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Everything posted by Ehlekdude

  1. Is truly amazing enough said? No.Like all other MOCs of yours that I've seen, this guy is sleek, very well built and reminicent of a mech. The thin arms and legs look very good beside the round, bulky body that is very well built. I do like the feet, I think the smallness and roundness of them is fitting. 10/10
  2. All that detail in him in amazing, you also managed to blend Hero Factory and Bionicle pieces perfectly. The colour scheme is indeed very fiery, that trans-blue tube sticks out but fits really well. I really like the back with those Axalara pieces stuck on. The chest blasters are awesome, they make the body have a purpouse other than just joining the legs, arms and head together. The legs are the best though, so much small detail in them makes them look very mechanical. 10/10, great job!
  3. By far Lariska. She was just so cunning and awesome, with awesome weapons and a great personality.
  4. Happy Birthday!

  5. I like both versions, but I prefer the second one. It seems bulkier and tougher, like a fiery beast should be. The colours are great in both, I have never seen the idea to use fists to attaach legs before. 8.5/10
  6. Thanks! Well, I tried this, but it turned out pretty terrible. The wings are so loosely attached that they immediately fall off, they twist in every possible direction and are just attached pretty awfuly. Perhaps if I think of something better, I'll post it.
  7. Plain and simple, yet brilliant in a strange drone-like way. Looks very machine-like, but a mass-produced machine for work. That big thing on his hand looks good, it contrasts with the flimsyness of the rest of the drone. 8/10
  8. Now that is one awesome MOC. Those Gadunka heads just look so good there and the general shape and head are great. I also really like the weapon. The boots are very nice, maybe a bit too big. That Hero Factory armour piece on the hand just looks very good. 9.5/10
  9. Kiina's "WooHoo!" and how Teridax got killed by a moon.
  10. Although I really like Teridax, the Piraka and the Barraki, my favourite was by far Krika. You could see a glimpse of goodness in him and he really had a lot of potential, it was a real pity that he just got killed like that.
  11. One of the best years, IMO. It had the Barraki, which were fabulous, and the Mahrii, which weren't that great but weren't awful either. Hydraxon always looked cool to me, but I never bought him, preffering to get more of the regular Barraki. I probably most liked the Barraki because of their resemblance to animals, like Ehlek - eel, Carapar - crab, Pridak - chicken shark, and the squid launchers were an awesome weapon, I am one of those gifted people who can fire them across the house.
  12. Just taking up shelf room and keeping utterly useless and fairly useful things in them.
  13. Yes, and boy was it annoying.In summer 2011 I was on holiday in Montreal in a toy/book store. I noticed a Lego Star Wars Republic Attack Shuttle, which I wanted to get for a long time. I didn't see anything wrong with it, so I went up to the cash to buy it. There the woman said it's 30$ off, but didn't say why. I was really happy, until I opened the box. At least two bags of pieces were missing. Upon closer inspection I saw that the box had been opened from the bottom and later taped shut, but It wasn't something you'd notice right away when you're in a hurry. I noticed this right after I opened the box, so luckily I was able to return it to the store.I later got the shuttle with all the pieces from an internet store, though.
  14. Thanks, the end of a plane is just called a tail, as far as I know.Here are a few more photos from different angles: Thanks, it only took me about two minutes to build, though. Also thanks, but I don't really play with my my Bionicle guys a lot. Mostly they just stand there and get dusty, dusted and MOCed.
  15. I have had this little drone made for a while now, so I decided to post it here finally.Can post more pictures on request, but this is pretty simple.Hope you enjoy, C&C appreciated.
  16. Welcome to BZPower!About the MOCs, my favourite is definately Corrux, that colour scheme and shoulders look really nice. Zantar is cute, but that angle could be better. Oh, and you have a nice cat.
  17. Dude, I like all your MOCs, but this? This is beyond anything you have ever made. It is even better than that Von Nebula revamp you posted a while ago. Absolutely amazing, lets start with the top.Head: Either I am going crazy, that top photo is taken really, really wierdly or the first picture uses a different head, which is, as far as I can see, a wide Hero armour piece with one of those Savage Planet armour plates on it. Anyway, if that's the case, I think the silver Kanohi actually looks better on this guy.Torso: The use of those Mata feet is really clever, they flow nicely and serve their purpouse well. The armour in the middle of the torso looks great, too. The cape attachement works well.Arms: There is much detail in these, especially the left one holding the sword. The right one also looks great, I like them being asymetric. Whatever the sword is, it looks very good.Legs: Speaking of detail, these are just filled with it, from the bulky black Splitface armour to the Thornax launcher pieces. Although the feet do seem a bit pushed forward, the pieces were the best ones to use, as they match the rest of the MOC.Overall: As I said earlier, I think that this is your best work yet. Tahoo should be proud. 10/10, needless to say.
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