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Everything posted by evil_jaga_genius

  1. How did I not see this. I had an idea for a Bionicle TCG, but it was more on the lines of Pokemon than M:TG. Then again I've only played one game of Magic (with a friend's cards) but I was seriously confused. Pokemon seems more straightforward to me. (Rabid personal bias alert) That said, could you explain the rules a little?
  2. We actually did that in the BMPRPG, with Matoran gangsters and such: http://biomediaproject.com/bmp/board/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=345 A pity it isn't active, but it was fun while it lasted.
  3. So during the Kolhii tournament, they're both staring at Macku... I do believe you just explained Ga-Koro wiping the floor with both teams in Mask of Light =P Though just a thought, if Hewkii always goes shirtless and lives in the middle of the desert, wouldn't he have more of a tan than Macku? I thought he would have a really serious tan. I also love the scene at the bottom... "What are you looking at? Hahli and I are just friends." "Mmhmm..."
  4. That must be the reason it only shows up on like 3 matoran in MNOG2. The Kaukau looks nice, and is that picture of Mata Nui in 8 bits too?
  5. *Feels strange urge to make Super Taipu Bros.* *Cannot resist*
  6. Lewa: 1. Press button 2. Go through portal 3. Grab portal gun 4. Make some science
  7. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7863sQWxf-xMnI3T0diNEM4dWM/view?usp=sharing Here's the story behind this: when I was doing Adventure Posts, I kept thinking of what the characters would look like humanized. A lot of the time I found myself seeing them more like people and less robotic. One of these days I'll do the rest of them, but here's Maku. Whenever I'm in church and the sermon is about something insanely boring or it's just too crowded, I keep some pages of paper in my Bible to doodle on. After a while I had done a sketch of Maku, and I thought, "You know, this doesn't look too bad. What if I stuffed it in GIMP?" And this is the result. Maku and Huki have been best friends since they were kids (how does age work for people that live thousands of years?). Turaga Nokama thinks of her as her daughter or granddaughter, and does everything she can to keep her safe, usually by keeping her in the village. Maku on the other hand won't have any of that and keeps devising ever-more-inventive ways to sneak out. The idea in AP was to help her get out by having her hide in an empty barrel, then having the ferry boat tow her out to sea. Sadly I never got around to that =( Anyhow. She's a very bright character. While Huki is being all serious and brooding over Ahkmou, she just looks around and says, "Come on! It'll be an adventure!" I meant to put her in earlier as a way of balancing out the dark-and-heavy tone of the story. Since she's always looking to get outside the village adventuring, she has a few rips in her jeans and always carries her disk and a backpack. Her hair is orange because when you first meet her in MNOG, most of the Ga-Matoran have plain yellow eyes, but hers are a more orange shade. So there is some logic behind that. She and Huki also have a habit of pulling pranks on each other for fun. On the rare occasions they get to see each other. Speaking of Nokama thinking of her as her daughter, how would that work? The Matoran and Toa obviously have some idea of family--the Toa call each other brother and sister, and the Rahkshi are the 'sons of Makuta'. I imagine it's something a bit like The Maze Runner: they know what a family is, but they don't know anything about theirs. All the details are gone. "Do you ever wonder who our families are? Where they are now?" "Not really... I guess it never crossed my mind. But I guess we had to come from... somewhere. Why do you ask?" "Oh, it's just I get the vague idea my parents would like to meet you sometime. But it's just I don't know who they even are, you know? There are how many thousands of Matoran on this island and nobody knows who their brothers and sisters are, or if they even have any. There isn't a single mom or dad in the whole crowd. How come we're here and they're not?" Now that's a question that Greg should have a fun time answering. Enjoy the pic. -Jaga
  8. "I am heavy weapons moderator. And this... (holds up Banhammer) ...is my weapon..."
  9. IDK, but anyway they would make for convenient grips. I think the launchers work a bit like a spring airsoft gun. There would be a bolt you pull back that would fill a chamber with air. When you pull the trigger, the bolt flies forward, shoving the air out, towards the disk, and sends it flying. As for the powers... they all seem to have something to do with altering a substance on the molecular level. My idea is that there's a device in the disks that could tinker with the molecules of an object, surrounded by a protodermis ring. The ring provides the energy for the device, and the Matoran crafter programs the device with whatever power the disk is supposed to have (destroy poison molecules, enlarge atoms, scramble molecules, etc). The greater the quality of the ring, the higher the disk's power level. No idea on how the device itself is supposed to work, though I think it would act something like Star Trek's replicators.
