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King Joe

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Everything posted by King Joe

  1. King Joe

    A Bit Dodgy

    This one made me snicker. Yes little white mask with a monacle guy, you should complain. I like the banner too.
  2. But, Windrider, has made it quite clear that we probably won't have judges for the contest. Even so, if we did, graphics should key in, because in most cases, graphics make a comic better. That is at least my point of view. I absolutely dislike comics with bad graphics (I mean like one's that make your eyes hurt when you have to squint to see certain things), no offense to the people who make them. It's just I don't find comics like that funny or well-done. So in a sense, graphics should be part of the judging, but then again, there are so many other categories that need to be judged that it wouldn't matter that much if you had graphics that are as good as Kahi, or some other amazing graphical-master that make comics. -RezWell, I simply meant that if graphics were a large factor of the "judging" for this contest, that people with spectacular graphics such as Kahi or Gavla would always win, and it wouldn't be fair to newer comic makers who don't have as much experience making extremely high quality graphics, or even experienced comic makers who simply don't have the time. I know that if I were to spend a lot of time on it, I could make better quality comics. I simply don't have the time to learn how to do it.However, I do agree that there needs to be a limit. It should not be painful to read, and make the readers eyes want to burn out of their head.
  3. Would you mind clarifying what you mean when you say the Furno Bike hasn't been a set? I know it was available in the 1.0 wave.
  4. I believe so, several ideas have been suggested (such as a disaster theme).Also, I do believe that sprite comics should be allowed, while still allowing other kinds of comics, and I would hope that the judging is NOT even partially based on graphic quality (because Kahi would win every single time ). Seriously though, I know that when I started, I was absolutely terrible graphics wise. I still can't make backgrounds, although I have gotten better with spriting objects to a degree. If the judging was based even partially on graphics quality, then many new comic makers wouldn't enter, and it would only be people like Gavla and Kahi and others who think they can contend with them. You wouldn't garner new attention. Of course, there needs to be some basic standards, such as the text needs to be readable and written with correct grammar. It's extremely hard to read a comic when the text blends into the background and is written with improper grammar.
  5. IC (Surge): "Yowch," said Surge, as he started to walk towards the directed area. "Our speedy pyromaniac was serious this time. He's going down."
  6. King Joe


    Windrider reference made me Lol. Really, fun, I can't wait for more.
  7. IC (Surge): Surge followed, murmuring to himself "So cool...", and wishing that his control over energy would allow him to manipulate metal.
  8. IC (Surge): "Just wait, I haven't even got started yet!" Seeing that Magneta was protected, he poured on the juice. BOOM! The shock rattled windows, but Surge had gone high enough that they wouldn't break. In a few moments (more like one) They glided to a stop in front of the hospital, Surge redirecting the energy in order to stop them almost dead without crashing.
  9. IC (Surge): "Oh, I dunno, maybe Mach 1." After giving Magneta a moment to brace herself, he shot out of the basement, making extremely sure to pick a careful angle so he didn't take her head off.
  10. IC (Surge): Surge stopped to think for a minute, but then a new image of awesomeness washed over his brain. He hopped off the board, letting it gently come to the ground. "THIS. This is going to be epic. Hang on tight." he said with a mischievous grin, taking the tether.
  11. OOC (Surge): "Sweet." Surge hopped on and manipulated the magnetic energy of the earth in order to make the board rise. "Let's ride!" he shouted, extending his hand to Magneta.
  12. King Joe


    Now THIS looks interesting. I'm excited for this concept of former comic makers coming out of retirement. My only regret is that I didn't start reading BZP comics sooner so that I could get all the references.
  13. ...I should have just kept that poster. Tis awesome.If it disappears off your wall tonight Pirok, it wasn't me.
  14. Oh that will come Pirok. In time, be patient.
  15. The link for your GS comic on the first post ain't working' btw.
  16. Scriptor within scriptor?SCRIPTCEPTIONWait you already did that one....DANG IT PIROK!
  17. Chuck Norris is greater than everything. If the <> symbols don't comply, he roundhouse kicks them into submission.TPBM likes Chuck Norris jokes.
  18. Some sort of anime schoolgirl. I tire of the world's fascination with anime. I just don't get it is all.
  19. Granted. But you also forget every single lesson you learned from said bad events, and repeat them.I wish that I had awesome photo editing and drawing skills.
  20. *Closes mouth, seeming slightly disappointed*You're getting good at predicting my responses now... *Snickers*Thanks!And on that note, New Comic!Comic 5: Gettin' his Rear in Gear
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