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Toa of Gallifrey

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Everything posted by Toa of Gallifrey

  1. Entry picture (Front): https://www.flickr.com/photos/128941361@N03/16595257372/in/set-72157650524622139 Gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/128941361@N03/sets/72157650524622139/ Sideways (left): https://www.flickr.com/photos/128941361@N03/16408860300/in/album-72157650524622139/ Sideways (right): https://www.flickr.com/photos/128941361@N03/16410044959/in/album-72157650524622139/ Backwards: https://www.flickr.com/photos/128941361@N03/16408861330/in/album-72157650524622139/ Pose from Ignition Comic 8: Sea of Darkness: https://www.flickr.com/photos/128941361@N03/16569895346/in/album-72157650524622139/ Pose from Ignition Comic 7: Mask of Life, Mask of Doom: https://www.flickr.com/photos/128941361@N03/16408863030/in/album-72157650524622139/ I decided to remake Nocturn as my entry for BBC #69. It uses a total of 6 pieces that haven't been used in Constraction sets since CCBS came out in 2011, one of which is the squid ammunition. It's not very extravagant but I thought it captures Nocturn's aesthetics nicely. I wanted to incorporate gear functions for the sword arms but those are the bottom arms and not the upper arms so I decided to go for accuracy over functions. Some colors aren't exact and I would've wanted to cover the lower legs more but I didn't have big shells in lime. Also, the eyes are the red bulbs under the HF Brain.
  2. I voted for Stone because I'd say it's my favorite in terms of looks.
  3. Moamahrimatoro, I recommend either LoSS or PoW next.
  4. Finished Mirai Nikki with my parents. Parasyte continues to be great and I look forward to the ever-closer conclusion. Up to episode 22 of Gurren Lagann. .
  5. That's fantastic! I was worried she'd be done away with next time we saw the Master. She's my favorite Master so far!
  6. Parasyte's last epi hit me right in the feels. Almost done showing Mirai Nikki to my parents (only 4 episodes and the OVA to go). I might show them Parasyte next if they're up for a fourth series. Finally kept watching Gurren Lagann and made it to the Once it's over, I'm gonna continue Soul Eater and tackle Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
  7. After a while of avoiding doing homework staring at my pieces yesterday, I had a creative epiphany ala Vakama's visions in LoMN and built Nocturn using an HF Brain as its head, with some extra stuff. Hopefully I'll post the entry later.
  8. Thaaaaat's a bootleg. And it already exists. Pretty sure Kask meant that (s)he is gonna be very disappointed if no one takes Vader's head from the Constraction Star Wars set and puts it on Kualus (or probably any other Rahaga given they all came with that helmet for some reason) as homage to this bootleg. xD
  9. That's a fantastic MOC-up! It's gonna be great having LOSS and Scorpio duke it out.
  10. Strong yes. Very reminiscent of '01 Rahi and a very worthy adversary to the Toa in my eyes.
  11. It doesn't look that different to me. I'd chalk it down to artistic license.
  12. Can the character be a reimagining? What I mean is, keeping the same recognizable aesthetic of the character but altering its colors a little and changing its purpose (ie. Keetongu as a gold mecha meant to protect the Mask of Time instead of an orange Rahi).
  13. I first read Dark Mirror when I was 10. I found it dark, but not inappropriate. It was my favorite serial back then and remains my favorite serial to this date (though Birth of a Dark Hunter and Federation of Fear are close contenders too).
  14. I can't wait for the Doctor Who Ideas set! I really hope it comes with minifigs of all the Doctors (The Watcher, The Valeyard, Meta-Crisis Doctor and Dream Lord notwithstanding) though I'm not gonna hold my breath for anything other than 12 and maybe 4 and 11.
  15. My favorite Protectors are Earth and Water, but I'd say Pohatu is cooler. I'd suggest Pohatu and the Protector of Earth or Pohatu and LOSS.
  16. We've watched a ton of shows together over the years, so they gave me the benefit of a doubt when I told them they might enjoy anime. They were skeptical but they embraced it after 1 episode of Akame ga Kill! They're not too big on animation, but they softened up to it in recent years thanks to shows like Wander Over Yonder and Gravity Falls, as well as Pixar movies and now anime.
  17. Yes, but we should have had more info. about what happened to the Toa Nuva with the instructions to set up the universe. Like, a whole book. To be fair, we did get that in the form of a serial (albeit 2 years later).
  18. I definitely want the cast to change. Something that made Bionicle great to me was the focus shifting to previous minor characters over time. Seeing Jaller, Hahli and co. as Toa was the coolest thing ever.
  19. Whoa you work with The National Dex? That channel's awesome! The HA Johto Starters are gonna be distributed via Pokebank from Feb. 27 to Nov. 30! GATRTIME CONFIRMED!
  20. Every week of Parasyte makes me crave more. The journey is ending soon too. ;_; My parents finished Death Note, up next showing them Mirai Nikki.
  21. I'm gonna be taking a ton of group shots with the full wave once I get some time off. I got an idea for having Lewa and Pohatu flying in some shots. On another note, I'm now quite thankful for the small summer wave, considering the Doctor Who Ideas project got accepted and Star Wars constraction figures were confirmed. I don't think I can take much more financial abuse. xD
  22. I actually think the Protector of Earth could stand to have MORE silver and LESS black, myself. As it is, its color scheme is so incredibly dark that it mostly just looks like a black blob when it's not lit brightly or in front of a brightly-colored background. Perhaps if the chest shells or the hands had been silver the model would have pleased me more — as it is, though, I think it's rather disappointing that a tunnel-dwelling character like this only looks his best in bright surroundings. What makes it hard is the fact that they need to integrate a function. Scorpio, on the other hand, was created only with the intention of creating a posable scorpion and in general, making the design more CCBS-friendly than the Nui-Jaga's mainly Technic build. Yeah but the function appears to be on the tail so I don't see why it should take away from the rest of the model. The chief reason is almost certainly the price point. Skull Scorpio is a $15 set just like most of the other skull villains. I'm sure a lot of people will retort that he should have been a bigger and more expensive set in that case (like Hero Factory's 2236 Scorpio, which was a $25 set). But on the flip side, a number of people have already complained about this year's BIONICLE range being too expensive to collect (at least $270, assuming Mask Maker vs. Skull Grinder costs $30 or more). You can't have it both ways. I'm not entirely happy with Skull Scorpio, but my chief disappointment is not with the claws so much as the tail. The function is cool, but the zigzag shape that results doesn't feel natural. I wish the function could have been integrated in a way that consistently curved up and forwards instead of interrupting that and curving back randomly where the beams for the function begin. Maybe if the "trigger" had used an angled beam/liftarm instead of a straight one this might have been more feasible. It'll be interesting to see if the tail can be improved without sacrificing the functionality. I could dig more silver to balance out the shoulder armor. I would've preferred having solid purple shoulder armor and shells but I realize that'd likely be a big investment in terms of remolding (unless they used the same shell size as Onua's purple shells, which wouldn't be that bad an idea).
  23. Last nights my parents found Protector of Earth at Wal-Mart and brought it home, so now I have the complete winter wave! (minus the trans-clear NYCC Hau) Definitely my favorite Protector. The colors are beautiful and I really like its build. That said, I would've preferred the shoulder pads black or trans-purple. I also think its weird dagger is lame and it shoulda had a second star drill, because that thing is beautiful and awesome. Still, my favorite Protector.
  24. Considering how some hitch has happened with everything Bionicle related (hyperbole, I'm not actually verifying whether something went wrong with literally everything. xD), this is likely an error.
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