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Toa of Gallifrey

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Everything posted by Toa of Gallifrey

  1. Can a piece be unconnected so long as it still fits well in the model without falling out?
  2. As someone on Eurobricks said, G1 Tahu lands in Okoto and freaks out because in this alternate universe his armor is attached to him by balljoints. Also Jaller's a dog. Wacky hijinks ensue. 10/10 - IGN
  3. I'm pretty sure Clara's gonna be pregnant with Danny's baby in the Christmas episode, which will lead into Orson.
  4. I barely ever get ragequits, only a couple times if I'm about to win they spare themselves the last round to save a bit of time by forfeiting. I forfeit if I'm running short on time but otherwise I tend to stay until the end.
  5. You could just slip it on top of your normal mask.
  6. I'd really love to see Nick Bluetooth a classic-style titan with more modern integration. Something like Rocka XL or Witch Doctor, for example.
  7. Dang it we can have mature TV show sets but not mature video game sets. I still want a Black Mesa HEV Suit constraction set with a Lambda hero core.
  8. Like I mentioned earlier, I turn BA Furno's mask upside down and use it as a Noble Pakari. I also use BA Breez's mask as a Noble Mask of Scavenging.
  9. When I saw this on the news I thought it was a synopsis for the Batman Lego Movie. This was hilarious regardless. XD
  10. I'm more partial to the main cast switching out after a couple years to introduce a new saga, kinda like in G1 but less frequently. Kinda like the Pokemon Adventures manga, where the main characters are the manga counterparts of the game protagonists for the current saga (ie. Red, Blue, Green and Yellow in the first generation chapters), then moving to a new main cast for the next saga with someone from the old cast appearing sometimes, maybe taking the reins for a chapter somewhere. The difference here is the saga would still be following the main overreaching arc like in G1 and the reappearances of old cast would be either a guest appearance in a book where their role is lesser to that of the current main cast (like the Toa Nuva at the beginning of Ignition) or them having a day back in the limelight (like the Toa Nuva at the ending of Ignition). Of course this has to be done in a way that prevents continuity lockout like G1, like only delving a little into who the old character. Alternatively, there could be a kind of history section in the Bionicle website where they have an archive of old animations and summaries of old books but the idea is to not rely on kids going through the backlog (even if it is something as short as a paragraph per book and roughly 10 minutes of animation per year). Of course that's just my opinion, I get the benefits of keeping the same main characters but that runs the risk of flanderization or running out of ideas for it to the point where it's just there.
  11. When MoCing I use BA Furno XL's helmet backwards as a Noble Pakari.
  12. A theme with a mediocre story and oversimplified sets with very little MoCing potential would be-- wait... In all seriousness, for System really lots of things can work so long as the sets are designed well. For Constraction, something with characters that don't translate well into sets would be awful.
  13. This just in: Bionicle cancelled in 2016 after moral guardians complain about communist subtext.
  14. My local K-Mart had BA sets on clearance so I got Furno XL and Dragon Bolt for roughly 30% off. That glorious cape...
  15. Yeah the radio plays Still Alive. Also I believe the turrets in the secret room with the fat turret in portal 2 are playing a faster version of Cara Mia.
  16. I got into Bionicle in 2009. I loved the sets and I loved the story even more. Then it ended next year and I was very sad. I kept up with any story details from 2011 and 2012 but then that stopped too. I bought the first HF sets then stopped buying Lego altogether cause nothing really piqued my interest. Then I started developing an appreciation for CCBS, particularly the Breakout and BA sets, then this happened and I am extremely happy to be back. This even rekindled my love for System. No conflicting thoughts here either.
  17. I'd say as early as the first or second week of December is a good time to check.
  18. The demo's quite fun, though after you play 10 times the missions start looping. 15 days after you started playing you unlock a secret mission for an extra reward, though, then you get access to Steven's house. There's another secret mission but the method of getting it hasn't been nailed down yet, it just seems like RNG at this point.
  19. Got Diancie, now only Arceus, Hoopa and Volcanion to go for the Livingdex.
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