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Blog Comments posted by Ektris

  1. Oh it was immensely easy to level them, yeah.


    I think the only one that took a while to level was the Titan. Yeah you're big and tough, but being slower when everyone else is probably an Infiltrator (is that class still popular? My [poor] memory's telling me it was very commonly used) and zipping around you made it harder to get kills. I think I did the most objective gametypes with the class than the others, because defending a spot was so easy.

  2. I played the heck out of that at the beginning of the last school year. What's not to love about fighting other people as transforming robots?


    It's all pretty balanced too I think. So long as people remember their class role... I loved playing as the medic for the speed and flying and would actually heal people. But of course when I went to the other classes to get Prime status (yay 50 achievements :3), rarely did the medics care to heal you.

  3. I read the Star Wars novels.


    For those not in the know, THERE ARE A LOT OF THEM.


    Space conservation was an obvious issue from the start, so paperback helps. And I wanted to read older ones, which are only in paperback. Once you get so many, why muddle the clean look on the shelf by switching between paper and hard back? I think it looks really ugly.


    And its my experience with all of those that pushed me to paperback in general. It just became a preference.


    I got over it guys. :P


    Yeah, I think this hardcore approach is really going to freshen things up. I'm looking forward to it. ^_^


    Although making golden apples will be harder now that we need ingots, not nuggets...


    Oh wait. Those kind don't even give regen, do they?


    Great. ;_;

    The golden apples do give regen. :P Only two and a half hearts, though.


    Ahh. I was thinking of Enchanted Golden Apples.
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