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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Distorted

  1. People are irritating. Also, I have no idea what the three-letter word is. :/
  2. Yeah, sure, whatever. :P

  3. I always feel this way whenever I see those awesome landscape MOCs on Brickshelf. I'd love to be able to build like that.
  4. >_> *adds to list of options* Wait, does that have any System? It's supposed to have a bunch. BtB It does have quite a few system pieces. Admittedly, somet of them can't be seen from the angle of the pictures, so I might still get disqualified.
  5. Distorted


    Nice, but I have to say I personally prefer gifboy99's version.
  6. Looks good to me. [/sarcasm]
  7. Space MOCs eh? How about stealing names from astronauts' names? Laika might work nicely.
  8. OMG, I remember painting that exact same panel as a school project! I think you probably did it better than I did. Good work on the pistons.
  9. Tut tut tut. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Brown, in any shade, is better than yellow. Not that I dislike yellow, of course.
  10. Distorted


    I made you a cake but I eated it.
  11. Distorted

    Part Order

    You mentioned Zip's WIP on MSN. Most of these parts are similar colours to Zip's WIP. Coincidence?
  12. disteh has a bored

  13. Distorted

    New Graphiks?

    I like your current ones. Of course, if your new ones end up looking better then I'll probably forget all about the old ones.
  14. *resists temptation to mention the word 'studly'* ... Dewd, you're the Mad Hatter. You are. Even your face has that Mad Hatter look. B)
  15. Distorted

    *is A Bit Sad*

    I know that feeling. Just remember that you probably wouldn't have used it and it would probably have just gathered dust in a dark corner somewhere. It's only when I sell something that I start to appreciate it. It's like that Yellow Taxi song.
  16. No argument has occured. O_o I suppose I misjudged the people here. Just ignore anything I say from now on.
  17. WHAT



    Never mind, I'll Google it. :)

  18. 2 5 4 5 2 I would have voted for myself, but I adore number 2.
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