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Blog Comments posted by Ektris

  1. Nothing is wrong with them... except they shouldn't be here. There's no real reason they should have gotten into the bracket over a more diverse list of characters other than the people voting on them generally only know Pokémon. I freely admit I've not played as many Nintendo titles as I should have, yet I recognize there were much better choices.

  2. Can't believe we have freaking Cyndaquil, Goomy (stupid current memes), and Giratina in this...

    Ghirahim (gosh darnit why are both here... seeding totally should've paired one up with the Pokémon to kick them out right away)
    Meta Knight


    These counted, still need to count everything below.

  3. Don't let Goomy in. Seriously, don't. Also probably should've required them be actual characters since this list is bloated with Pokémon (which could've had exceptions like Mewtwo, Pikachu, and Meowth for actually having some characterization thanks to the anime). I've never even played one of the games and yet I'm disappointed Fire Emblem isn't represented here.








  4. Unfortunately, due to licensing issues, the Pokémon D-Arts are only available at MSRP on Japanese retail sites. That is, without ridiculous markups. Otherwise you can try BigBadToyStore or even Amazon, but you will generally be paying more even after shipping from Japan is factored in.


    So I'd point you instead towards AmiAmi, Hobby Search, and HobbyLink Japan (although the latter is quickly losing its reputation due to overselling preorders and cancelling a lot) or even Mandarake for second-hand purchases. On AmiAmi, which is probably the cheapest place you'll find them if you manage to get in on the preorders - which quickly fill up within hours - they're slightly below 3000 yen. If not, stalking Mandarake after release isn't a bad idea. I'd compare it to eBay, except it's actually for collectors so things are in good condition and described generally well, they have actual physical store fronts in Japan (which means stuff can be sold there even after you place your online order), and prices can be terrific.


    That's assuming Lucario will get a retail release like the previous Pokémon, but that does seem likely. But you never know and he could go the way of a Tamashii Web Shop Exclusive, which is a whole lot more work to get ahold of then...

  5. Wait a minute. Those ghasts have cheese slopes connected upside-down AND a tile on top. If the plate or brick is a new SNOT piece this is going to be revolutionary.


    Edit: Wait, we already have upside-down 2x2 tiles. Darn it.

    I didn't realize the Ghasts were 2x2, but yeah it makes sense that they are and does indeed mean that's not a new piece (but will be my first set with them heh).


    I like how the description for the Nether set states that there are 32 micromobs included. Probably a typo, but I would love to have a LEGO pigman swarm.



    Oh man, didn't even notice that. That wooould be cool, but is most unlikely. :P
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