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Everything posted by CyclonatorZ

  1. *goes to search for Henry Gilroy* Wow, that's not a bad resume. Makes me wonder all the more why the Bionicle movie trilogy sucked so much.
  2. Prediction: this scream is the only thing this inevitable trainwreck of a film will be remembered for. The Universal Studios cinematic Monster-verse will never happen, thank God.
  3. The artbook is now the single greatest thing to have come out of G2 - and it's definitely in the running for one of the top pieces of Bionicle media ever. A shame that, as far as I can tell, they were probably mandated to not include much of anything from the planned third year. Maybe no one asked for them, but a lot of people seem perfectly happy with them, judging by the fact that they're selling well enough that Lego keeps making more. And for the record, if we get nothing but Lego Star Wars CCBS for the next few years, I'll be very happy myself.
  4. Good article - with one caveat. It wasn't intentional, to say the least, but I would argue Revenge of the Sith (along with Attack of the Clones) did give a very good explanation as to why Anakin turned the the dark side: because he was a terrible person. And unfortunately, this does have a significant impact on a successive viewing of the next three movies, because it contradicts basically everything about Darth Vader's character arc in the original trilogy. After all, if he wasn't a good man as Obi-Wan claimed and Luke believed, there really wasn't much of a reason for him to turn back to the Light in Return of the Jedi, was there?
  5. If the war of the planet of the apes ends with nukes, then I think we'll know for sure. You maniacs!
  6. Thank you for this. Also thanks goes to my parents, who never faulted me for baring my emotions in full, and even encouraged me to do so.
  7. CyclonatorZ


    Is this like the scene in Dr. Strange where the hands grow hands that grow hands that grow hands?
  8. CyclonatorZ


    Syke, he's actually been alive the whole time, living in the Red Star along with basically everyone else who ever died who wasn't Matoro. Thanks, Greg.
  9. This is why I always rage when people say the Joker won in The Dark Knight. Its like people were so engrossed in the darkness that they didn't watch the last two minutes of the movie. Actually, on occasion I even saw the sentiment expressed that Nolan should just end the series there, for seemingly no reason other than that, disturbingly, people seemingly shared the Joker's view that reality indeed is a big cosmic joke, and a purely depressing ending to the saga was more "realistic."
  10. CyclonatorZ

    Fantastic Beasts

    It's Warner Brothers. You know, the company that turned a single chapter of the Hobbit into an entire movie.
  11. It's quite a turnaround from when I was a kid. The dark ages were the dark ages for a reason.
  12. The third party transformers market doesn't actually steal the exact designs that Hasbro sells, though. And they primarily focus on filling gaps in people's collections that Hasbro/Takara have yet to. In contrast, there are actual transformers bootlegs that are created by people stealing figures from Hasbro's factories before they are ever released, and they copying them and selling them on the cheap. That's actually the primary "appeal" of LEPIN's bootlegs. They copy Lego's designs to a tee and then sell them for far less that TLG does. People are even justifying this over on other sites, due to Lego's perceived "price gouging." They apparently haven't considered economics - namely that, in contrast to Lego's Chinese factory, which at least probably pays a passable wage, bootlegs of all sorts keep their prices down via wage slavery and even literal slave labor.
  13. I'd say you can at least partially thank Mask of Light for that. It was in the end really hard keep any of the original intentions of Makuta's character, once the decision was made to cap off the first big story arc with a terrible movie made by people who thought Bionicle was Lord of the Rings with robots.
  14. CyclonatorZ

