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Everything posted by bioniclehero01

  1. Kittens scare me. Umm... Wait?
  2. I'm not sure about a forum exactly, but perhaps a single topic that could list out all the current group projects? I myself have had a large scale project in place for over a year now, but have found it quite frustrating to recruit the large amount of help I need to produce said project when the only promotion I can have is through my sig, which if most people are like me, they just ignores anyways. So perhaps a topic that lists all current and past projects, kind of like the archive topics that the library forum used to have? It would make it easier on those of us with projects but not enough results for a topic, and might spark more interest in group projects also.P.S. TO THE NUIMOBILE!!
  3. No, no... It was November. Though I really do need to stop announcing when I'm going to post them though... Everytime I do something happens, ANYTHING happens, whether it be my horrible internet conection goes out again, a storm blows through, or ice cream truck passes my street corner and I'm unable to come through. Though, it will be done this weekend for certain. I mean, half of it's already completed, so unless something goes wrong... again... it shouldn't even take me half an hour to complete. Unless it goes out again like it did just about ALL day yesterday, I should be good...But as for the anouncement at least, since winter breaks over and I'm actually not that busy lately, I intend on updating the comedy every weekend, whether it be Friday, Saturday, or Sunday (yes, adding Friday is cheating), and also expect more frequent updates like this one more frequently also, because as soon as I finish season 2 there'll be another LONG time without a new chapter (well, minus a few possible shorter build-up chapters to the next season) and working NONSTOP on preparing a more organized story for season 3 during that time. This way, there won't be another three or four months without a chapter. Just keep in mind that I am working on the comedy, just not updating. Think of it like a break between seasons on a TV series, just not that long. Also, speaking of season three, keep an eye on my sig. There'll be clue images added in every so often, most of them will be VERY vaque but if you can put the clues together you might be able to figure out the concept. Such as what BIONICLE character might appear as the main villain, or if the story stays in New York or branches out elsewhere (which it will eventually).Well... There's the update at least. P.S. TO THE NUIMOBILE!!
  4. Late night update: I'll be posting a new chapter tomorrow and will update this post with a new update.And yes, it is after two in my area. Yes, I do sleep. I'm just sleep posting.P.S. TO THE NUIMOBILE!!
  5. Wow... Tahu's rude.But anways, I enjoyed this. Especially the part about beating socks out of animals... Uh, wait, that's not what it sounded like. P.S. TO THE NUIMOBILE!!
  6. MERRY CHRISTMAS INTERNETS!! No matter what holiday you're celebrating this season, I wish you all the best. Except you. Yeah, you. You know who you are... ( )P.S. TO THE NUISLAY!!
  7. Can you believe it? Christmas is this Sunday. Isn't it hard to believe time has just flown by like that? That the year is almost over, and that by this time next year the whole world will come crashing to an end. But before we dawn our gas masks and our zombie repelents in preparations for 2012, we gotta celebrate the holidays! So, in honor of this great tradition of getting presents, me, The Dark Chronicler, Ironman197, and the infamous iBrow (he should make that his name ) present to you a comedy for the holiday season, based on perhaps one of the most depressing, yet hilarious, Christmas song ever recorded. So in honor of the season, no matter what holiday you're celebrating this season, I welcome you to ...Christmas at Ground ZeroPart 1 of 12: Icarax got Ran over by a Yakby The BIONICLE HeroTakanuva loved Christmas. It was absolutely his favorite holiday.He loved the snow, he loved the cheer, he loved the tree, and he even tolerated his family. And if you knew his family, you'd know how amazing that was. Everything and anything about Christmas was just his favorite thing in the whole world, and it was the very reason he suffered through countless hours of fighting to get everyone presents, so that way he could tell them he got them something nice and they'd HAVE to get him something just as big. THAT was the best part of the season to him...But not this year.Or the last few years for that matter. Things just haven't gone his way… especially around the holidays lately. I mean, Thanksgiving '09 he lost his job, Christmas the same year Tahu thought it'd be a good idea for him to fix the turkey, of which they spent the night watching Taka's parent's house burn to the ground, and Halloween 2010... He just tried to keep those memories repressed, but he did remember it had something to do with a cake and some sort of lie... It seemed these days everything Taka even thought of turned into a big pile of useless wreckage.And Taka didn't like it. Not at all… He was beginning to wonder if even Artakha had it better than he did. At least Artakha excepted his horrible life… Well besides the numerous suicide attempts. Why had everything gone wrong for Taka lately…? Why was his life falling apart around him, and just when he thought it couldn't get any worse, the floor would fall out from under him and he'd find a whole basement full of Visorak…Standing there in front of his tree, Taka found he was at one of his lowest points… This year was perhaps the worst yet. Bella was off in Britain with her 'friend', and Taka was here… Stuck in a warehouse/apartment full of people crazier than he was. Thanks to Tahu, even his family hated him now. Well, they weren't fond of him before, but thanks to last New Years, a box of fireworks, and a guy named Guy, they hadn't returned his calls since.So here Taka was, depressed at Christmas. How could it get any worse…ARTAKHA: Hello my friend.Jumping, startled, Taka turned to see the floor had fallen through once more… Well, not literally… you get it.TAKA: Artakha, please… I'm not in the mood…Artakha just sadly nodded.ARTAKHA: It seems no one is ever in the mood for me anymore…Artakha just jumped out the window as he always does during his depression fits. This time not landing on a fire escape…Standing outside carrying a box full of his favorite Christmas decorations, Icarax was getting ready for decorating. He too loved Christmas, but despite his horrible life, he never let it get the best of him. Icarax was just as cheerful as he always was this time of year, getting ready to -From above, a suicidal Artakha landed hard on the poor unsuspecting Makuta…But it wasn't Icarax.Icarax turned startled to see Artakha had landed on some other poor Makuta. Shocked, Icarax stood frozen... Knowing this was too good to be true. He looked arround for other falling objects or escaped creatures or meteors or anything really to make sure it was safe, and to his, and everyone's for that matter, surprise... He was safe...ICARAX: It's a Christmas mirracle...Skipping like a school girl with a sugar rush doing a bad impression of a ballet dancer, Icarax found himself over joyed at how much his luck had changed. That is, until he ran out into the road and got ran over by a Yak.Flying in his slay, pulled by the flying Yak's ('cause they're more efficient than Reindeer... He doesn't have to fill them up as much, Reindeer fuel is expensive these days... Santa has to save money to, ya know, flying arround the world in one night ain't cheap!), a skinny Santa clause looked back as he flew away, eating his non-fat sugar-free cookies.SANTA: Did we hit something?Spitting out the disgusting cookie, Santa tossed it of the side of the slay.SANTA: Stupid diet... Stupid wife thinks she's the boss of me, 'eh?As Santa flew away, he reached into his secret stash of real cookies. 'Cause he's fly like that.But back in the B-Teams living room (and to the real story), Taka just stood staring at the tree still, a single ornament that had a picture of Bella in it drawing most of his attention. He thought she looked beautiful in that picture… Despite the fact her skin was whiter than Kopaka's armor on bath day.Walking in and seeing his friend all depressed, the drunk Tahu knew how to make him feel much, much better.With a very, very good story.TAHU: Taka-sh… Sit-sh down.Takanuva turned… he knew this wouldn't be good.TAKA: Tahu, please, I just want to be alone for a little while.TAHU: Do not-sh worry-sh my friend-sh… I jusht have-sh a story-sh you should hearsh.TAKA: Really? Something really tells me I shouldn't.TAHU: Don't worry, thish ish a very happy shtory… About love-sh, and joy-sh, and family-sh, and Chrishtmash.TAKA: Fine…And with that, Tahu began. Well, he blacked out for a couple seconds first, but as soon as he woke up he began his 'Chrishtmash' tale...Mata Nui help us...P.S. TO THE NUISLAY!!
  8. I got a short, late night (at least for me anyways) update for you guys. Sure it could wait until tomorrow, but I won't be able to sleep until I post this. So, for those of you wondering where my Christmas special is, well, it's in the future. To be more clear, it shall be posted, along with a preveiw of a T&T main chapter (which'll be posted on New Years Eve with another coming New Years Day), somewhere arround five or six. So, if you're interested in my comedy, then hop in your time machine and go check it out. If not... then... well... Find a way to pass the time... Like TV. Read... Catch up on some homework... Or, ya' know, if you're in my time zone do what I should be doing and sleep...Oh, and another thing, before you ask, no I did not disappear off the face of the Earth for the last few weeks. I've been on a globe-trotting adventure searching for the lost city of Atlantis... Oh, ya' know, I was just busy with family stuff. But that's not exciting. P.S. TO THE NUIMOBILE!!
  9. This... This my friend, is just epically AWESOME. I absolutely laughed my Kanohi off every time we bumped our heads on a steaming valve. Ironman trying to snipe a poor, unsuspecting Nate and me being completely oblivious to it... I absolutely love it! I can't wait to read what other game-refferences you got. Thanks for this. The only way this could be better is if Indiana Jones popped in also (hint, hint ).P.S. TO THE NUIMOBILE!!
  10. Trivia: In 306 B.C., Plato wrote several epics that sparked Atlantis mythology. But while he was writing, what food did he snack on?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mare Tranquillitatis

