy for the endgame Xenoblade stuff, and while he doesnt upload often I do enjoy Protonjon, although he has streamed more often at this point which are always a gem to watch. Oh and various Touhou channels for various forms of Touhou entertainment(From music to fanime and all other sorts) , speaking of a fellow who goes by minusT does 3d fights of the games and does a pretty darn good job of it currently he is working on a Yukari vs Marisa, Reimu, and Sakuya which should be out soon. That's only a little bit of all I watch but I might go into more at a later point.
  10. T-Dawg

    Regarding name changes

    I do name changes depending on what mood I'm in at the time, certainly gives and interesting history with no continuity.
  11. He has fur he does not need clothes. Oh the things I've seen that I can't repeat here
  12. guru guru guru guru guru

  13. It's that thing with a name that I wont say here because mystery.
  14. A teensy bit of Xenoblade Chronicles 3D, I hope to have more free time later to sit and play it.
  15. Borderlands 2 with some friends, good ol Krieg with his power toast class mod although it does make me wonder how does toast manage to help a psycho disembowel a bunch of bandits.
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