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Everything posted by Ehlekdude

  1. I guess I'm not bad.The following poster had a battery somewhere in his house run out earlier today.
  2. Very nice, colours are great and fitting for a Makuta. The Hero Factory pieces look good here, especially those black pieces with markings from the fire villains on his legs. The mask is very nice and I like the quaza spikes there. My only minor complaint would be the Toa feet on his weapons (speaking of which that chain is awesome) that don't seem to really add anything to the MOC. 9/10
  3. Negative.TPBM is listening to music as he is replying
  4. Although all of them have their own beauty to me, probably the Hau would be my choice if I had to choose one.
  5. Oh trust me, I do...TPBM likes Clone Wars
  6. Very nice, looks both like a Gukko and an X-Wing. As many have said, though, there really should also be engines on the bottom. I like the place where the cockpit of a X-Wing would be. Very nice use of that Rahkshi back. 9.5/10
  7. Happy birthday!

  8. Clockspirit:Even though he doesn't really look like one, this guy reminds me of a spider. Perhaps it's the skinny arms and cute little Visorak head. Not jaw-droppingly amazing, but very nice and original. 7.5/10Cascade 5.0:Alright, you just set a new standard for Hero MOCs. The Bionicle pieces look very well alongside the HF ones. He is kind of reminiscent of Keena, which is most cool (unless he also speaks like Kiina. That wouldn't be so cool). Despite his mission though, I'm not sure if I like that flame piece. 9.5/10
  9. Amazing. Truly amazing. The legs are the best legs I have ever seen. The body is great. Sword is epic. My only complaint is that maybe the cloak should be a wee bit longer. When I thought abought it before, I thought that Keetorange and orange really don't work well together. This guy here proves just how shamefully wrong I was. This is amazing, 10/10
  10. Chapter 14 The Great Devourer. Lewa: Guys, we’ve got a problem. Tarix: What is it, sir?Lewa: Hydraxon has gone mad, wants to obtain control over this house and has a fearsome machine on his side.Brutaka: And you want me to take him out, I gather? Lewa: I don’t know if you’ll be able to. The Great Devourer, for that is the name of Hydraxon’s machine, could devour you while you attempted to assassinate it’s master. And you come in handy, it would be a pity losing you. Brutaka: So what do you suggest?Lewa: Give your bazooka to some real loser, who will try to shoot Hydraxon with it. If that loser dies, it won’t be a big loss.Brutaka: And who would the little loser be?Lewa: I have already told that loathsome Gresh. He seemed most enthusiastic about it.Brutaka: Here’s the bazooka, Gresh-who-can’t-fly.Gresh: Woohoo! A real bazooka! Brutaka: No, you moron. You aim that side towards your enemy. You’re pointing it backwards.Lewa: Uh oh. Gresh: Heh heh heh. I know, Brutaka. *pulls trigger*Rocket: *flies out of Bazooka and hits Lewa, blasting him into oblivion.*Brutaka: I gave you the Bazooka. Thus, I want it back. It was a terrible idea to give it to a moron such as you.Gresh: Yeah, you can reload it for me. *gives Brutaka the bazooka.*Brutaka: *reloads the bazooka and blasts Gresh into oblivion.*Onua: Brutaka, I demand an explanation for your most recent action of blasting Gresh into oblivion.Brutaka: He was a moron.Onua: So what?! If someone is a moron, you send him to school! You don’t shoot him with a bazooka!Brutaka: You sound like a moron, too.Onua: I’m not! I am a highly intelligent life form!Brutaka: You sure talk like a moron. I guess you’ll have to join your dumb pal Gresh.Onua: *runs away*ElsewhereAxonn: Ta daa! Your new shuttle is complete!Ra Koon: Thank you, Axonn. Do you think it can withstand a journey to RA1138?Axonn: Maybe.Commander Cookie Retriever: Maybe is fine. However, may I ask how you connected the side panels there to the rest of the ship?Axonn: I used SNOT for that purpouse.Commander Cookie Retriever & Ra Koon: What?! Axonn: What’s wrong with that?Ra Koon: You expect us to fly in a ship held together by snot?!Axonn: Why wouldn’t you?Commander Cookie Retriever: It’s not gonna last a minute held together by snot!Axonn: Yes it will. It’s connected in a bunch of places.Ra Koon: Well I am NOT going to fly in something held together by yucky snot!Axonn: What’s yucky about it?Ra Koon: What do you mean “what’s yucky about it?” Everything!Commander Cookie Retriever: Looks like we’re stuck here after all. *goes back inside accompanied by Ra*Axonn: I guess they like their studs facing upwards.Back near the Great Devourer, a few minutes later.Hydraxon: Yes! I shall be in power now! Once I got the Great Devourer, making this house my empire was a piece of cake!Pohatu, feed my Great Devourer!Pohatu: What does your Great Consumer like, oh Great Hydraxon?Hydraxon: Consumer goods, obviously!Pohatu: How about this really wet cut up watermelon? *feeds the Great Devourer some really wet cut up watermelon*Hydraxon: No no no no no no!!!Pohatu: What is thy problem, Great Hydraxon?Hydraxon: My- my Great Devourer! He’s dying! Great Devourer: *stops working*Pohatu: Woo hoo! The Great Devourer thing doesn’t work any more! Hydraxon: But I am still in power, right?!Maxilos: N o y o u a r e n o t . I t h r o w y o u o u t w i n d o w n o w . *grabs Hydraxon and throws him out the window.*Onua: I guess I’m in power now. Pohatu: And what will you change?Onua: I command you to tear down this house and see if there is anything interesting in the ground underneath it.Pohatu: No chance. Go join Hydraxon outside. I’m in command now. *throws Onua out the window*Pohatu: Now, since I am in command, my first order will be to Nuparu. Nuparu, tear this Great Devourer machine apart and tell me what exactly it is.Nuparu: It appears to be a standard vacuum cleaner with red eyes painted on. Pohatu: A vacuum cleaner? Is it still functional?Nuparu: Nope. The water in the watermelon kind of ruined it.Pohatu: Then give it to Meltdown. He likes garbage.End of chapter 14Words: 761
  11. One of my favourite lines. Ehlek is easily my favourite, though I would like to get Takadox, he looks awesome. The best thing about Barraki is, IMO, their unique builds. They look creepy sometimes, which is awesome. Pridak has those nice red markings on his face and blades that look great.
  12. The colours. Oh, those glorious colours of Mata Green and lime . Ok, lets start with the Hero.Swamp 2.0 is very, very nice. The colours are beautiful and those guns on his back are really cool. Mata feet look great there.Bike: When I saw the first picture, I thought the bike and rider were one. That is how perfectly these two are suited for themselves. The use of those Mata and Bohrok body parts are great, the bike has an 01-03 feel because of them. Yet it still looks good with Heroes. Those blades on the front are really great. Perhaps the only part I'm not a fan of are the wheels. In a swampy enviroment, these would get caught in the muck and would just get the bike caught in it. Perhaps for a swamp bike other wheels with treads would work better. Even so, this is a definite 9.95/10
  13. The head is kind of cute and the whole bodyis very well built. The shield looks good on it, and the technic springs are a really clever idea. The feet and gun are also very nice. The head compared with the rest of the body and legs give it a lot of character. 9.5/10
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