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Everything posted by evil_jaga_genius

  1. Where Makuta actually ISN'T Mata Nui's brother. In which case, he probably needs to see a psychiatrist about that...
  2. Toa Hunters, huh?... sounds familiar... "We came to Metru Nui for our favorite sport: Toa hunting." ANYWAY. I like the old medieval look--and, apparently, they're Toa hunters. They look like they're these holy crusader-type knights, seeking to rid the world of the plague of Toa... I'm getting ahead of myself, aren't I. It seems like they're going to be getting a taste of Nidhiki's Dark Hunter side, too...
  3. Lewa's definitely my favorite, second is Tahu. I guess it's kindof because the color schemes mesh so well together. Pohatu and Gali are my least favorites; Pohatu simply has too many colors and I'm just not that thrilled with Gali, that lack of symmetry is really not working out for me...
  4. Kewl, is there going to be multiplayer? (Or is it already in and I haven't poked around enough to find it?)
  5. asdfgad;ljksgdal;kjasgdl;h wretched good-for-nothing Google Drive... Direct link is now in the first post.
  6. Some of you may recall when I did a drawing of a human Maku. Anyhow, I was given a drawing tablet for Christmas, and here I am making more-or-less good use out of it. Here's the original drawing of Maku. Anyway, Maku's attitude towards everything that happens is basically, "Come on! It'll be an adventure!" Often dragging Huki (who's had quite enough to do with adventures, thank you very much) along with her and driving Nokama nuts along the way. One of these days I'm going to write the story behind these drawings. C&C are most welcome! -Jaga EDIT: Google hates me. Have a direct link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B7863sQWxf-xeGxQQkxMbHF4N2M
  7. I finally managed to get my paws on a 2015 set before 2015 was over =P
  8. It'd be funny if somebody made an account with the name Voldemort, then deliberately got himself banned so he'd always have to be known as "He who must not be named"...
  9. Star Wars Republic Commando. Super Battle Droid dispensers are the stuff of nightmares.
  10. There was a really in-depth discussion on real-life Kolhii that involved filling basketballs with sand so that they weighed fifty pounds. The baffling part was how the heck they played this and still retained use of their hands to type on the keyboard. Also I'm perpetually baffled how Bionifight can get seven new pages of posts in two days.
  11. XONAR, the man, the myth, the legend, is turning ?? years old. Happy birthday and a vonderful goot new year to you! -Jaga
  12. Your power ranger helmet looks so much like an adaptive Kanohi Kaukau you pass out in horror. My mask.
  13. That's probably LDraw, it's a free/open-source library of bricks. LeoCAD is an extension of that, and that's what I use a lot of the time. Here it is: http://leocad.org/trac Be warned, it doesn't have CCBS parts and is seriously lacking in Bionicle (G1) parts. It did have enough for me to make a decent mockup of a Matoran, but that's about it. However it does have the cool feature of being able to export to 3D model formats (.obj and .3ds, I think), something LDD lacks. Speaking of which, I think Maphrox said he had written some code to extract 3D models from LDD, any idea where that might have gone?
  14. My guess is that they get Akino to do it, somehow.
  15. I like this guy. The silver and green match together really well, and I am loving those weapons. At first glance, they looked awkward and clunky... and then I realized they're Darth Maul lightsabers on swivel joints. Actually, the whole design isn't unlike something I tried for a Toa of Poison I made, where she had long blades running up her arms and spikes like push-daggers built into the hilts. ...to be honest, I'm getting a LOT of vibes here from models I've made. The custom limbs are kindof like stuff I've done too, and I think they work quite well for the legs. As noted, the linked form is absolutely fantastic, though Uxar's trans-green looks more... yellow than Lewa's. I dunno. They don't seem to match completely in the photos, I hope that's not the case with the sets. I don't think he's a mediocre set at all, I really like him. Maybe even more than Pohatu, and that takes some doing.
  16. Daaaawww, he got his victims santa hats and a tree. Isn't he full of holiday cheer =P The monster himself looks surprisingly adorable in a santa hat... better to sneak up on unsuspecting Matoran, I suppose...
  17. Well, um, help. I downloaded the source code .rar file but, when I tried to extract it, it demands I give it a password. When I enter nothing in as the password all of the files show up blank--the filenames are there, but the files themselves take up no space and they show up as nothing when I open them. Any help with this would be kind.
  18. I hope we actually wind up with a Makuta figure sometime. I liked how Ekimu and the Mask of Creation were in the same set, so I wonder why they didn't do the same with Makuta.
  19. "I wouldn't touch you with a 36-and-a-half-foot pole!" "But you're a ghost, you can't touch me anyway." "...oh."
  20. "I never said you actually did it, I just said I was blaming you." Oh man I've gotta use that sometime... =P
  21. Takua steals his staff and saws down half of Le-Wahi with it. The Piraka, Rahkshi, and Bohrok-Kal all start a band.
  22. Sweet, where'd you get the Miru? And I'm loving that sword--simple, yet, it actually looks like a sword.
  23. You know Soran would sue him anyway. But of course.
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