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Everything posted by Ehlekdude

  1. The Ian figure, I believe that was exclusive.
  2. Chapter 10 Honey!!! Breez: Hi, Rocka.Rocka: Yo!Evo: Any of you got any cookies?Breez: The shop has some cookies.Evo: Brutaka blew up the shop.Rocka: I'm starting to be afraid of living here.Evo: Well, do you have the cookies?Breez: Ehlek might, he's a big cookie fan too.Evo: Well then I'm gonna take his cookies.Breez: I wouldn't do that. He's got claws and a small rocket launcher bought from Brutaka.Rocka: Take him by surprise, bro. Or hire a sniper.Evo: I don't want to go around killing everyone I see like most of you. I just want the cookies.Rocka: You're a pacifist?Evo: No, but I'm not obsessed with killing like Brutaka.Breez: You're wierd. Everybody likes killing.Evo: You're evil! Killing is wrong! Doesn't your conscience tell you that?Breez: Nah, I killed my conscience long ago.Rocka: Yeah, me too. He was easy, didn't even carry a pistol do defend himself.Evo: Your conscience is good! He's supposed to tell you killing others is wrong.Breez: Not mine isn't.Evo: Is yours bad?Breez: I already told you, he's dead.Rocka: You yellow types are bad listeners.Breez: See you around, no-purple. We're going to kill some Bionicles!Evo: You two are terrible.Rocka: And remember: I've got a honeycomb shield!Kalmah: Honey? Did I hear someone say honey? I love honey!Rocka: Yeah, I said it, reffering to my shield.Kalmah: *tries to eat Rocka's shield*Rocka: Are you feeling all right, Calamari?Kalmah: This honey is very hard.Breez: It's not honey. It's plastic.Kalmah: Ah, then forget it.Krika: Can me interest you in buying good pancake wid honey?Kalmah: How much is it?Krika: 140$.Kalmah: Great! *gives Kalmah the money*Krika: *makes pancake*Kalmah: Can I have my pancake now?Krika: No chance. *eats pancake*Kalmah: What the ? I just paid 140$ so you can eat a pancake?Krika: Yes.Kalmah: *stomps off*Krika: Why he so unfriendly?Elsewhere.Avak: Zaktan wanted you to what? Dude, that guy was insane. Good that he's dead now.Furno: He wanted to take over the house, but I silenced him. How much do I get paid?Avak: 1$. Go buy 1/140th of a pancake and let Krika eat it.Furno: Yes, sir. Anything else you want me to do?Avak: As a matter of fact there is. I want Lewa gone by nightfall. Then I will get control over this house! Bwahahahaha!Furno: Are all you Piraka so obsessed with control over this house http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/sarcastic.gif ? *takes out pistol and shoots Avak*Hakkan: Listen, can you do something for me?Furno: NO! *goes off to get 1/140th of a pancake and let Krika eat it.*Yet elsewhere.Onua: I'm back from my archeological expedition!Nex: Well, good for you. Now go talk about it somewhere else and leave me alone.Onua: Who's the orange guy?Thornraxx: A real pessimist. How was your trip, Mr. Black?Onua: Oh good, good. We found some old Lego space ship crashed in the valley. Looks like it's just arrived there.Thornraxx: Nobody in it?Onua: I'm too big to fit. Didn't see anyone, though.In the valey.Ra Koon: Commander, any idea what this planet is we crashed on and if it's inhabited by Heroes?Commander: No idea what it's called, but there appears to be some white hero on the horizon sitting and comtemplating his sad little life.Ra Koon: Do we have enough firepower to end his sad little life?Commander: No, ma'am. But remember, I suggested taking a Star Destroyer here. But no, you said "we'll be fine in a little shuttle" and now look where we wound up.Ra Koon: Quit mocking your superiours. Now lets get outta this wreckage and see if we can live with that Hero.Commander: Ma'am, but Heroes are bad. They're our enemies.Ra Koon: We can blow up his house with him in it from inside. You didn't think I really started tolerating the Heroe's existence, did you?End of chapter 10Words: 676
  3. I like this little guy a lot. Even though he's small, you managed to put an amazing amount of detail into him. The torso and the back is very well built, his face is nice. The jetpack looks very good, too.
  4. Waspix/Bitil is tall and imposing, with a nice colour scheme. Although I never got Waspix, I can tell he's much better than Bitil or Waspix (from pictures). I especially like the torso and the silver on his upper half.Krika is also really good. The two Crast look nice as front mandibles, the custom head and Rahkshi back is probably the best, though.
