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Everything posted by Bonkle

  1. There seems to be a lot of things that people hate in this topic. Let's try for a monstrosity so shunned, so forgotten, put so far into the corner that it cannot receive love: minifigure Inika Hewkii. Don't look into the eyes.
  2. I'd save the ones I like. If you could live in a Metru....
  3. Back when you were Minty Green, I always saw whatever your avatar was, but when you changed it I misread it and now I can only see Stan from Gravity Falls.
  4. I'd have to say Umbra. He's really weird, but I can't help but love him, wheel-feet and all. I would say the Av-Matoran, but I really don't think they're bad so I don't think they count for me.
  5. How about the switch from ball joints on the head to ball joints on the body?
  6. This is not without evidence: Therefore, Onepu is the MU equivalent of Tom Sawyer. Fixed that for you. You, sir, win the internet for at least a week.
  7. I like the Hau Nuva look it has without the scope.
  8. I posted this in the non-Bionicle forum for a reason.... You didn't strictly exclude Bionicle in either the topic title nor first post. It should be no surprise that people on a Bionicle fansite would consider it one of the greatest Lego themes. I know, I just meant that that was kind of a given. I was looking for other answers. I also like Mars Mission and SP3
  9. Five Five Five Five (I posted a couple of these dudes later on in the topic) Five Three Three Two (Post #262 character is in use) Thirty-three points!
  10. We better get back on topic. I also like how you made the clunky Mata hand with the Protector foot.
  11. Thanks! I personally can't wait to get to the store in order to buy the last few Toa in order to be able to complete the team. Who are you still missing? 'Cause if you don't plan on getting them all at once, I can make some recommendations. I'm just missing Kopaka and Tahu, though I'll need to get a second Gali, while I'm there. Kopaka is easily the best of all six.
  12. Thanks! I personally can't wait to get to the store in order to buy the last few Toa in order to be able to complete the team. Who are you still missing? 'Cause if you don't plan on getting them all at once, I can make some recommendations.
  13. This is literally the best thing ever.
  14. I want karate Gali now. Gali stars in: Enter the Kanohi Dragon. Gali stars in: Enter the Kardas Dragon
  15. That Keetorange makes him look great. Much better than the Mata's lime green. Looking forward to the rest!
  16. I miss the new people and get stuck with brown-haired teen.....
  17. I want karate Gali now.
  18. Hahahaha don't take tips from me. I can hardly MOC with BIONICLE. My true talents lie with System. Just remember, that, above all else, you should make what you like and not what others want. Also, my comment about the similarities was supposed to be positive. Maybe you could come up with something that explains it.
  19. I doubt that will happen, because..... it's such a huge plot point that's already been done before. "HEY GUYS IT'S A GIANT ROBOT AGAIN" *fans facepalm* Cool theory, though.
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