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Everything posted by evil_jaga_genius

  1. I wonder what the Turaga's masks would look like Nuva'd.
  2. Well, the Great Huna has the same single eyehole as the Noble version. The Great Rau keeps the noble's smooth and rounded appearance. Other than that, though, they pretty much winged it with the other four--well, not completely winged it. If you think about it, they do seem to fit the Matoran's jobs on Metru Nui. The ventilation pipes on the Huna would be useful in a sooty, smoky forge, so would the blue visor that shows up in the comics--like a welding helmet. Onewa has a similar red visor in the comics, which would be nice to keep the sun out of your eyes in the Sculpture Fields. The Matutu's eyepiece would be useful for watching the stars or examining ancient records up close. The Ruru's vents might help keep out the musty smells of the Archives or come in handy in a mine. Also, it looks pretty rugged, which seems to fit life underground. So does the Mahiki, it looks like a helmet that can be thrown around all over the place but still keeps your head safe. Something you'd want when testing vehicles in the Moto-Hub, or riding chutes, or any number of the ridiculous reckless things Le-Matoran are known to do. And, thoughtfully, the Rau's eyepieces are covered over like swimming goggles. [/Metru Nui fanboy rant]
  3. Since all of them look so curved, smooth, and almost organic, I'm tempted to think this was practice for the Inika's rubber masks. Or at least they have some relation to the Inika masks, I'm not sure what. I don't hate the Nuva masks that much, it's just I like other masks more. Though I did like them a lot more after looking at the illustrations for Brutaka's Game (a fanfic on deviantArt). Still, they ARE a pain to use on something other than a Toa Nuva. I keep ending up with cartoonishly large heads on a medium-size body.
  4. Hey genie, I wish for the recipe for the bestest sandwich in the world! Well, by the time you finish dividing the two sandwiches up somebody is going to have eaten the third one. That's just sandwich math. With four sandwiches you'd end up with three after someone mysteriously ate one and THEN you'd have a conundrum. Man, I'm hungry.
  5. Me gusta: Writing, programming, games (Pokemon, Quake 2 and Myst are my faves), theater Lots of books. A Wrinkle in Time. The Giver. The Maze Runner. Ray Bradbury. The Blood Ship. And Bionicle. Duh. Particularly Nui-Jagas and that strange phenomenon known as humanization. Working on: Not having my life and soul sucked into schoolwork--oh, besides that. Okay. Writing a book set in a video-game world Programming this Making Christmas presents This thingus
  6. *clicks play button* *sees life-sized Ghidora* *nearly falls off chair* Well, this is interesting, I just might have to come over to the dark side and join your league...
  7. I didn't even write that idea down and you've stolen it out of my brain. Stahp.
  8. Maybe it's NOT a genie in a lamp but a non-functional flamethrower in a lamp. Which might actually be more useful than the genie...
  9. I actually have 2 minifig-sized gatling guns I can't figure out where they came from. I found them in a bag full of Bohrok at a garage sale =P Anyhow, I'm really loving those hands and feet, though the fact that one socket is smooth and the other not is kinda bugging me.
  10. I won't say I like drawing, because I can't draw. But I like trying to draw. Sure, I'm gonna give it a shot.
  11. Hrm. I'm not a huge SW fan but... this DOES sound cool. Time to fire up Republic Commando again.
  12. I just realized Akino and Z are missing a canary in the mine with them.
  13. For some reason a story idea is coming to mind... maybe he sells potions made out of teardrops, and when you drink them you relive the memory that caused them to be cried. A pool made out of cried tears... scoop some out, drink them, and see what happens. Or, rather, what happened. Tears of joy or tears of sorrow, take a gamble as to which you hold. Then swallow the brew, listen to the memory etch itself into your mind. A merchant of memories, a trader of tears...
  14. Posting again here to keep the topic alive because I need 3D models of masks for a possible project. Also the link to the picture isn't working... halp.
  15. Granted, but this button is wired to make your toilet clog on demand. I wish for a balloon, shaped like Pi.
  16. Look around a bit. Maybe Wheatley and the Space Core are in there somewhere.
  17. Has anyone else noticed that all of the Toa's weapons seem to be staff-based? With the exception of Tahu and Kopaka, all of the team wields pretty long, staff-length blades. And Tahu and Kopaka have long hilts sticking out of their swords, so they're getting in on the trend too. EDIT: With the hilts on Tahu's blades, one of the swords ends with an axle, the other with a connector piece. Kinda looks like he can put them together for a Darth Maul-style weapon.
  18. I'm not quite sure. It looks like they're still using CCBS skeletons and shells, but there's a lot more pipes and pistons decorating them.
  19. Good heavens the topic hasn't been alive a day and there's already two pages of replies. Thoughts: Maybe Ketar's species is what the Scorpios were made from? They share the scorpion appearance and the lime color scheme. Anyhow, I love how they're sticking with the desert scorpion theme for stone. Obvious Nui-Jaga reference is obvious. And wonderful. Lewa's linked form is schweet. I've always imagined him having dragonfly-like wings, now it's official. Pohatu doesn't keep his boomerangs... ah, well. Maybe I can pick up an original Pohatu on clearance somewhere. That mace-flail thing is looking pretty gnarly though, so not a complete loss. Gali, what on earth did they do to you? Aw sweet, Tahu gets clockwork blades. Kopaka's got one nifty chaingun. Maybe Umarak is a Skull Warrior? He uses the skeletal pieces and carries a bow. Maybe he's a Warrior that broke loose of Kulta's control. AND DO I SEE BIO-FREAKING-MECHANICAL CCBS SHELLS? (w00t w00t w00t w00t)
  20. Well, SOMEBODY'S gonna get slimed... =P
  21. Never question the power of the G-man. #WhyUQuoteHalfLife Next there's going to be a headcrab skull spider invasion.
  22. I think they used those particular symbols in Glatorian Arena 2, though I'm not so sure about that sand-dune symbol. Also, are these part of a card game, or are they just collectible?
  23. I don't blame the guy for thinking about the Christmas ghosts, they've been playing Christmas music on the radio around here since the first of November. Though then again, he could be the DJ, in which case he should be punished for his heinous crimes against humanity.
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