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Rooster Nui

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Everything posted by Rooster Nui

  1. Entry 4 got my vote. I just love the lineup of the masks as well as the metallic colors.
  2. Is the Power Pack even that rare? I got it from Bricklink a couple of years ago with ease, at a fairly cheap price. EDIT: So it is considered uncommon. Still, I got lucky with an uncommon product. It looks like it sells for around $65 USD, but it is still pretty hard to find I think. Weird, I got it for around $25 AU. Yeah, something like that. I think the rarest Bionicle set would be something like the Sand Tarakava, and that is a set I wouldn't mind getting if I actually could get it, but I'm not that desperate for it either.
  3. Is the Power Pack even that rare? I got it from Bricklink a couple of years ago with ease, at a fairly cheap price. EDIT: So it is considered uncommon. Still, I got lucky with an uncommon product.
  4. The first Toa set I got was the original Tahu Nuva in late 2002, not long after that I recieved Tahu Mata and all of the other Toa Nuva and Toa Mata. The 2008 Tahu Nuva set was the first set I built out of the Mistika wave and of all the Stars, I built Tahu first, so it makes sense to keep the tradition alive and build the new Tahu first. After I build the new Tahu, Onua will be second in line, followed randomly by the other sets.
  5. I'm pretty sure the instructions are the only place where the leg armor is flipped. All the promotional pictures have them the same as their allies. Huh, they do so. I wonder what the reasoning is behind this idea of having one Toa and one Piraka's upper leg armor be switched around? I'm going to leave them how the instructions show them to be built though.
  6. I haven't had any of the sets I've purchased in the past 6 years built incorrectly at all. However, I used to have Hewkii and Thok's upper leg armor the same as their allies, despite them shown being flipped in the instructions and images. Before 2006, I used to have the sets built correctly, even the Toa Metru with the body designs, and somehow I built them correctly only at 5 and a half years of age, though I had slight help from my brother and sister but I still managed it mostly by myself.
  7. Least favorite aspect? Prices. Well, apart from that, it'd probably be the stickers. However, I'm not that worried about them anyway.
  8. I like the idea, but I'm a bit worried about the pricing if these were to be real or come out soon. Though I can certainly say that I'd love to have maroon and black Skull Spiders as part of my Bionicle collection.
  9. In a randomly given order, here are my rare collectibles. Orange Vahi Gold Vahi Disk of Time Trans Neon-Green Miru (2x) Chrome Hau/Hau shaped Rua Copper Huna White Noble Ruru Gold Ignika Powerless Miru Nuva
  10. Walking from a soccor field to a McDonald's and picking up nothing but Tohunga Matoro.
  11. I haven't actually found any Lego Bionicle products in stores since Hero Factory started. However, my local Reject Shop did sell lots of the 2001 trading cards for around $1 each sometime last year. I got around thirty of them.
  12. I'm excited for the new masks, especially those of the Protectors. While they do all share the same mold, the color scheme on each one is cool. I also can't wait to use Onua's Turbo Shoveler pieces and see for myself how they merge into his Earthquake Hammer.
  13. Entry 2 Entry name: Gunmetal Link to the two photos: https://www.flickr.com/photos/127056299@N04/sets/72157649490728016/
  14. Well, here is my entry which I did mainly for paticipation. Entry name: Scorch: Overlord of Fire Link to main picture: https://www.flickr.com/photos/127056299@N04/15296222453/in/set-72157649533481171 Link to gallery: https://www.flickr.com/photos/127056299@N04/sets/72157649533481171/
  15. That small bit with Tahu meeting the Protector of Fire reminds me of the scene from MNOG with Tahu meeting Vakama after Jaller and the other Matoran think he is an enemy. Anyway, these animations look very exciting.
  16. After reading about the three types of Skull Spiders, it seems that their powers consist of those of Generation 1's Kopaka, Onua and Pohatu, with the green ones having x-ray vision, blue ones having great strength and the silver ones being able to move at incredible speeds. I think it is pretty awesome that they have these powers. Anyway, this update is awesome.
  17. The most recent update to the site is just awesome and very big. I can't wait for more story information to roll out. By reading about the Skull Spiders in their character profile, you'll find that they have special abilities depending on their colors. EDIT: (Just as Jakura Nuva mentioned) That is just sweet. It's also interesting that the Protectors pass their masks down through each generation.
  18. She may not be my favorite of the new Toa, but she is definitely my favorite Toa of water. I feel this set really represents the water element most out of all Toa of water released.
  19. This one is my favorite, next to the Protector of Earth. It's just so awesome... I love the color scheme, the overall look and the Air Elemental Flame Bow. Thank you Sisen for reviewing this awesome set.
  20. The only thing I don't like about this set is the lack of back armor, but apart from that it's pretty much perfect in my opinion.
  21. At first I wasn't a fan of his new Mask of Fire, but now I think it really goes well with his build. His golden Mask of Fire also looks really cool while being worn, as shown in the slideshow at the end of the review. Because my first Toa set was Tahu Nuva, I'll probably build this one first. Anyway, thanks for the review.
  22. I agree with Aanchir, that after having so many specialised weapons in past sets, this new weapon that the Protectors use makes great use of Lego studs which have been in production for a long time, and at the same time manages to fire very well and function with ease. I really like it, though I have a feeling the studs will go missing quickly. Thanks again for another review.
  23. This review shows off just how well the friction-adder joint pieces are at helping Constraction figures balance on one leg, as well as how the arms can be held up by the pieces that make up the gearbox. Thank you Nuju Metru for this enjoyable review.
  24. Yes! More reviews and possibly another very enjoyable livestream to be looking forward to. Just like Toa Smoke Monster, I'm also interested in seeing the review of the Lord of Skull Spiders' set.
  25. Yes, please do another livestream once you get the rest of the sets, or at least just a few more. I found it enjoyable just by watching DeeVee, VBBN and Nuju Metru launch their masks near the cameras as well as listening to you all discussing the sets.
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