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Toa of Gallifrey

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Everything posted by Toa of Gallifrey

  1. Awesome! I echo that Akamai could be a little taller. If you have any leftover friction joints that can help, but be warned you'll need some extra grip from gloves or something to take them apart. Other than that, they look fantastic. Great work! A Toa Nui. I haven't seen anyone attempt it yet. Perhaps I should try... I made a Toa Nuva Nui once (as the 2002 Toa Nuva are my only full team), which captured the aesthetic of the original Kaita and could surprisingly stand well (even if it doesn't look it at all) but looks bizarre. xD If anyone wants a picture, feel free to PM me.
  2. I find Slender: The Arrival to be pretty scary. Mainly the Prologue, Into the Abyss, Flashback, Memories and Homestead levels. The Eight Pages, The Arrival and Genesis aren't more about the stakes and the jumps.
  3. Wait, weren't all those made of vibranium? (apologies if I'm blatantly wrong, haven't watched/read anything Marvel in ages).
  4. I echo the feeling that navigation in MNOG1 was pretty counter-intuitive at times. I would've liked the stages to be full rotate-able, rather than having to click to turn around. That would've fixed some navigation issues in Ga-Koro and Po-Wahi.
  5. Yeah I like seeing the Toa unexperienced, though I echo the sentiment that the Protectors should've trained them a bit before going to get the gold masks (though the PoF did say they couldn't waste any time, so idk.)
  6. Makes sense. I haven't seen the Genesect movie yet so I just thought she had a Mewtwonite Y.
  7. I really wish the episodes were a few minutes longer. While I enjoyed the content, I would've liked to see the other Toa for more than just 2 seconds. That said, I enjoyed it. The running bit was quite funny and the narm with the way the narrator plays the PoF and Tahu's "I CAN FEEL DA POWAH!" was hilarious, if a bit facepalm-ish. I don't really like the way he portrays most characters except Tahu, Pohatu and Onua but the PoF was hilariously narmy this time. I just hope that the books do what they did back in 2003 and take these scenes in-depth. Fix'd.
  8. In all cases, RM is my favorite. I think Kopaka and Tahu have the best AMs and they're awesome, though.
  9. Sorry, that might have been me. So you're part of the national association of hipster Communist furries? Dang it, they're on to me....I've got to get back to the HCF HQ... ...oh, um...I mean...no, I'm not part of an association of Hipster Communist Furries...that's totally not me... I already called them (man I'm gonna have an expensive phone bill come the end of the month) consider your plan to turn Tahu into a furry over! #OffTopicness They way Disney is requiring the rights to almost everything these days, this wouldn't surprise me if it was indeed the case. Anyways, I can now say that I'm the owner of all the Bionicle 2015 sets released in the first wave! I took the trip down to my mall where my nearest Lego Store is located and got the remaining sets I needed to complete the wave. It was also the first time I've seen all the sets together on the shelves and available to purchase, which was really cool IMO. Ironically, DC published the old comics. Plus, the Toa Mata appear in stone carvings in a Green Lantern comic. xD
  10. Overall, I prefer MNOG1. MNOG2 would win were it not for the insanely hard Kohlii matches and glitchyness. VNOG started out fantastic in terms of gameplay but then hit a difficulty spike and I literally can't beat it without cheating, which is a shame because I love RPGs. I also don't like how it doesn't take advantage of the very action-packed story of 2006, and completely throws away the tests to get to the Chamber of Life, which would be perfect for a video game. Still, it's very fun for the first part of the game and, if you can keep up with the spike, still very fun.
  11. Thanks for making this compilation! I was gonna ask for one for fanfic purposes. Another cliffhanger is TSO getting his hands on the viruses used to strike down the GSR and planning to use them for a nefarious purpose. The only hint at what he's gonna do is that I believe Greg once mentioned he's gathering some villainous forces to make some sort of neo-Dark Hunters.
  12. Still no luck with the Protector of Earth but I caught my mom eyeing it on eBay.
  13. His ship wouldn't need any cannons. Yup, he just needs the Mast of Life. His ship wouldn't need any cannons. Yup, he just needs the Mast of Life. The Bionicle Bootleg Mata Nui set that mistranslated 'Mast Of Life" I was referencing it. xD
  14. I'm trying to get Nightmare House 2 to work atm, but failing. If I manage to get it to work and beat it, I'll weigh in with my thoughts.
  15. I can't really say much bad about the Toa. I literally only have one complaint per Toa that's exclusive to them, with the exception Kopaka and Gali who share the same complaint. Kopaka and Gali - The upper legs look gappy from the back compared to the better covered lower legs. Onua - Silver and gold don't mix as well as they did with Kopaka. I woulda liked his shoulder pads at least be gold, if not the lower chest also. Tahu - Very gappy lower legs from the back. Lewa - Very limited neck movement, which is annoying since he's a flyer. Pohatu - Kinda bland compared to the others. I would've liked something like a smaller gearbox for his lower torso to control his feet with but I can see how that'd be difficult to do and would require an extra new piece.
  16. Honestly G1 armor pieces like Metru, Inika and Piraka thigh armor had about as much "wobble", as did some of the later armor pieces like the thigh armor on Vorox and Skrall. The CCBS shells attach on quite securely and don't shift out of place to a degree that's even noticeable. They had a bit of wiggle (mainly Piraka, I feel as though Metru and Inika were pretty stiff, although I used two pins for the Vorox and Skrall piece to prevent any wiggle room) but I feel CCBS shells have a bit more. Again, this isn't really a complaint for me, more so a minor annoyance.
  17. Awesome chappy as per usual, but this had me on the floor: Takanuva: Are you having trouble hearing, Lewa? Here, let me help you. He said: *whips out a megaphone* IT'S NOT HIS FAULT YOU'RE A GREEDY, ENTITLED, AND TERRIBLE BOSS PLUS A FEW OTHER WORDS WE CAN'T SAY ON BZPOWER!
  18. Lies! They're making Left 4 Dead 3! You lie, Toa Pohatu.
  19. Yeah, when I'm playing around with my sets I can feel the wiggle in the armor, then I check to make sure it's 100% aligned. It's only a minor annoyance, though.
  20. It ain't exactly a neck on the bottom. No luck finding the Protector of Earth so far, but it's still early. Anyone who has all the Protectors, how does it stack against the others?
  21. Oh yeah from what I've heard Silent Hill is definitely a terrifying series.
  22. Thanks! Yeah, I ran into issues with the upper legs (though mainly with the lower part of the upper legs). I would've liked to use a different method but the pieces I had in mind weren't available on LDD (not to mention that they wouldn't allow crouching as far as the Striders normally do).
  23. After playing Half-Life 2 so much I decided to make a Strider in LDD, which led to making a battle scene between Gordon Freeman, Alyx Vance and three Striders taking place in an icy environment that Half-Life 3 (or Half-Life 2 Episode 3) will likely take place in. Note: Not a purist MoC, I went wild with LDD extended and thus most of these pieces are unreleased in the colors I used them in. Also sorry for taking the pictures directly from LDD, POV-Ray won't work with this. Gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/128941361@N03/sets/72157647875907184/ Full view: https://www.flickr.com/photos/128941361@N03/16239400092/ Close-up of Strider: https://www.flickr.com/photos/128941361@N03/16214333516/in/photostream/ Close-up of crouched Strider: https://www.flickr.com/photos/128941361@N03/16240235105/in/photostream/ Back of Striders: https://www.flickr.com/photos/128941361@N03/16054107349/in/photostream/ Close-up of Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance: https://www.flickr.com/photos/128941361@N03/15617815404/in/photostream/
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