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Blog Comments posted by CyclonatorZ

  1. That certainly seems to be stopping Halo from selling well. Hate to break it to you, but the console market is an order of magnitude larger than the PC gaming market.


    That's not to say I don't enjoy PC gaming or think it's dumb - I have a custom-built PC I use for nothing but gaming. It's just a fact. There's less money to be made releasing for PC so it's hardly the worst decision that could be made.


    Are there any sale statistics you can show that proves this? As a whole, I might agree with you, with there being a total of three current-gen consoles - but Halo has been Xbox exclusive for quite some time. Halo 3 sold 12 million copies, which is the exact same amount Half Life 2 sold (the vast majority which are PC copies), and only one million more than Battlefield 2 (a multiplayer-only FPS) sold as a PC exclusive. Plus, Steam prints money, so releasing Halo on it would almost certainly squeeze millions more sales out of the series (especially Halo 3, which unlike the first two games has never recieved a PC port).

  2. Also, once you're done playing all the official Half-Life games, go download Black Mesa. It would be a lie if I didn't say that while playing this fan-made remake of the original Half-Life, I felt like I was playing what Valve would have made if they had gotten around to making a remake themselves.

  3. Star Wars was shot dead when Phantom Menace was released. If anything, Episode 7 is a second chance at meeting the quality of the originals. I struggle to be against it because Star Wars has had its fair share of awful, awful movies/shows/whatever, so it's not really a sacred franchise anymore - it's not like another bad movie will make stuff worse. And if it's good, then it's redemption. Disney were involved with Avengers and that was ace. I don't know if that can be considered any reflection on the possible quality of Episode 7, but given the awfulness of the prequels perhaps lessons will have been learned anyway. I'm optimistic. - Tilius


    This, exactly. (Well, I dislike episode 2 even more than 1, but all the prequels are a chore to get through and won't ever be part of my personal DVD collection)

  4. But because it’s an alien, it’s science fiction and thus not eligible for any ‘real’ awards. Super 8 and Monsters weren’t even considered for an Oscar because they’re science fiction and, ergo, not art.


    Well, I would say this in particular is more the result of the Academy Awards being extremely out of touch with the general public than anything else. This is the organization that didn't give The Dark Knight a best picture nomination, even though it was one of the most critically acclaimed and commerically sucessful movies of the year.

  5. It would be scary living in the deep sea. All the most bizarre animals in the world seem to like it down there. Although, some of them are more weird than flat out creepy - search for dumbo octopus and blobfish, and you'll understand what I mean.

  6. I personally am a staunch supporter of IV, V, VI, and nothing else. Hey, someone had to say it eventually. :P


    In all honestly, If I ever have kids of my own, I have no intention of showing them the disasters that are the prequels unless they personally beg me to. And if that happens, I'll have to rent them, because my personal Star Wars movie collection will be limited to the earliest VHS versions of the original trilogy I can find. I'll still probably never be able to avoid the horrors of Greedo shooting first, but at least I won't have to put up with most of the other needless changes.

  7. Hey, no hard feelings - until 2010, I had never played a single Valve game. :P


    On the other hand, this means I was spared most of the five-plus year wait for any sort of news on the Half Life series, so perhaps being a late inductee into the Valve fan-club was for the best. :)

  8. NinjaGo has really grown on me. That's not to say I've actually invested any money in it (I officially stopped buying lego two years ago), but I have to say that it's turned out quite well. It's nice to see they're actually putting a significant amount of thought into its storyline, and I would be quite sorry to see it go if it doesn't make it past this year. TLC has in recent years become far too hasty with their theme cancelations.

  9. Great post. Your blog was really the only one I spent any significant amount of time reading. Regarding specific entries, I'm still waiting for all those wacky elements to show up in the Bionicle Paracosmos. So far, I think all we've really seen are Music (aka soulsongs) and the Mutated Elements (aka Kriitunga).


    Also, is it safe to assume that, since BZP hasn't had significant lag issues for years, Survurlode is either dead or has given up conquering BZP? :P

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