  10. HA!! I'm all ready insane why else would I bake all these brownies So I can eat them all. Duh. I wonder if talking to the fourth wall breaks the fourth wall. Maybe if you keep talking to it'll end up exploding. Or maybe that's Swimmy's evil plan! He's in cahoots with the fourth wall! =P
  11. This is one of the few Pikachus I actually like =P It's cool how you managed to stuff so much detail onto both of them. Would you consider it worth the pain from stabbing yourself? =P
  12. How to post a blog. I don't see any handy button that says "Click to start a new blog!" or something like that... Metus Writin ur sig Ur doin it wrong (I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist =P)
  13. Do the online games count? If so... MNOG is utterly fantastic. But I think my award for gameplay would go to Spybotics: The Nightfall Incident. Lego Racers 2 was good too.
  14. I was really thinking of Bionicle when I came up with the idea "Everyone can use magic". Though it's a skill like anything else. Anyone can use magic but most people don't control it very well, people who practice with it and build it up are the wizards. Also I forgot to mention something: Malkhar is a lot like earth, in terms of technology and science and all that. It's just they have magic along with that. So Malkhar and Earth meeting would be less chaotic than one might think. There have been previous necromancers. The reason they're considered evil is the fact they age so fast. In order to live a normal lifespan, they have to use their power to leech off the life of others (They could live forever as long as they had people to leech off of). That, and controlling life and death so naturally would cause them to go power-mad. Eventually the people of Malkhar realized no good would come of a necromancer, so whenever they find some they try to kill them. Mendumen ran and hid until he had enough power to defend himself, so that's how he survived. I'm not sure what Malkhar's religion would be, or even if it has one at all. Since everyone can use magic, it seems like the line between a god and an ordinary person is much more blurry. Another thought: In the Narnia books, you don't see any churches or anything or any organized religion (Well, excluding the Calormenes) but it seems like everyone does know who Aslan is and worships him. Just not in the temples and cathedrals you would expect. Maybe that's the feeling I'm going for with Malkhar. I swear the editor said "Posting in Off-Topic Culture"...
  15. GitHub page here Please pester me about this. I really want to make a game and Adventure Posts seems pretty much dead in terms of interest. So yeah, pester me, keep me on track, and tell me what you think. It's also one of my few projects that isn't directly Bionicle-related =P This is all very much in the early parts of development. I don't have any real game to show you yet. I don't even have real sprites, so I'm asking for your thoughts on the concept. Once again: The more you pester me, the more details I'll give. That's not to say I have the whole thing planned out now and am just holding it back, but your comments force me to think, write down ideas, and post them here. If something sounds like I just made it up on the fly, rest assured: it probably was. -Jaga
  16. The first thing I thought of when I saw the Titan toa was "He made Toa Maku?" (Seriously, though, I like it)
  17. I pity the fool that punched Ahkmou in the face.
  18. If you want an update on my programming projects, pester me long enough and I'll give you one.

  19. I lure our battle over to a dam that I conveniently loaded with dynamite while everyone else was posting. Your extinguishing is quick and relatively painless. My mask.
  20. Out comes the Tin Man. In goes the Tin Man's oil can.
  21. I take you and throw you into a Ta-Metru furnace. My mask.
  22. You know, I don't think Krana are dependent on the whole mental-discipline thing like Kanohi are. The Bohrok are just mechs that the Krana pilot about, and they get superpowers depending on the Krana inside, so they couldn't possibly use any mental discipline or anything. So if a Rahi actually started wearing Krana, maybe they would get the superpowers of the Krana as well. (Though it seems that the Rahi do have some characteristics of their masks. The Tarakava wore Pakaris and Kakamas, and were some of the strongest and speediest Rahi around. The Muaka had a Hau, and in MNOG, it has the highest health of all the Rahi in the ending minigame. And the Nui-Rama which I believe have compound eyes use Rurus, masks affecting vision.) It's probably a good thing we didn't hear about this happening in canon. Imagine a Tarakava using a Krana Vu to fly... them silly bamboo disks aren't gonna do a thing.
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