  5. Thanks. Brutaka is a MOCer, but he uses many of his MOCs as targets for weapons testing (which would usually result in the MOC being blown to pieces, torched, eaten up by acid or any other unfortunate death) , which is why I haven't introduced a MOC yet. Glad you like it, next chapter will probably be up later today or tommorow.EDIT: Actually, it will probably be monday.
  6. Yeah, Nitroblast, Drilldozer and one of the Jetbugs are toys, and the Jetbug from the icy planet is real. Nitro met real Jetbug on the icy planet (when he was with Surge), and Drilldozer and toy Jetbug arrived in the house together in chapter 4.Hope that clears things up a bit, glad you like it. http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.png
  7. Chapter 9 Tiger suits are awesome. Thornraxx: Yay, another sunny day!Nex: The sun is ugly.Thornraxx: No it isn’t! It’s beautiful!Nex: Nothing’s beautiful.Thornraxx: Everything’s beautiful.Nex: And how is it you plan to waste your day today, not that I care?Thornraxx: Oh, buy a new aquarium for Jawblade. Brutaka accidentally shot the last one and it smashed. It lookedawesome when he shot it, though! But I bet the new one will be even more awesome!Nex: No it wont. Nothing’s awesome.Thornraxx: Why are you always so depressed?Nex: Why are you always so happy-sappy?Thornraxx: Because life’s beautiful! And I’ve got wings!Nex: Life sucks. And not only do I not have wings, but I’m stuck in a dumb tiger suit.Thornraxx: That suit is very nice!Nex: I loathe it. I loathe everything.Thornraxx: You should be more optimistic. Set your hopes a little higher.Nex: If I set my hopes higher, they get crushed like a cookie.Evo: Cookie? Cookie where?Nex: Nowhere, moron.Thornraxx: There are plenty delicious cookies in the kitchen cupboard if you want some.Evo: Great! Cookies are good.Thornraxx: Everything’s good!Evo: Around cookies.Nex: Everything’s awful.Evo: Without any cookies, yes. *runs off to the kitchen*Brutaka: Hey, any of you guys wanna test my new weapon?Thornraxx: Sure! But why wont you test it yourself?Brutaka: Whoever fires it gets fried. And I don’t want to get fried.Bitil: Mmm, fries…Thornraxx: On second thought, I don’t wanna fire your weapon.Brutaka: I can’t find ANY volunteer.Nex: I’ll do it. I’ve had enough of this wretched life in a tiger suit.Thornraxx: No, Nex, don’t do it!Nex: Give me the weapon, Brutaka.Brutaka: I’d preffer it if you went outside to do it. The blast radius is supposed to be huge on these things.Nex: Too much trouble. I don’t feel like it. Besides, I’d be doing you a favor. I hate doing others favours.Bitil: Will I get my fries or not?Nex: You won’t.Bitil: Oh yeah? And what if I do?Nex: Then they’ll probably be poisoned.Thornraxx: I think they would be great, crispy fries. With no poison.Nex: Don’t listen to that bug.Bitil: You’re right Nex, I won’t. He makes me drool.In a different room.Zaktan: How was your mission, agent Furno?Furno: Subject terminated just as you requested, sir.Zaktan: Excellent. Your next assignment is the current leader, Lewa. And make it look like an accident.Furno: Yes, sir.Zaktan: After Lewa is gone, control goes to Onua, if he returns. If not, it’s Mantax. After we take care of that creep, I get control over this house.Furno: Hope you’re not too harsh on me, sir.Zaktan: Don’t worry, assassin. You’ll have the honorable place in my new empire as Zaktan the Awesome’s footstool.Furno: I’m starting to rethink this plan, sir.Zaktan: Using a different weapon? Or something more… drastic?Furno: More drastic. Much more drastic. *pulls out pistol and shoots Zaktan*Back in the other room.Macku: What was that shot?Bitil: Who cares? There are at least 20 shots a day in this house.Macku: I’m surprised Living Toys haven’t gone extinct yet. We are such an endangered species because of you.Bitil: Who cares. I want my fries.Macku: You don’t care about the future of your race?Bitil: Not in the least. Now give me fries.Nex: As I said, the fries will be poisoned.Bitil: I don’t care, as long as they’re good.Thornraxx: Oh, they’ll be good!Nex: I’m getting fed up with you optimists.Thornraxx: You should become one. Try it at least.Nex: Well, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to try.Thornraxx: Exactly! Now, lets say, what food do you like?Nex: I guess cookies aren’t bad.Thornraxx: So think of awesome things like cookies falling from the sky! What would you do?Nex: Get crushed.Thornraxx: Well, what if it didn’t hit you?Nex: Then I’d get ran over by a mob of cookie fans and die.Thornraxx: I guess you’re just a born pessimist.Nex: I told you, housefly.Thornraxx: Housefly’s are awesome!Bitil: I am seriously getting tired of all this waiting. Somebody get me fries!Brutaka: I can get you fried.Bitil: Oh, fine. Whatever.Brutaka: As you wish. *grabs flamethrower and fries Bitil.