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Blog Comments posted by CyclonatorZ

  1. Please elaborate on these. It's been a while and I'm old and I wanna enjoy some Bionicle mistakes.

    Foot door


    Ice floating: it was either Bionicle legends 7 or 8. Matoro used ice to freeze a Barraki, and somehow he didn't float to the surface. But Bonkle physics don't work like earth physics, amirite?


    Red Star Retcon: Basically everyone who ever died in the Matoran Universe isn't actually dead, cause the Red star is a resurrection machine that only broke down recently. This never actually happened in story, cause the serials were (mercifully) canceled, but it's technically canon, argh.


  2. Represent! The Barraki are my favorite canister villians to this day. And let's not forget their honorary seventy member, in all his affordable and glow in the dark glory, Looking back, I regret I didn't pick up Takadox and Carapar, cause then I'd have all the great Barraki sets.


    Pridak is my least favorite. I still despise his set as much as I did in 2007


    From a purely set-based perspective, I appreciate your point.


    On a story level, the Barraki were the worst thing ever.


    Worse than foot door? Or Greg forgetting that ice floats in water? Or the entirety of the planned Red Star retcon? Nah, not even close, even if Mantax is a teensy bit of bit of an edgelord.

  3. Good article - with one caveat. It wasn't intentional, to say the least, but I would argue Revenge of the Sith (along with Attack of the Clones) did give a very good explanation as to why Anakin turned the the dark side: because he was a terrible person. And unfortunately, this does have a significant impact on a successive viewing of the next three movies, because it contradicts basically everything about Darth Vader's character arc in the original trilogy. After all, if he wasn't a good man as Obi-Wan claimed and Luke believed, there really wasn't much of a reason for him to turn back to the Light in Return of the Jedi, was there?

  4. This is why I always rage when people say the Joker won in The Dark Knight. Its like people were so engrossed in the darkness that they didn't watch the last two minutes of the movie. Actually, on occasion I even saw the sentiment expressed that Nolan should just end the series there, for seemingly no reason other than that, disturbingly, people seemingly shared the Joker's view that reality indeed is a big cosmic joke, and a purely depressing ending to the saga was more "realistic."

    • Upvote 1
  5. I'm not sure it really would work in this era of BZPower. If you do it by ramdom selection, the computer will inevitably pull up inactive members every time, by virtue of over 99% of the site's 30,000 plus members having not visited in years. But if you do it by staff or member selection, I fear as others do that it would lead to favoritism and other abuses, especially knowing what I do know about the ways some portion of BZPower's remaining active members conduct themselves off-site.


    However, this is getting into stuff that, ironically, I really can't discuss further on BZP, so I'll just leave it at that.

  6. And then five years after Generation 3 is canceled, Lego launches Generation 4. There's no actual sets, just paper dolls that each come with an !!EXCLUSIVELIMITEDPLATINUMEDITIONMASK!! (also paper), and the entirety of the story line AND the marketing is a rage comic made in MSPaint.


    Needless to say, G4 flops so badly that it not only is canceled a mere 11 days after it launches, but creates a gaping hole in reality - resulting in a time paradox that results in the complete erasure of all four incarnations of Bionicle from existence, as well as its conceptual predecessor Boneheads of Voodoo Island. In the current timeline, Lego is now known as a former building brick company that filed for bankruptcy in 1998, after losing 300 gazillion krone on its failed toy line Cybots.

  7. This trope dates back all the way to the birth of the blockbuster cash cow - by which I mean Star Wars, which pretty much ensured the moment the toys began flying off shelves that Mark Hamill couldn't get cast in other big movies, for the fear that "people would just see Luke Skywalker." Of course, he went on to have a defining career in voice acting, and this trope obviously didn't stop Harrison Ford from having another half a dozen iconic roles beyond Han Solo.


    I think at least some of it ultimately comes down to the caliber of the star, both as an actor and as a person. I'll be honest, I think some of why Chris Hemsworth hasn't hit it big outside of Marvel - and why people tend to see Thor whenever he stars in another movie - is is just a matter of him not being quite as good an actor as many of his Avenger's co stars (IMO). In contrast, I've heard it thrown around on occasion that a man of such talent as RDJ shouldn't waste his time playing the same superhero for a decade. What people seem to forget is that Iron Man saved his career. He was blacklisted until Marvel gave him a leg up. If his pre-jail career had continued on and he hadn't made all those bad personal choices, we might know him as a "character actor" instead of a "superhero actor" - because apparently playing a man with a metal suit apparently disqualifies a person from the former title.


    In other words, arbitrary cultural standards, which as you pointed out are largely influenced by the fiction that comic book films aren't "real" films. Which begs the question, what exactly is more real about Oceans Eleven - and why is is more dignified for an actor of George Clooney's caliber to return for Oceans Twelve and Oceans 13, then for RDJ to return for Iron Man 2 and Iron Man 3?

  8. I blame the terrible Bionicle movie trilogy for permanently retconning Bionicle into something far less innovative and unique than the original concept. Of course, in recent years I've possibly gone down the path of insanity, especially ever since I became convinced that Bionicle was really about a world were robots were living and organics were not alive. :P

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