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Everything posted by Aoran

  1. Aoran

    Lsw2: Bink Update

    Knowing him... He'd build something Nah, congratulations Kels on gaining a billion studs. As Mistress Tufi said, what will you do?
  2. Aoran


    Quite easily. We use our eyes. If not, we use our ears. If not, we use a spork.
  3. Aoran

    Saturday The 14th

    So you're not dead? What a shame...
  4. Aoran

    I Have Bad Handwriting

    Pfft. You call your handwriting bad? I have to redo tests because it's so bad.
  5. Aoran

    The Heat Wave

    Blame Ray on the weather. Anyways, about the weather anyways... The water is down to 40% or so here, which sucks :/ Why can't we just get water imported from New Zealand? At this rate, it'll be over 50 degrees by December o.o;;
  6. Umm, E, all of the above except for the last five?
  7. Aoran


    You're crazy, mate. Very, very crazy.
  8. I knew it! You're just jealous of the awesomeness that is Elmo Wait, they paid around 20,000AUD for one? Now that's just strange... And somewhat obsessed...
  9. Aoran

    Dial It Up

    Congratuflabbelgations Kap'n Kexor. Here's to better internet! *Lifts can of Coca Cola in the air*
  10. Aoran

    90 To Nothing

    Lookin' smooth, Wa^2, lookin' smooth.
  11. Was his first name Ima?
  12. Happy Lady Kopaka Day! [img=http://www.majhost.com/gallery/KingAoran/GFX/lady1.png] [img=http://www.majhost.com/gallery/KingAoran/GFX/lady2.png] I'm the Lady Kopaka Fan, and I'm here to say Happy Lady Kopaka Day! Credit not necessary
  13. Egads empress! That drawin' you did scared me with it's Tufiness. Still, it's a fantastic piece o' work. Gosh, I cannot wait until it comes out.
  14. Aoran

    Joke Or No Joke

    Heya T. It was created in Aussie around, hmm, 6 years ago or so... My brother watches it. Still, it's a great lil joke (And would make a great comedy... Hmm, thanks for the idea!)
  15. So that's where that tree got to... First it runs away from my Christmas tree farm, and then it'd gone to America and took up a job as a mascot. AND IT GOT PLASTIC SURGERY!
  16. Aoran

    Weevil Woes

    Well, at least you didn't bite through half of it I bet it was just a harvesting error where the weevil flew in, so don't blame anyone. Still, you may get free cereal
  17. Aoran


    Hmm, not sure what to say... Just say something nice, Ninja. Okie... May his body and soul get through this setback in life. Oh, and may Hapori Tohu and Mata Nui wish you (and your Gramps) the bestest luck.
  18. Man, that has to be the best soap I've ever radio! Astounding! (PM Me if you see the fad)
  19. Well, expect a WHOPPIN' big phone bill, Phonicron. It was from me! Erm, nah, it wasn't. Perhaps it was just your inner child doing a prank call... Or your past...
  20. Aoran

    Dishing It Out

    Hmm... Giant Fan, I'm guessing... Shweeto Dish though. Kexcellent use of the Akaku as Cornboy stated.
  21. Are you bilingual? Yes I am. I can speak American, Australian, English, New Zealand, Basic, Italian, Japanese, and Matoran. As a new Bionicle fan, did you ever think Gali was male? Yes, I did. What type of computer are you on right now? I'm not a on a computer. I'm on a chair. What was your favorite Bionicle story year? Ummm, 2003 Are you a premier member? Nope. I'm a special member
  22. Aoran

    Archivists, Unite!

    Sounds spunky. Which brings up an idea. How about Tehutti and co are involved more with the storyline. They were awesome characters for such widdle cuties
  23. Ok, while we (Mature people with crazy minds, 'specially the Spittle and Happy Nidhiki) are not major fans of the Inika, it's what little kids nowadays want. Flashing bright things and lots of cool shooting. You just have to respect what BIONICLE is really aimed at, and not at teenagers with a lust for olde skool.
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