*Bitil: *melts*Brutaka: Why did he want to get fried, exactly?Nex: I guess he finally realized life was awful and decided to end it. Stupid moron became smart in the end.Gali: Sorry to bother you guys, but Brutaka set the house on fire.Nex: Gali? Gali from “Gali’s Cute Pets”?Gali: You’re thinking of Gali nr. 215. I’m number 674.Nex: How many of you are there?Gali: Currently, about 2100 live Gali’s are in the universe. 297 are on Earth.Nex: Have you ever met another Gali?Gali: Yeah, a year back or so. At the interplanetary Gali meeting.Nex: How was it?Gali: Well, since we all share the same personality, everyone agreed on what another Gali said. So it was kind of boring, actually.Nex: Especially since you’ve got such a boring personality.Furno: *comes in* In case you haven’t heard, the house is on fire because of some flamethrower malfunction. Unless you want to melt, I suggest you go outside. *goes outside*Gali: *goes outside*Nex: *stays inside*Brutaka: Fear not, petty beings. I’ll save the house with my new water blaster.Nex: Rats.Brutaka: *launches a jet of water at the house, which puts the fire out and floods the house.*Thornraxx: I think we can go back inside now.Jawblade: Blub blub! (Freedom!) *Swims around in the water flooding the house.*Furno: Jawblade! According to my mission on HeroFactory.com, I’m supposed to terminate you.Jawblade: Blub blub blub blub blub blub blub. (Don’t worry, that’s just the dumb storyline)Furno: Shouldn’t I obey the storyline?Jawblade: blub blub blub blub blub (According to the storyline, half of the Bionicles here are supposed to be dead and everyone has a different personality. So forget about the stupid storyline.Furno: Your speech has persuaded me to let you live, sharkboy. Now get back into your aquarium.End of chapter 9Words: 1045
  8. I agree the cannon is a pretty bad representation of what it's supposed to be. Way too fat and the barrel is much too short. The minifigs are great, though.
  9. Oh man. This is awesome. Seriously awesome. The weapons look great, colour scheme is brilliant and general shape is absolutely astonishing. System pieces look good beside Bionicle ones. This has got to be 10/10.
  10. That's pretty neat. Simple, yet very creative. The disk looks really good in it.
  11. Thanks for the comments, Onewa7. Here is Season 2 Chapter 8 Toxic trouble Nuparu: I was in the shop again and managed to get that Splitface guy they didn’t have the other day.Lewa: Tell Ignika.Nuparu: I don’t have Splitface with me.Lewa: Where is he?Nuparu: Well, uh, how should I say this, that Toxic Reapa just came up to me, snatched the bag out of my hand and ate it.Lewa: Ate it? A huge plastic bag?Nuparu: Yeah. So I’m going back to the shop now, and when I come back I want Reapa chained up or something.Lewa: I’ll tell Whenua, go get another Splitface.Nuparu: *runs away to get another Splitface.*Nitroblast: Lewa, Toxic Reapa is eating the living room carpet.Lewa: Does that guy eat everything?Nitroblast: I guess. He already ate half a closet, an umbrella, a big knife and a dead mosquito from what I saw.Lewa: Can’t you stop him?Nitroblast: Not really. Hahli tried that and he ate her. So it’s best not to get close to that guy.Lewa: This is getting a little out of hand. Tell Brutaka to shoot him.Nitroblast: Reapa also ate all of Brutaka’s weapons. That made Brutaka very mad.Lewa: Does anyone still have a weapon?Nitroblast: Nope. Everything’s eaten.Lewa: We seriously have to get rid of that guy.Toxic Reapa: *comes up and eats Nitroblast’s leg*Lewa: *leaps on Toxic Reapa*Toxic Reapa: *Swallows Lewa*Nitroblast: *hops away on his one leg*Pohatu: I’m the new leader now.Nitroblat: And are you going to think of something to take care of that Toxic Reapa?Pohatu: Okay. *picks up phone and makes a call*Nitroblast: Did you call the weapons dealer? Reinforcements?Pohatu: I thought you said take care of him, not kill him.Nitroblast: I’m afraid to ask…Doorbell: *rings*Pohatu: Open the door, Mazeka the doorman.Mazeka: