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King Joe

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Everything posted by King Joe

  1. Yes, yes they do.But if they try to, they get thrown into the BASEMENTIt's like an achievement in a video game. That gives an infinite number of points.That is why we try.
  3. Poor poor Larry. I'll take the toast though.
  4. IC (Nihilo): Nihilo ignored Negafire's comment and focused on running. However, he suddenly got an idea. Soon, he was effortlessly doing Michael Jackson's moonwalk across the plane.
  5. The Call of Duty games were based on the life of Chuck Norris....Rated G.
  6. I must join the screwballs of America.
  7. 2/5, but I absolutely love your sig.
  8. Add me in.Also, I would like to run for president.I shall be fair and balanced, and veto any bills that come across my table that could potentially harm the good country of BZNui as a whole. Our forefathers, the Great Beings and Hapori Tohu, brought forth on this interwebs a New Nation, endowed with Bionicleness, and established with Reasonable liberty and post counts for all!
  9. There's not really a lot of other parts I want at the moment is the thing. Otherwise I would do that.
  10. I think so, your opinion is yours.Isn't this supposed to continue to be Bionicle related?
  11. Yellow pony with purple hair...For some reason I don't think that it is based on reality.
  12. Nope, but I do have a fountain drink cup that I need to throw away.TPBM likes to keep Lego's on their desk.
  13. ET GO HOME! ET SCARES ME!JK. ET's cool. Like bow ties.
  14. Snowwwww Snowwww Snowwwww SNOW!It won't be long fore we will all be there with snowwww......
  15. Because you are under the effects of a mask of disorientation.Would that mask be cool or what?
  16. Hm.I like the anonymous idea, but I don't know why. Maybe because it simply levels the playing field for all concerned?Maybe mixing he anonymous idea with the Preset character idea, and have a setup all made for the backgrounds and the characters personalities.
  17. I think the best you could go off of would be the Ninja's outfits. No suit would be like the white belt, regular suit the next up, then DX, and then ZX, and whatever else Lego decides to do afterwards.
  18. I always liked TOS and Voyager. I really want to watch TNG again though. My only memory of that series is a fuzzy recollection of LeVar Burton's character being invisible and able to phase through solid objects at will.Also, does anyone else find it extremely hilarious that TOS, the one that started it all, had the least number of seasons and is now the most famous?
  19. Huh, I don't know. I don't think I do.TPBM thinks the SOPA/PIPA talk should stop.
  20. Granted. However, they also become less judgemental of terrorists, murderers, and other scum, who continue to put forth their vileness.I wish that I could control fire, and would never set anything on fire unless I wanted to.
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