      Mare Tranquillitatis

      Nah, I think it was Happy Meal. Then Homer Simpson came out of his hideout and tried to eat a donut, but Optimus Prime shot him in the hand and the donut fell to the ground. Green Lantern used his ring to attract it to his mouth, but he was given unconscious by me. Then everyone finally fleed away, scared, and the Donut War ended my victory. I wasn't so happy so I used my ring and Atlantis got destroyed. That's the truth. That's how it happened.

    3. Paleo


      He ate the paper that he was writing on.

    4. Sumiki


      ... I'm going to guess "squid."

  11. Okay, I may be short on time lately, but if I come up with an idea I'll deffinately be entering simply because I love the idea of an unconventional Christmas theme. I now officially have a mental picture of Aliens doing their Christmas shopping while invading earth. I mean, obviously that won't be my story. But I don't know why, I just find that image hilarious...P.S. TO THE NUIMOBILE!!
  12. 5/5Eh, think I've seen you around. P.S. TO THE NUIMOBILE!!
  13. 1/5Same here. Well, unless this topic counts.P.S. TO THE NUIMOBILE!!
  14. Jigsaw puzzles.(Ah... Sounds awesome then, albeit with a very odd name.)P.S. TO THE NUIMOBILE!!
  15. Confused.(What in the world is a Brisingr?)P.S. TO THE NUIMOBILE!!
  16. 5/5Ah, a fellow comedy writer. Nice to see a familiar fa -uh- avatar.P.S. TO THE NUIMOBILE!!
  17. 3/5Wow... This topic has seriously grown since my last post... yeesh.P.S. TO THE NUIMOBILE!!
  18. Me too! I tried logging in to check my emial, and it said my account had been compromised and I needed to change my password. I wonder if Yahoo is having one of those massive hacks like Sony had earlier this year?
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