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Everything posted by TheZOMBIEJ

  1. ha ha! yeah! now, in terms ov "dialect" (or the way they talk), for me the Ga-Tohunga would sound "peaceful", "calm", "stable", maybe "shy" sounding (for a few) or for some ov the Ga-Tohunga a little on the "tsundere" (Japanese term, look it up!) side! lol oh, and Ko-Tohunga would sound "cold" (pun intended, lol), "low", a bit "attitude-y", maybe a little "arrogant" as well, or even "ticked off" sounding! lol this is actually kinda fun screwing with Tohunga dialect!
  2. Christ, dude, ALL THAT UNUSED LORE?! WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?! i personally would love to see ALL early concepts mentioned in these articles and whatnot to be used in a potential Bionicle G3 and they call it "Bionicle: The Way Is Should Have Been"! lol if we could get Bob Thompson , Alastair Swinnerton, and Christian Faber to team up and produce the story that should have been into an online web-series animated by Ghost and give Bionicle fans the Bionicle that they should have got (and leave Greg Farshtey out ov it!) i would die happier than a vine-swingin' Le-Tohunga! lol i really should take a week to read the articles as the Bionicle canon we got (which i'm still grateful for) was a bit rough here and there! lol also, does anybody know where i can download the Seven Books ov Bob Thompson and the original story bible? i'm curious to read those!
  3. in terms ov voice actors, i think it would be interesting if Jaller Inika/Mahri was played by Rob Zombie! and maybe his wife, Sheri Moon Zombie, as Hahli Inika/Mahri! i would LOVE that (considering both have done voice work in the past)!! lol also, i would have Sanaa Lathan play as Gorast (lol)! just an idea! oh, and maybe Haruka Tomatsu (Japanese voice actress/singer) could play as Dalu or even Macku (though she'd have to speak in English and she's from Japan so she might have to take some time to learn certain English words in order to be part ov a Bionicle movie/series!)! again, it's an idea! lol
  4. ehh... poetic sounds right, too, i guess! as for Ta-Tohunga (again, i prefer that term instead ov Matoran) i'd say they'd sound "hot-headed" (lol, if that's a thing) or "rustic" or maybe "arrogant" (more ov an insult than anything else! lol)! i don't know! lol
  5. thanks, Taria! seems reasonably affordable! hmm... i'll think about it!
  6. well, that's an interesting combo ov weird slimy creatures! lol anyway, thanks for the info, man! can you possibly provide an image of this creature or some kind ov fan-drawing ov it? i'm curious as to how ugly the sucker looks!
  7. i don't remember the Kratana at all! i guess i'll have to re-read "Time Trap" at some point! lol
  8. it's probably 3D-printable if you want to put the effort into it! also, i like the blue character in the last picture! she look cool!
  9. sounds like we need the Mask ov Time to get BAH/BAHR back! lol
  10. huh! i never even heard ov this before (and i have been a Bionicle fan since literally the beginning)! ya learn something new everyday, i guess! lol have you tried using other browsers like Opera, Firefox, or even Internet Explorer (probably the most likely ov the browsers i know ov!? i have Google Chrome and all i found was your Reddit post about BAH/BAHR! this is interesting, though! i'll have to do some digging, but i hope it'll come up somewhere somehow!
  11. i would avoid changing the actual words (cuz' i think it's fine, lol!) but the way the Toa/Tohunga ov Air (i prefer Tohunga over Matoran) actually say the words, whether as one or two/three word phrases or full sentences! i agree with the "cheerful" thing, but i would add "lively" or "boisterous" or even "sharp" and "witty"! lol i don't know! i always wanted to try and speak tree-speak during conversations with my family or whoever just to confuse them!
  12. i mean, if it did happen it really wouldn't make a lot ov sense! don't ask me why cuz' i don't know! but would the Ninjago Ninjas really care to visit Spherus Magna or whatever planet Makuhero City is on and potentially get laughed at or killed? i don't think so! it's an interesting idea at least! i just don't think it would work! lol
  13. i always thought about developing a Bionicle MMORPG set right after the Toa Mata became Toa Nuva! but i don't know how well it would work out! i'm thinking ov making it an MMORPG similar to the MMORPG that Konata Izumi plays in the anime Lucky Star (can't remember the name ov it, but it might be fictional)! i'd be willing to do it, but i'm just not sure how to go about it besides the game in the Lucky Star anime (or at least the style ov the game)! i don't know! any ideas? i'm open to suggestions!
  14. i never bought Premier and i don't think i ever will (can't afford it nowadays)! sorry! i am curious, though; IF for some reason i DO decide to to purchase Premier, how much are we talking?
  15. i think that's how it was back in 2016 when the image was released! they never bothered to correct it! lol that's a fail on their part!
  16. for me; to help people out! to let them know there is still hope! to let them know there is a guardian angel watching over them! as a Christian i strive for positivity, love, kindness and turning people away from the dark and into the light! my intention is to inspire people and be someone who people could look up to! if anyone is going through tough times and need a shoulder to cry on i'm willing to listen and offer the best possible advice i can give! i have a very positive outlook on things and i believe there's hope for everyone! don't think ov me as some kind ov savior or whatever! i'm just trying to be the best i can be! and i'm happy to be! it's not easy being an Autistic Christian with many hopes and dreams! but i enjoy being alive and that's what matters! i'v been lurking around BZPower since i first discovered it during Bionicle G1's run, but i finally got an account in February 2014! and i'm still enjoying my time here no matter what negativity may appear i always have a smile on my face! so nostalgia comes into play as well!
  17. there's a meme somewhere out there that has the following quote; "what do we want? TIME TRAVEL! when do we want it? IT'S IRRELEVANT!" lol my dad told me about it and i thought it was just hilarious! as for time travel in Bionicle i agree with bohrokmaster on this one! not much else i can say!
  18. well, in reality (meaning the real world) MOCists would cut apart masks and fuse selected elements together with some kind of adhesive (ex; epoxy or bondo), tweak the design ov the custom mask around and if they're satisfied with the overall construction/look ov the thing they then paint it! i have seen this done before and there are some pretty impressive examples out there! but when it comes to fusing masks together story-wise i'd say it's virtually impossible unless you're Artakha (but then how in God's name does he do it?)! yeah, Artakha is still a bit ov a mysterious figure, but i'm sure he has some logical way ov doing stuff! well there's my two cents on this matter! lol
  19. TheZOMBIEJ

