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Blog Comments posted by Simulacrum

  1. i may be late to the party (and I may or may not have consumed all available previously existant alcoholic beverages present at aforementioned shindig), but that doesn't mean i can't proffer the host a well deserved toast




    to self-discovery, Nate's continual bonheur, and an appropriately amiable reception


    also cats

    • Upvote 2


    Markiplier was a great alternative to PewDiePie until he started trying to act like him


    This is mostly my opinion as well; I still watch Mark, but I find him more than slightly frustrating when it comes to overreaction, particularly his unnecessarily inarticulate responses (what happened to scientific explanations of static, and the economics of indie developers using pre-made textures?). Game Grumps are probably my favorite current gaming channel, but I admittedly don't spend too much time watching other people playing games when I have a chance to experience do it myself.

    • Upvote 1
  3. More shots of Robert Maillet and Heather Doerksen piloting Jaegars with all the emotional intensity of a sponge, please. (dispassion makes awesome characters, so that wasn't offensive or viciously spiteful in any manner, form, or vocalized fashion, but admittedly very confusing)


    also in a seperate film, so very much more Gottlieb

  4. While I may not join this group, I would like to add something.


    I wouldn't recommend having original powers. Especially ones that are more powerful than a Kanohi. (Clones, Extra-Super Strength, etc,etc) You could create fascinating and original characters out of the already approved species/powers.

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