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King Joe

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Everything posted by King Joe

  1. I really enjoy the blend of both. When you look at the Ninja's vehicles, they still look oriental. I like the fusion of traditional and modern, and when you think of it, those terms are really relative. The Ninjas could be playing on a Sega Genesis when they play their games, and that's not modern, its classic. But compared to traditional orentalism, it's modern. I like the unique blend that they provide. They're both there in equal amounts, and blended almost perfectly.
  2. Gotcha. Would be cool to see a 2.0/3.0/Breakout version of it though....*Begins to daydream about an awesome Breakout version Furno Bike, with a Hero Cuff launcher...*
  3. Various important characters from homestuck.I still don't quite get the insane appeal of that thing.
  4. Granted. Said pizza is extremely too large for you to eat on your own. It also crushes you.Meaning you were killed by a pizza.I wish I had a normally sized pizza that I could enjoy.
  5. KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHN!Or that's what it would be if it was Captain Kirk. Which it's not. It's an anime guy. So....DOKUGAAAAAAAAAAAAMI!
  6. Depends on what's cooked.TPBM like Coffee.
  7. The Doctor and various companions now grace my desktop. Also, when I start my computer, the sound of the TARDIS landing plays. When I connect a device, the sound of the Sonic Screwdriver plays.And when I get an error message a Dalek says EX-TER-MIN-ATE!
  8. EET IZ EYE! EYE AM ZE SPYE!Did I just become a not-spy by saying that?
  9. Out comes... A melted bottle of protodermis.In goes Mata Nui.
  10. BURNS LIFE'S HOUSE DOWN! with incinderary lemons. King Joe then eliminated Pirok's Godmodding by...
  11. I come back with only some duct tape and string. Using said elements and the various armor and debris strewn throughout the battlefield, I build myself a working exo-toa, powered by every single kanohi in existence except the Ignika. You dead.My Mask.
  12. Poor mole...Even his LITTLE burps get noticed.
  13. Before studying Chuck Norris for decades, African "killer" Bees were known simply as "mildly annoying".
  14. If a tiny bit of Latin counts, then yes.TPBM likes Mega Man X.
  15. Granted. But lego steals all your ideas and makes them into sets without any compensation, and you never defeat them in court.I wish I could be the main character in an action movie, and wouldn't die or be horribly hurt, still have time to do what I want to do, and enjoyed my job.
  16. Creepy anime guy. if it's the same image as the one in your sig, I would say that he's advocating peach.
  17. They're all red because that's the default color for the pieces. In LDDExtended mode, you have the option to recolor pieces in any way you wish.
  18. I love how Gav just slowly backed away while Chilly had no clue what was going through his head. Chilly's innocence makes for some awesome comics. It reminds me of the movie Elf....
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