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King Joe

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Everything posted by King Joe

  1. A pony in a sweater, and a quote about relations to unicorns and pegasi. That makes absolutely no sense.
  2. I use my Uber-Exo-Toa suit to do a bunch of shenanigans with all of the different mask powers, resulting in the mask being mine, and you up in a tree, eating leaves because you are starving, and believing you are a chicken.My Mask.
  3. Out comes Do NOT bypass the word filter! - B6.In goes B6.(Disclaimer: Black Six did not edit my post, nor would he have been required to. The "Black Six Edit" is a joke.)
  4. This looks fun. It should become even more so when you reach standard member status. Also, I echo what Reznas said about that effect, it's a little off.OM: Attempt to build a ladder out of your arms, some duck tape, a bit of string, and chewed bubblegum.This should be after Reznas's post.
  5. What I want to do with my Furno 2.0 is to take Pick a Brick and buy an extra Multi Tool Ice Sheild, and an extra hand, giving him a nice back and a hand, while mounting his weapon on his wrist.I just don't have a lego store nearby and I don't want to pay the shipping.
  6. Took all of his weapons, merged them into one, and went on a makuta killing spree. This activated the Mask of Life and resurrected King Joe, but...
  7. IC (Nihilo): On his next pass, Nihilo accidentally on-purpose brushed the corner of Neggers chair, hopefully eliminating a few hairs on his arm. "Oops. Sorry. I'm having trouble walking. Suck it up."
  8. Hey guys, I just wanted to remind everyone that I'm working on a fantastic Ninjago wiki over on Wikia. It's progressing nicely, and has a lot of fantastic information. We're still trying to get our feet under us, so any help would be appreciated! You can find us here.
  9. Yes, they travel through space, but to date, no sets have been made with heros in space. Of course they would be tied to some space station or space ship, but I could totally see zero-g battles happening.-don't touch my pocket protectorI would hate to see that in Hero Factory. Why? Because the show would COMPLETELY disregard all natural laws of physics in favor of flashy effects. Most likely, they'd treat it as just a bunch of empty air, which is exactly what outer space is not.If you think I'm jumping to conclusions, just look at how the series has turned every interesting, well-thought-out weapon into a lump of metal that just shoots lasers. Look at the absolute worst moment in Hero Factory, at the beginning of The Trials of Furno, when XPlode blocks Stringer's sonic waves by turning his back on them.I'm now going to turn my back on Hero Factory story and see if I can still hear it. If I can't, I'll be very happy indeed.[/rant]All in all, I'd vote against an outer space theme. However cool it would be, the TV series would ruin it. Let's stick to something they can't mess up.Sorry to burst your bubble, but Lego is already sort of testing the waters of different theme ideas with this breakout line. Furno is chasing down Jawblade underwater, Evo is tracking down Toxic Reapa in a jungle environment, Breez is hunting Thornaxx in an air based environment, Rocka hunts Black Phantom in the Hero Factory for a Hero Factory themed environment, and lastly, Surge is hunting down Splitface in Space.
  10. Hey TakaNuvia, congratulations! Your comic made the front page! Good work!
  11. Don't let girl in blue that I can't remember the name of make you pancakes Chilly!And I think this sums up the phrase "You snooze, you loose."
  12. <insert obligatory BUM BUM BUM here>Fantastic comic. He looks a little weird through when he puts his hand in the beam just before he bursts into flame.Also, you might want to link your latest comic in the post you announce it in. It. Will help a lot when you get a second page.
  13. King Joe


    Vataki's response was epic. Made the whole comic.
  14. IC (Nihilo): Nihilo yawned. "We almost there yet Zappy? I'm not used to traveling like this." However, Nihilo was doing a fairly good job of making it look like he was actually walking on the floor of the plane. It required bending the ball of his foot with some precision, but he was getting it down pretty well. He started to work on running, just in case he had to keep cover while running from someone or something.IC (Surge): "You coming?" Asked Surge, stopping at the double doors and looking back at Magneta.
  15. Nope, not at this moment. I do know that the admins are looking into revising the word filter. I don't know if those two specific words will cease to be filtered, but others will not be filtered anymore.
  16. In addition to KC's news, Steam is having a weekend Sonic Sale on every Sonic game in their store except for CD and 4.1. 15-50% off!
  17. Tentacly thing about to eat earth. No. It's a Kakama shaped like a Hau.All the speed of the Kakama with the style of the Hau.
  18. TENTACLY THINGY THAT SLEEPS BUT WILL WAKE UP! Eh, they've done that. And Classic Mega Man is in my comic already.
  19. OOC: I'm still waiting for Dr. Light to reveal that his favorite nurse is a blue robot named Mega man.
  20. 5/5Pirok, you made the list.And feel happy. I have an awesome joke planned for you in my comic...
  21. King Joe


    NR's back?!?!? This comic series just got that much more epic.Also, that 'conflict minerals' panel dropped my IQ by two points the first time I saw it.And I love how you're pandering to Windrider as your audience. That's awesome.
  22. Good point about the low number of characters, but of course it has to be considered that Exo-Force was pretty story-driven. I think it helps story-driven themes to stick with relateable characters, hence why I dislike when some people suggest Hero Factory should completely stop releasing characters who have appeared so far and introduce a brand-new team. The abandoning of older characters in favor of new characters is one reason Knights' Kingdom II's last year was so controversial.Speaking of Knights' Kingdom II, did anyone ever notice that the hair colors of the Exo-Force main cast almost exactly matched the armor colors of that theme's main cast? The only difference is that Takeshi had Bright Green hair (37 Bright Green) rather than regular green hair (28 Dark Green).Yeah... I think I did....Except there was no purple haired...owait.....There was no....Never mind. WAIT!EXO-FORCE DIDN'T HAVE A GUY WITH A CROWN FOR HAIR! HAHA! ()
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