    "Takua, No!!"

    hmm... interesting! i like it! could be adapted into a scene for a potential Bionicle Star Wars crossover (if anyone is willing to take on such a project! lol)! good job!
  20. "Close To Heaven" by Breaking Benjamin
  21. honestly, judging by how abruptly it ended, i would advise against bringing it back! Hero Factory was basically just a "filler line" as a way to buy time to experiment with different designs and what not! the story was... mediocre, at best! when 2011's, set's came out people were divided on the use ov the CCBS building style! CCBS was created with the intention to abandon the old "Bionicle-y" style and replace it with something a little more simple yet advanced at the same time! the CCBS style was a success and so they did sets for Chima and Lego DC/Marvel Superheroes! Chima was alright but the DC/Marvel sets looked kinda corny! then in (i think as far back as) 2013 they formed a team to use this new style to create Bionicle G2 sets without dividing the fan-base! well G2 came out in 2015 and long behold there was division in the fan-base! G2 prematurely ended in 2016 but Star Wars sets were still being made to tie in with the movies and stuff! finally the Star Wars sets were discontinued (CCBS wise) and people blamed G2 for the sudden death ov constraction/CCBS! it's sad when you think about it! i don't want HF to come back just so it can get cancelled again prematurely like Bionicle G2! it's best to just cut our losses and avoid bringing Hero Factory back for the greater good (and for our sanity's sake! lol)! and no, i do not have any ideas on how to approach a re-launch ov this series because ov the paragraph above! now, don't get me wrong! i actually enjoyed collecting what HF sets i did collect! Witch Doctor is the best in my opinion and i'm proud to still have it! lol anyway, there's my two cents!
  22. a little late to the party aren't you, Hapori Tohu? lol yes, this is an interesting find and i look forward to seeing what else may spring from the ashes! also, i can't afford this set with THAT price, so i'll just settle on the normal polybag version (not anytime soon, though!)!
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