    An Idea

    I'm not sure it really would work in this era of BZPower. If you do it by ramdom selection, the computer will inevitably pull up inactive members every time, by virtue of over 99% of the site's 30,000 plus members having not visited in years. But if you do it by staff or member selection, I fear as others do that it would lead to favoritism and other abuses, especially knowing what I do know about the ways some portion of BZPower's remaining active members conduct themselves off-site. However, this is getting into stuff that, ironically, I really can't discuss further on BZP, so I'll just leave it at that.
  15. Awesome. And also ugh. It's nothing you could, ahem, control, but seeing this creation once again reminds me that we never got the ribcage or any bones in trans-dark-blue. The creation is pretty, ahem, cool, despite that, but I can't help but see two tendrils of ice instead of one tendril of ice and water a piece. Still, anything that manages to homage MNOG Makuta and the idea of the Mask of Ultimate Power possibly being the true villain of G2 is cool in my book. And a giant MoCo made of CCBS parts is by default more original than probably at least 50 percent of the other contest entries submitted. A lot of people just can't move beyond the creative constraints of the generic G1 Makuta look, so kudos to you for, ahem, forging a different path. apologies in advance for all the terrible puns
  16. Not this exact hypothesis, no, but I have been developing a story that imagines a world where people on the spectrum manifest their uniqueness in reality-bending superpowers - making them the most powerful individuals in the known universe.
  17. Beautiful. Simply beautiful. I am not exaggerating when I say that solid gold like this is literally what will keep the Bionicle community alive and even thriving in the years to come. ...I don't suppose there's any possibility of you opening a Patreon to fund a whole series of these animations? 'Cause I'd put my money down faster than you can say "Kanohi."
  18. And then five years after Generation 3 is canceled, Lego launches Generation 4. There's no actual sets, just paper dolls that each come with an !!EXCLUSIVELIMITEDPLATINUMEDITIONMASK!! (also paper), and the entirety of the story line AND the marketing is a rage comic made in MSPaint. Needless to say, G4 flops so badly that it not only is canceled a mere 11 days after it launches, but creates a gaping hole in reality - resulting in a time paradox that results in the complete erasure of all four incarnations of Bionicle from existence, as well as its conceptual predecessor Boneheads of Voodoo Island. In the current timeline, Lego is now known as a former building brick company that filed for bankruptcy in 1998, after losing 300 gazillion krone on its failed toy line Cybots.
  19. So, Bionicle is canceled again. I guess I'm just not really emotional about these kind of things anymore, cause I came to realize a while ago that nothing lasts forever, and cool stuff in particular tends to get the short end of the stick (Firefly, The Spectacular Spiderman, etc). And between me not being invested in G2's storyline and no longer putting G1 on such a massive pedestal like I did when I was a kid, I'm fine with the two years of awesome sets we got. Plus, It means that for the first time in my life I can feasibly collect an entire theme - I'm only missing like, less than a dozen sets. So again, I wouldn't really call myself upset, although I would have probably preferred it to get one more truncated wave with the Masters and Makuta. It's also nice of TLG to once again let the story people rush to a conclusion instead of just canceling the theme abruptly on a cliffhanger. That's what, twice in a row Bionicle actually gets wrapped up? Poor Exo-Force fans could only have wished for that kind of generosity. Anyway, rest in peace Bionicle. And I pray for BZP's sake that the fan base can stick together this time instead of fracturing in a fit of rage. If there is any conceivable way BIonicle ever gets a G3 years down the line, it certainly won't happen because people are spending their time making fruitless petitions and lashing out at each other in anger, instead of focusing on the positive and keeping the Legend alive through fan-created media. It's Unity, Duty, Destiny, you know, not Animosity, Avarice, Armageddon.
  20. I guess I'm not doing it right then: Bionicle G1 was awesome, Bionicle G2 is awesome, and Hero Factory was pretty cool too.
  21. There is also precedent for this kind of blatant reference:
  22. Took advantage of the TRU deal while I was on vacation, and picked up Skull Grinder/Mask Maker, Lava beast, Quake beast, and the remaining two creatures I was missing. My G2 collection is really filling out my designated Bionicle shelves now.
  23. From my limited exposure to the G2 story (basically just the 2015 web episodes) I would have to say Skull Slicer. The website depicted him as being a skilled warrior and possibly a reluctant villain, but in his one very brief appearance he was defeated about five seconds after appearing and doing a stereotypical cartoon villain laugh.
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