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Everything posted by T-Dawg

  1. I wouldn't call myself a chessmaster. More of a psychopath. Implying mafia players know what they are doing.
  2. Nulling is for losers who don't want to take any risks, plus it isn't fun if nobody gets lynched.
  3. I'm gonna go with Pulse, I can sense an evil aura pulsating off of him.
  4. Option A, because what could possibly go wrong?
  5. Talking to you B6, have an awesome day and thanks for keeping the site (somewhat) under control.
  6. Spot -16 please, and hopefully I won't die first night like in five factions.
  7. You've got it all topside-down! I have liberated you from the madness that is already commencing. Now we are both free to roam the Halls of Artahka! MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM With reasons like that you would make quite the nice cult leader.
  8. QP I thought you were a pretty cool dude and now all I feel is hatred towards you.
  9. I was a pretty big fan of the Bohrok so I quite liked their combined sets, Irnakk was also pretty sweet.
  10. We must make sure he dies first night.
  11. Count me in if there is still space please!
  12. So Summer Games Done Quick starts in about an hour, anyone else planning on losing countless hours of sleep just to see them speedrun that one game?
  13. T-Dawg

    GX one handed

    I pity anyone who plays multiplayer with me, not even a one handed handicap will save them.
  14. Team Fortress 2, really loving the air strike right now.
  15. T-Dawg

    The Last Teenage Year

    I'll be 20 once November comes around, even though I really don't look it, I blame everyone being taller than me, already having the fun times of applying for jobs and studying for the SAT.
  16. I did get the XL, because I honestly wouldn't have been shocked if the regular size never came to America. Disappointed now, since I MUCH prefer the smaller models. I'm actually pretty glad I got the XL excluding the fact it's the Majora's mask themed one, I got it for Xenoblade and honestly with that game I much prefer a larger screen for it.
  17. Smash Wii U, did some for glory and some people just don't understand that Marth's shield breaker breaks shields.
  18. I'm pretty bummed with no mention of anything F-Zero at E3, aside from the last Guardian and fallout 4 seemed like a pretty depressing E3. To be fair though I can't recall an E3 that generally got me really excited.
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