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Everything posted by evil_jaga_genius

  1. Well, after my little faux-pas with the movie posters I voted for myself.
  2. NOOOOOO WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING, AHKMOU YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BEAT THE TURDUCKEN OUT OF THE MIRO ...well, ######. That just happened. That... is definitely a situation deserving of a '######'. And now who's going to save the world? I hate the situation... I hate the fact that they still can't win. There's a word I came up with... a mendumen. From the stems 'mend', flawed, and 'numen', deity... an evil, all-powerful foe. I can think of no better candidate for the word than Piras. Piras the mendumen. At the same time, now I just have to see how this ends. EDIT: I didn't realize a more vehement 'crud' was considered a swear... I wasn't trying to say anything dirty, really =P
  3. I wonder if the Dreamer is going to show up in a Halloween comic. Spooooooooooooooooooopy...
  4. Hey, T1S, you could hire me to program your rebuilder... (Insert shameless GS entry here) Anyhow. The HeroBeast. Honestly Ghutan, what did you expect? You have someone from HERO FACTORY running this thing... tsk tsk tsk =P Really, you should ask to look at resumes when hiring your minions. Though I wonder how that would work when hiring a Bohrok. Maybe they can bite on a stamp with the letter on it then bonk their head into the paper. You could rig up a dozen or so of them with different letters and make a Bohrok printing press. Wait, what?
  5. I did the math, and by getting only one other vote for my entry, I knew I'd make it into the finals. Which I did, yay math. Y'see, I'm definitely not gonna win this, but I really wanted to get to the finals. Oh, and four is fantastic. Now I wish I'd have voted for myself. See, this is what you get for being generous. 10 and 5 are my favorites though, and, coincidentally, were the ones I voted for. Dang that's a tough choice... I'm not going to be deciding anything at 9 in the morning.
  6. Well, I'm fervently glad I already got my dentist's appointment over with... Edit: Please leave more specific feedback about the MOC itself. -Wind-
  7. The funny thing is that there are so many Bionicle fans that have written fanfics and they can tell some really great stories. And it seems like the people coming up with these animations aren't even trying to. Maybe they are, but I honestly can't tell. A good starting point would be to quit making these 90-second shorts that simply do not have the time to tell a story (especially when you repeat what happened in the last episode) and make longer ones. Like five minutes. That would be much better. (And hire Tohkann as the animator) It seems that with Gen1 we had so much more story--we had MNOG, Tale of the Toa, the comics, cool detailed bios on the characters--and with Gen2 there's hardly any of that, in exchange for these shorts. I don't think that's a good trade.
  8. So the dummies can be stopped, if only temporarily... would the mask hurt them if they tried to take it off themselves? Also, running tally of masks: Piras: Hau, Karisma Venti: Rocul (Farsight), Kualsi Ledas: Intactus (Intangibility), speech garbler (possibly Shelek?) Unda: Arthron, Pehuki Ferrum: Kone (Biomechanics) Sein: Dummy
  9. I DID IT I DID IT I DID IT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH Member Name: evil_jaga_genius Entry Image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7863sQWxf-xYy11NnJ4cGE3bWc/view?usp=sharing Entry Topic: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/20612-one-mask-to-rule-them-all-journey-to-netflix/
  10. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7863sQWxf-xYy11NnJ4cGE3bWc/view?usp=sharing Not much to say. I did all of the Toa as their own seperate doodles, put each of them on a different layer, and cleaned out the space surrounding them. Hate GIMPing with a mouse. Now I'm going to do all the homework I didn't do because I was banging my head against this. -Jaga
  11. Yeah that's pretty much me right now. I have two pages full of doodles, now to GIMP 'em up. Oh man I'd kill for a drawing tablet right now...
  12. I take it that pasta is... scary good. *badum-pst*
  13. Hey, does anyone know where I can find the Okoto alphabet? I'm gonna need it for my poster.
  14. Random question: Are the guns being used actual gunpowder-and-bullets guns or are they something else?
  15. Precisely. I would say VNOG wins for overall gameplay, but MNOG2 wins for art and story. And I'd take art and story anyway so... I'd go with MNOG2. Though after those two I'd say we need another -NOG to make up for them.
  16. Thanks! It's so weird when I make a reference like this and then it's like crickets chirping on the internet. I WOULD probably have used a black cape, but the only one I have is grey. I'm really glad with how the treads worked out, though. I was wondering how I would make the cloak and then I just fell in love with how they looked.
  17. Here, have a walrus. And some comments. Seems to me that people are more scared of tall things because my entry is also the tallest MOC on my desk. I like the spindly, skeletal look, but the way you have it holding baby Ghiddy is just poetry. Also, I feel your pain... I think, after this contest, cameras might go to the top of my list of Most Hated Technology. And it's very hard for me to hate something more than a printer =P Good luck!
  18. Uh yeah. I freely admit the movie was absolutely horrible. Trust me, the books are much better. Anyhow, I will take into mind the suggestion about the background. Question, would it be possible for me to re-take the pictures and still stay in the contest?
  19. Aaaaaand here he is! http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/20509-razac-bbc-contest-71/
  20. "So too are the Ra'zac designed to prey upon humans. They are the monsters in the dark, the dripping nightmares that haunt your race." -Oromis, Eldest Hooded And Cloaked Blade Drawn Front Side Other Side Back Sword Scabbard The Nightmare Revealed I had too many ideas for this contest. At first I thought I could do the normal Demon from Doom. Then I wanted to do the Cacodemon. Then I wanted to do the Pain Elemental (which, for those who don't know, is a suped-up Caco that spits out even more demons). Somewhere around here I realized I needed to settle on something. I had just started re-reading the Eragon series, and there I found my final villain. If you haven't read Eragon or any of the books that follow it... well then, quit reading this post and go to the library. ANYWAY. This creature is known as a Ra'zac. The Ra'zac travel as a pair, carrying out the Empire's bidding and leaving a trail of death and destruction wherever they go. In return for their services, they live in the black mountain of Helgrind, where priests below offer them human sacrifices to eat. While they cannot use magic, they have plenty other powers besides, along with their flasks of flesh-eating Seithr Oil. Since there hasn't been any official illustration of the Ra'zac, I had to embellish. I've always pictured them as a cross between a featherless bird, a vulture, and an insect, wrapped up in a humanoid form. To avoid rousing the suspicions of their victims, they wrap themselves up in black cloaks, no matter the weather. Again, I embellished: This one's cloak is cut away in places, presumably so it can fight easier. Anyhow! Hope you like it, leave a vote if you do! -Jaga
  21. Well, I have mine ready, just need to take pictures. Ah yes. Dark, brooding, mutant creature. Quite deliciously evil. The first of my minions... TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA-- --wait, did I say that out loud? =P
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