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Rooster Nui

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Everything posted by Rooster Nui

  1. Yeah, the last brown Bionicle sets for me were Avak and Velika from 2006. I'm not that much of a fan of the color brown, but it did look good on the stone affiliated characters. It sure has been a very long time since we've had brown as a primary color on a Bionicle set.
  2. I don't mind the one on the right, but the left one in my opinion is much better and doesn't look as slouched over. These are great and I wish Lego could implement these into a wave of blindbag sets.
  3. A space theme involving the Toa Nuva in their space-adaptive armor forms would be pretty sweat. I also wouldn't mind a year of a mystical theme.
  4. Whoa, that is something very wonderful to have as a gift. I never knew such a thing existed and a VHS tape with the Bionicle logo on it is just cool looking at it. I didn't think that would exist either. I'm very curious as to what is shown in the VHS tape. I love the design and appearence of Tarix, well done on that. He, along with Ackar and Strakk are my favorite Glatorian.
  5. It's a good start changing the frontpage a bit as a new era of Bionicle is coming and with that, BZPower is slowly getting updated, I Like that. Funny, me and my brother were discussing last night how the front page looks pretty much the same since the old days when he was active in the forums.
  6. I voted for the Spirit of Music because of the straight forward color scheme and the unique body design.
  7. Making the entire storyline from 2001 to 2010 and the serials become a dream in Mata Nui's head while he was in his "deep sleep". Then reboot the series so that the second time around, everything is actually happening.
  8. I'm glad to see some ancient and mystical settings in the backgrounds, some people were fearful of the revived Bionicle being somewhat basic when it came to the new setting and style. I'm really liking where Bionicle is going and I'm excited for more.
  9. I'm hoping for something similar to a 15 second teaser video.
  10. I highly doubt that Lego would release a solid gold Mask of Creation, but I wouldn't be suprised if they release a plastic one packaged with a summer wave titan set. It's way on the costly side of things to make and giveaway a solid gold mask within the first year or two of Bionicle's return. I think Lego may do so if it's return is succesful, but it'd still be very unlikely they'll want to produce an expensive piece. It would also be a very risky and silly move on Lego's part because it has been nearly five years since the end of Bionicle's initial end and next year's sales numbers could show a hit or miss, so Lego may give up quite a bit of money for a theme that is not selling well. It would be awesome though.
  11. That would be cool if that happens sometime after next year's storyline, whether it is a reboot or not. Only time and success can tell. I really like the idea of Turaga Nuva. It'd give the story some Turaga that could defend themselves more than the usual.
  12. I really liked the Bionicle canisters, especially the Toa Inika and Visorak ones, but they really do take up a lot of room. I'd really love for the new sets to have boxes, like the ones used for the older Hero Factory villains and Lego Racers sets. It'd be an enviromentally friendly move which makes the sets somewhat more affordable.
  13. I hope it will be better than last time. While they were fun, you do NOT want to be playin' your flash games at the speed of Dial-up. Oh no, you reminded me of the days when I'm trying to play Inika Island Assault. The long loading screens, the slow frame rates and the chaos!
  14. I imagined all of that in my head, and the idea of Brutaka sitting on a chair before standing over Vultraz like a true titan seemed so epic and comedic. I also like how Brutaka's blade hasn't been used for so long that it has dust on it, indicating that he has settled and not battled in a long time. I really like where this is going.
  15. Something could happen with content on the site on Friday. It popped up on Lego.com fairly quickly I must say.
  16. I have a feeling they'll be revealing one little thing each week until New York Comic Con, the website launch or just before the sets release. I'm grateful for the official Bionicle Facebook page, as it will be a great source for official set and story information as well as other Bionicle related stuff. I am so hyped and happy.
  17. Yeah, Bionicle.com had to be my most visited website lol. Always checking for awesome updates. -NotS Same here. It was probably my most visited site from 2004 til late 2009. I'll definitely be visiting it frequently to make the most of it before Bionicle ends again, but hopefully that'll be a very long time from now.
  18. There's a new LEGO Store opening right by my school soon, so when the sets come out I'm going to do exactly that. Near your school! You are very lucky!
  19. Well, as soon as the sets appear on LegoShop@Home, I'M BUYING THEM ALL!
  20. The mask looks so much more beautiful in this video and the description of how it was made really fits the image of it. Was that a scream or something I heard? Search Bionicle on Lego.com again, and you'll find that the "coming soon" page has returned. Hopefully a site will pop up soon.
  21. I got my first Bionicle set in 2001 when I was nearly three. Tohunga Matoro was my first set. I got him because my brother, who is eight years older than me, was hooked into Bionicle from the get-go and he wanted some of the Tohunga. We were never really interested in McDonalds, but we were lucky enough to get the sets without ordering any meals, and thus we returned home with three Matoros, because it turned out that my sister also got one. I became an actual fan of the story in 2004 when the Toa Metru had arrived in stores. It was then that I became aware of the great, complex story that Bionicle offered. If ever I have children, I'll definitely introduce them to Bionicle.
  22. Say "Hydraxonaxonn" to yourself, you will find that their name pronounciations are pretty similar. I wonder if there was originally going to be a Hydro-Axonn set?
  23. How much are you squinting? Well, it doesn't exactly look like Bionicle's Three Virtues symbol, but I see what you mean in that the gold pieces have been placed in positions that are the same as the sides of the symbol. It's interesting that "Kopaka's shield" is in the center, between the gold pieces.
  24. They don't. They very very don't. Well, a few other people, but yes, not that many people are wondering if it was actually intentional, sigh... No, what DeeVee meant is that LEGO does not leak this stuff intentionally. They have marketing departments dedicated to coming up with the right way to do product launches, and those plans don't include leaking things. You also have to remember that even though the LEGO fan community is watching this stuff closely, normal people have no idea about leaks and image file names and what have you. So even if we think we know what the announcement it going to be, it'll still take a lot of people by surprise. Oh, whoops, my bad. It just seems like they have... All this Bionicle news is coming up so quickly, which does make me very happy though. Thanks for letting me know.
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