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Blog Comments posted by Ektris

    Maud Pie

    Maud has appeared before; in Pinkie Pride.


    Maud was pretty much exactly what I expected out of a sibling to Pinkie, strangely enough. So I thought it was pretty good.



    That figure is fantastic. I have Terradive.

    It's my first experience with the mold. Truly is fantastic and a perfect fit for this character. So glad to have it.


    Now to hope I can track down a Protoform X later this year.


    I've been wanting to get that Mikasa and Eren someday, and then some other day Armin and Levi. I wouldn't mind having that Depth Charge either.


    I jelly. :<

    Preorders, man. Preorders or bust. (Or get lucky like me and have a guy who bought two and gives you the second at cost.)
  2. Can't decide if I want to play this weekend. I didn't have much fun during my first round so didn't even bother with the second beta weekend... And the whole "let's break a world record!" campaign they have for the upcoming weekend doesn't leave me confidant that the servers will be able to support everyone.


    But I suppose that is the point of it.

  3. The horns I can look past since they're such a small thing, but the two heads on Swoop... yeah, that's bothered me since a concept art of him leaked a while back. I don't like it.


    Didn't even notice the flapping metal. Doesn't bother me.


    Where'd you pick up on a Megatron? (But yeah of course he'll be back... but current rumor has him being the classically-named-for-a-revived-Megatron Galvatron.)


    It still did its job at hyping me up, soooo... meh.

  4. Random related note not many will care about so I saved it for a comment: This is definitely the nail in the coffin that is the D-Arts line. Between Lucario and some new version of God Eater's Alisa being announced as SHFs and now the Mario reveal, D-Arts is dead. Or at least has been absorbed by the Figuarts label. Shouldn't change much except perhaps greater trust in the name. And hopefully better QC.


    And one many should care about: This has been getting teased for a few weeks now by Bluefin Tamashii Nations - the American distributor for these products. Seeing as they can't even acknowledge the existence of the Pokémon figures due to licensing... that is a fantastic sign that this will get an American release.


    Which is good because I've already got a ton of things preordered for May heh...

  5. Gah, been waiting for this one, and of course I won't be able to catch it. Leaving a half hour before it airs to head back to school... which also means going back to either loooow quality streams (seriously have never found a good one) or being patient (which I'm not lol) and waiting for uploads later. No me gusta.

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