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confused piraka

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Status Updates posted by confused piraka

  1.  what's happening for bionicle day 2025?

  2. my self moc will be out in a few days, or you can pay 20 widgets to see it now. #microtransaction

  3. I might play mnog. crazy how Iv'e put it off for so long

    1. Axelford


      Do it, it's so worth it, MNOG is one of-if not my favourite thing to come out of Bionicle.  :biorules:

  4. what is embers?

  5. hey you changed your pfp! cool

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. confused piraka
    3. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom


      @confused piraka

      *Tears of joy- HAPPYDance!*

      You have outdone yourself-it’s absolutely lovely! SO ME, OMG. Thankeeeee! This is topic worthy MOC quality!  more than words can say-nobody ever has done a MOC of Mushy prior!!! 😭❤️🌈 You are so talented and flawlessly capture the fungi likeness! The colors are PEFECT! I love it, thank you!!!!
      So sorry for late reply, real life happy hectic at the moment! 

    4. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      Love the little knee nubs and wand weapon as well! 🥲😊🥰

  6.  like how bionicle gets progressively more violent

    2001-bamboo disks

    2002-heavy rocket launchers

    2003-hockey puck

    2004-war crime disks

    2005-war crime spinners

    2006-mag fed mind control guns

    2007-biological weapons and semi auto rocket propelled grenade launchers

    2008-guided rocket launchers and missile racks

    2009-handheld bomb lauchers

    2010-automated killer robots

    the us military wishes they were this crazy

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      the us military wishes they were this crazy”

      maybe they are?

      Lab 257: The Disturbing Story of the Government's Secret Germ ... https://www.amazon.com/Lab-257-Disturbing-Governments-Laboratory/dp/006078184X 

      I read given personal history with tick disease and give points for its levels of declassified disturbing 😂

    3. confused piraka

      confused piraka

      are you an expert on disturbing now?🤔

    4. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      Not sure if I the comparative youngling am worthy of such an honor. 
      If so, I blame my amazing homeschool weirdo mother for this, hahaha! 

  7. wow I really need two get a profile picture

  8. hi waj loving the bcc vs modularity game show

  9. yens: your father used to say..

    nick:  shut up yens 

    yens: your father used..

  10. just got some galidor as a holiday present! (yes that a good thing)

    1. ENTITY .01

      ENTITY .01

      good  for you, i have nick and gorm

  11. I'm listening to your voice right now and I have listened to it for over 15 hours (loving the podcasts)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. confused piraka

      confused piraka

      could I be on the podcast at any point?

    3. Onvermel


      Sorry but at the moment I am not set up really to have guests on. Possibly down the line but I have a lot of technical issues that hinders my abilities outside of having people in person. 

    4. confused piraka

      confused piraka

      thanks for speaking to me though your filter (podcast #90) 

      (completely understandable, will keep listening, keep of the random craziness)

  12. you really missed out on putting your location as oblivion

  13. what do you guys think of the new pfp?

    1. JAG18


      Skull Basher is dope.  *checks BS01*  Oh I mean Kulta the Skull Grinder is dope.   Yeah um...nice change. 

    2. confused piraka

      confused piraka

      he's going to bash you for that

  14. hey swert, hope you are doing well, could I be on firespitting with bs01 as a guest? I have lots too rage about including names, Bara Magna, maybe galidor?, advertising, etc. would love to talk too people that share my love/hate of bionicle. no pressure though. 

  15. love your firespitting podcast with swert and co. any chance you guys are going to do more? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SPIRIT


      Swert runs the show, so I don't have any control over that. If you have a good idea to rant about, maybe he'll have you on. Doesn't hurt to ask him!

    3. confused piraka
    4. SPIRIT


      Best to reach out over email: biosector01@outlook.com

      or Discord: https://discord.com/invite/qncWdJS5f9

  16. I will post a fully topographical map of Mata Nui soon

  17. having a blast looking up random bionicle meanings

  18. expect big things soon

  19. what is your icon?

    1. The Toa of Music

      The Toa of Music

      It's a custom thing not a real icon lol. I just searched for custom kanohi masks on google and thought this one looked cool.

  20. I like your background image


  21. where did you find your pfp? it's really cool

    1. BionicleEvolution


      Hey, thanks! I've actually generated that on Midjourney, it's non-existent a.i Bionicle concept art. You should give it a go, just be super specific + descriptive about what you want from it

  22. how is your project going?

    (it looks amazing so far)

  23. still like hero factory?

    1. Lenny7092


      Yes. What about you?

    2. confused piraka

      confused piraka

      just got into it and it has a okay storyline but a great setting. I wish it had went further😟

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