Uh, Pohatu? Why is there a babysitter here?Pohatu: I called her to take care of Toxic Reapa.Nitroblast: http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/annoyed2.gifMacku: How can I help?Pohatu: I’ve got a villain to take care of.Macku: What does he like to do?Pohatu: Eat everything.Macku: Big appetite, eh?Nitroblast: He eats stuff like furniture, so unless you have a rocket launcher, you won’t be of much help.Macku: Don’t worry, I’ll take care of him with my methods. Come here, Reapa!Toxic Reapa: *comes to Macku*Macku: Do you like to eat stuff, cutie?Toxic Reapa: *eats Macku*Nitroblast: Pohatu, do you now see what I meant when I said take care of Toxic Reapa?Pohatu: You meant to kill him?Nitroblast: Exactly. Now let me call the weapons shop. *calls the weapons shop*Antroz (over phone): This is Antroz’ Armoury, Antroz speaking, how can I help you?Nitroblast: I want every single weapon you have, and I want it now!Antroz: Sir, that’s a lot of weapons. Are you sure you have enough money?Nitroblast: Don’t worry about that. Now deliver my order!Pohatu: We don’t have enough money to buy all the weapons.Nitroblast: You actually think I’m gonna pay?Pohatu: Uh, yeah. How else?Nitroblast: Not pay.Three minutes later.Doorbell: *rings*Nitroblast: Well, you sure took your time.Antroz: I’m very sorry, sir.Nitroblast: That’s not enough. *grabs a gun out of one of the boxes and points it at Antroz*Antroz: No sir, you can’t do that.Nitroblast: Wrong. *shoots Antroz repeatedly*Pohatu: I see now what you meant by “not paying”.Nitroblast: Ooh, nice. A Wookie Rocket Launcher.Pohatu: Now shoot that Toxic guy!Nitroblast: *grabs some sort of big laser gun and shoots a voley of lasers at Toxic Reapa.Toxic Reapa: Gumba truble latte santu!Nitroblast: What’s he saying? *stops firing, as the weapon seems useless against Reapa*Matoro: He says “I thought you liked me eating everything!”Nitroblast: Well, tell him we don’t. And if he would kindly care to stop, I’ll spare him his life.Matoro: Totti gumba pantaux latte Nitroblast truble.Toxic Reapa: OK. *spits out everything he prieviously ate*Pohatu: You see, if you just try to talk, you can settle everything peacefully.Nitroblast: Yeah, but it’s no fun.Macku: Wow, that guy has one huge stomach.Nuparu: I’m baaaaack! And the shop clerk said all the Splitfaces escaped, so I don’t have one.Pohatu: Reapa spit everything out already, including the Splitface.Ignika: Let me guess…Pohatu: That’s right, “Mr. I love my job”.Ignika: *makes contents of Splitface’s bag alive.*Splitface: *jumps out*Red half of Splitface: Hiya guys! It’s awesome to see ya all!Black half of Splitface: you.Nitroblast: Is there any way we could cut that guy down the middle, blow up the black half and keep the red half?Ignika: We’ve done that before with some other assymetrical guy, didn’t turn out great.Nitroblast: Why, what happened? Did he die?Ignika: Axonn broke his ax doing it.Splitface’s red half: Sorry for my kinda unfriendly black half, guys.Splitface’s black half: my red half sooooo much.Nokama: Please refrain from such language around Matoran!Splitface’s black half: you, .Splitface’s red half: Sorry lady, that half isn’t very nice.Nuparu: Maybe we should just tape up his little potty mouth.Splitface’s black half: you you you! *kicks Nuparu.*Nuparu: How about we cut him in half with one of those new katanas from Antroz?Nitroblast: I gave those to Vezon.Pohatu: What will he do with them?Vezon: Stick them up my nose! *sticks a katana up his nose*Katana: *Goes out the back of Vezon’s head*Nuparu: Ouch.Vezon: *takes katana out* That didn’t go well.Nitroblast: I don’t think Vezon should be allowed to play with sharp objects.Pohatu: We tried giving him pillows and stuff, but he almost set fire to the house with those.Macku: Isn’t Vezon supposed to have that big spider with him?Pohatu: While Fenrakk was sleeping, Brutaka took him apart and built some mech out of the parts.Spitface’s red half: *goes away to the park and drags his black half with him*Splitface’s black half: *continues thru the park to the bar and drags his red half with him*Pohatu: Those two really shouldn’t be paired up with themselves.End of chapter 8Words: 1036
  12. LOL, that was a funny chapter. Since the whole chapter was funny, I'll list some of the funniest parts: Yeah, but the simple ways are boring. Says the guy with three eyes and tentacles.Keep up the great work! http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.png
