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Status Updates posted by fishers64

  1. Four years of BZPower...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Reznas


      Yet at the same time, compared to others, we're relatively average. :P

    3. fishers64
    4. Underscore
  2. I need to stop posting EVERYWHERE

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. fishers64
    3. The Hip Historian Iaredios

      The Hip Historian Iaredios

      My face says otherwise. What else is this drunk scribbling on my forehead?

    4. Ghidora131


      I didn't know you had a roommate.

  3. Alright, this is just getting insane.

    1. Ghidora131


      What do you mean? I've been insane for a while, have you not noticed till now?

    2. fishers64
    3. Ghidora131


      Ze lols are ze funniest :P

  4. I'm in one of those weird moods this morning.

    1. JAG18


      Good weird or bad weird? Or neutral weird, come to think of it.

    2. fishers64
    3. JAG18


      Oh, well then that sucks. :(

  5. I hate thinking about code for too long. Java/JavaScript mess + HTML/CSS breakage gives me a headache. My highly variable patterns of thought destroy complex code. ARGH.

    1. Scanty Demon

      Scanty Demon

      Uh Java and Javascript are different languages. They have similar names because of marketing and stuff.

    2. fishers64


      I know that. I'm using both of them for a project at once.

    3. Scanty Demon

      Scanty Demon

      Oh thought it was a mistake, sorry bout that.

  6. 6464

    1. Rahkshi Guurahk
    2. fishers64


      I don't get it.

    3. Ghidora131


      Add them up. What do you get? why, 10,570! and that is the secret of the universe!

  7. You have to understand: I'm a girl. I align with whoever happens to be the most convenient.

    1. avmatoran


      What do you mean?

    2. fishers64


      Uh, I mean what's there. That wasn't meant to be a riddle for the ages.

    3. Ghidora131


      *tries desperately to understand*


      *head explodes*

  8. Programming mode =/= writing mode. Switching between the two can take days.

    1. Kopekemaster


      :/ Tell me about it.

    2. fishers64


      Programming mode is slower and more analytical, writing mode is more creative and spontaneous.

    3. Kopekemaster


      Agreed. For me, though, you have to factor in the ever-changing level of my insanity. :P

  9. Good to see you around. :)

    1. Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

      Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

      Yes! I exist! Hellooo! *waves*

    2. Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

      Turakii #1 Lavasurfer

      Yes! I exist! Hellooo! *waves*

    3. fishers64


      *waves back*

  10. Chima Watching: 50% complete. Categorical Greg Refrence: 17% complete. Homework: 86% complete.

    1. Chro


      Get your priorities in order - clearly you need to watch more Chima and do less homework

    2. fishers64


      Lol. Chima Watching: 77% complete...

    3. fishers64


      Chima Watching: 100% complete. Above percentages still stand.

  11. And that's two years and 2K. It's been a good ride so far...

    1. GSR


      You're making the rest of us look slow.

    2. fishers64


      Haha no. You should check out Using Less Vorex's page. Barely a year and he's already got 5K.

    3. a goose

      a goose

      And if I hadn't gotten a social life, I'd have 10k by now.

  12. I have no idea why I'm still alive. Okay, I know why in general, but I'm fuzzy on the specifics.

    1. Athmos


      Playing with the Time Machine again? You know that's dangerous!

    2. fishers64
  13. What is with the name change/av?

    1. fishers64


      I hope that misspelling wasn't intentional.

    2. Voltex


      Let's just say that I'm happy I didn't make that mistake with my display name

      Also I have permanently deleted the evidence

  14. What's with all these explosions doing around here?

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom


    2. fishers64


      Okay. Do you like to do anything else?

  15. Oh gee. Where is all this brazen confidence coming from?

    1. JAG18


      Hmm...Have you been listening to any motivational speakers lately? Or it could be that it was always inside you all along...

    2. fishers64


      Not really recently, no.


      I would almost be inclined to buy the second theory...maaybee? Not sure, though.

  16. It's called Brainiac Overwork Implosionitis. Otherwise known as IMP, this particular disease only affects the 100% of the human race who are truly brilliant...

    1. Lemony Lepid

      Lemony Lepid

      hmmm... seems like something I would get...

    2. Sybre


      I'm infected.

  17. Argh, gender nonsense again. Really, you guys need to lay off of that. Yeesh.

    1. Mocmaker
    2. The Hip Historian Iaredios

      The Hip Historian Iaredios

      Last I checked, Bionicle was not a formalized religion. I guess some people just didn't get the memo. What else can explain this apparent rise of radical dedication and debate other then people thinking otherwise? [/sarcasm]

  18. Things are really moving along on all fronts. Trying to get a lot of legwork done so I can relax.

    1. avmatoran


      What sort of things?

    2. fishers64


      Writing stuff, by me and others. Also my college programming classes are starting to move some projects along that I thought wouldn't even be possible.

  19. I have no idea what to do with my signature. Any ideas?

    1. The Legendary TNT

      The Legendary TNT

      You should do something in MNOLG style...

    2. fishers64


      It is a little old, though. :P


      But seriously, that would be interesting, rendering MNOLG style in blackwhite. Hmm...

  20. Guys, I think we better be glad this guy isn't here. If he shows up, there's probably a really bad problem with the forums.

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      he was here 4 days ago is that bad?

    2. fishers64


      Probably just for the forum upgrade, I hope.

  21. Mighty quiet around here.

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      not anymore *BLOWS UP A MOUTAIN*

    2. fishers64


      And now returning to your regularly scheduled programming.

  22. Free iPads are awesome.

    1. CeeCee


      What about ones you have to pay for. They not cool? You make me sick.

    2. fishers64


      IPads are awesome, period. It's even more awesome when they're free.

  23. *looks at forum index while listening to "Perfect Life" by Red* *thinks about how fitting it is*

    1. Portalfig




      I used to listen to RED like, all the time. =D

    2. fishers64


      I'm surprised that it took me this long to discover them, actually. +400 to Flaredrick.


      I'm not really into rock, actually, but they're good. :shrugs: I make exception.

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