  13. Yay, you're back! :biggrin:Golem - nice, kinda cute. I like the use of Carapar feet for the head and the Zamor there. 8.5/10Crocosaur - very nice, animal-like design. The Zaktan spine makes it look almost organic. 9.5/10Big Head - I was immediately reminded of Gadunka when I saw him. Huge mask looks sort of funny. 8/10Clockwork Kopaka - now this is wonderful. Gears are awesome. So is Kopaka. 10/10Alternate Fangz - for an alternate model, this is pretty impressive. 9/10Cyber Moth - interesting and original. Good use of parts and nice colours. 9.5/10Akamai Revamp - I like it, but too many colours. I realise the original was much worse, though. The torso is nice. 8/10Exo-Toa - flows nicely and has good weapons. Those 2.0 armour pieces on the torso look great. 9/10War Limulis - for such a small size, pieces flow nicely and it's detailed. The elite is also good, but that part from Surge 2.0's gun sticks up too much. Regular 9/10, Elite 7.5/10Thornspix Guardian - those Vahki head pieces look great as wings. Inika torso makes a nice body here. 8.5/10Tank - although the wheels seem a little small compared to the top, the colours are very nice and the Bohrok piece on top looks good. 8/10Von Nebula Revamp - wow. I thought the set was awesome, but this is just amazing. The colour scheme makes the blue pins look good and in place. The arms are wonderful and I like the weapon with three blades. The detail on the torso is spectacular. 10/10Brown titan -nice, but the spine looks out of place. 8/10Steltian - the head and torso is great, but those pins on the arms look terribly out of place. 9/10 without looking at the pins.Eldrone - the Zamor inside the wheel looks good. Nice, but not impressive like Von Nebula. 7.5/10Gunmetal Drone - what exactly is that centre piece? The drone itself is not bad, 7/10Aquatic Rat - the Miru stuck on to it looks like a Miru randomly stuck on to it. Although the colours are nice, a custom head would have been much better. 4/10 Revamp looks like a dead rat, but it's better, so 6/10 on the revamp.Xmas Creature - very nice. Flows perfectly and good use of all the parts. 9.5/10Xmas King - probably the second best here, after Von Nebula. Nice colours and cape. Make it your self-MOC, it's awesome. 10/10
  14. Lewa, especially in his early days. Later he was still cool, but I liked his character mostly as a Mata.
  15. Yeah, the ARF Trooper helmet is probably the nicest helmet there is. And although I like the cloth pauldron on the new ARC Trooper a lot, it does not seem like a great representation of the real one, as it drops down over the arms too much. The kama, however, is, I think, a good representation and looks great.
  16. That ARC Trooper/Droid Commando Battle Pack is definately my favourite. The ARC Trooper is amazing, and I like tyhe Commando Droids and ARF too. The Endor BP is cool, as is the Geonosian Cannon. Anakin's Interceptor is also good, a bit expensive, though. However, I don't think the Droid Escape set is great, and the Y-wing is bad, I'm glad I got Anakin's CW Y-wing instead of it. X-wing and TIE are OK.As for the planet sets, the Death Star one seems OK, the rest aren't that wonderful.Out of the polybags, I like the STAP and Super Tank.Also, Brickipedia lists two sets, R2-D2 and a B-wing to come out in March. After a lot of research, I have found nothing about them. Does anyone know any details about these?
  17. Where I live battle packs are like 20$, so 13$ seems cheap to me.That ARC Trooper/Commando Droid battle pack looks the best to me.Finally Lego comes around to releasing Commando Droids.
  18. Well, yeah, I guess the plot sort of makes it not as funny as the online animations, but it is still quite funny. I'm also a huge fan of The Clone Wars, and I own season 1 and 2 on DVD. I'm eagerly waiting for the 2012 animation to show up online now.
  19. I've seen "The Padawan Menace', and it's pretty good, has some funny moments, but I personally prefer the 5-minute animations on their website like "Bombad Bounty' or "Quest for R2-D2". I also really like the Clone Wars comics and follow the blog.
  20. Happy birthday!

    1. Pantera


      Thanks! Sorry I wasn't here for a while!

  21. Happy birthday!

    1. Makuta_of_Oz


      Thank you very much! :D (belated reply)

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