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Blog Comments posted by Jacks

  1. I've done a lot of thinking in the time I've been away, and I am asking the same questions. The thing about games is that the experience is very different depending on whether you are a spectator or a player. Now, obviously some games are interesting to spectators, but I don't think RPGs really fall into that category. So I think it's safe to say that nobody is ever going to care about the Dino Attack RPG as much as we, its players, did and do. I must echo the sentiments of those advising us not to take this backlash seriously (especially when the trolls are using ableist insults. Ew).


    At the same time, I've realized the matter of 'leaving a legacy' may have actually caused some problems. I think one of the reasons that the LEGO RPG forum has been struggling to keep its head above the water for its entire existence is that the DARPG has set an essentially unacheivable precendent for what a 'successful RPG' looks like. Back on the old forum, RPGs came and went like mayflies. The fact that the DARPG lasted seven and a half years is, frankly, a fluke.


    This is not to deprecate all the effort we put into it. The DARPG was a labor of love on the part of all of us. But I think a lot of its success was chance. You struck gold, basically. And now, the thought in the back of the mind of everyone designing a new TBRPG is: Will this be as successful as Dino Attack?


    Okay, I really can't speak for everyone. But I know it was certainly the case for me, and given how much the DARPG inspired the format of most of the RPGs that came after it, I would not be surprised if this is indeed the case. It is for this reason that I believe you were right to step back a little bit from the community after the DARPG concluded. If I had been wiser, I would have done the same, rather than perpetuate this unattainable ideal even further.


    Obviously I don't regret a single minute spent or a single word typed in that game, and like avmatoran said, all of you who played in the DARPG are basically my closest online friends. But perhaps the LEGO RPG forum would be better off without our legacy hanging above them. Perhaps our memories of the experience should be legacy enough.

  2. Thought I'd give this a go, just because why not. Used my original Matoran character from six years ago, and also a newish one based on a recent moc.


    CHARACTER 1: Cohrii

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
    Who are you?


    What's in a name?

    -Does the character share the Author's/Player's name? (This can be their first name, middle name, or the name they go by in chat or an online forum.) 10 Points. Yes, 10 Points. This is actually pretty mild; most Mary Sue litmus tests will automatically flunk a character for this. I admit I'm tempted to do the same.)

    Tricky one here. My first display name here was Cohrii; however, it was named AFTER the character, not vice-versa; the character was created several months prior to when I joined BZP. I'm going to leave this up in the air until somebody with experience can answer this.


    Is your character the leader of a major organization?



    What is your character?

    -A Matoran? (0 Points. If he has Toa powers count him as a Toa)


    What's your character's origin? (Choose all that apply.)

    -The usual, I guess; nothing to write home about (0 Points)



    Does your character undergo any physical or metaphysical transformation in the story or back-story? (i.e., was he something else before?)

    Not even once.


    What do you do?


    Tell me, what is your day job?

    -Fight Evil (1 Point)

    As a member of the Ta-Koro Guard, this is probably the closest match.


    Does your character use some kind of weapon to fight? (Multiple weapons are cumulative.)

    -My own two fists (0 Points)

    -A spear, mace, flail, morning star, or some other kind of medieval weapon that is not a sword (3 points)

    As all the Ta-Koro Guardsmen wield spears, I'm not sure why that should merit so many points, but whatevs. :P


    From here to there. How does your character move about?

    -Walks? (0 Points)

    -Takes a Boat/Airship? (1 Point)


    Take half Points if you're a Role Player for this next section.

    All in a day's work

    -Does the character save other character(s)? (1 Point.)

    In the job description, no? Has contributed to saving the Koro, but never done so singlehandedly, so I'm not counting that


    Why do you do it?


    Tell me about your parents.

    -Does your character have a "dark past"? (1 Point)

    Hunted kraata in the Charred Forest without anyone's knowledge


    -Have people close to the character died? (1 Point per death. By close I mean something like a good friend, not an acquaintance)

    As he's a member of the Guard, I wouldn't be surprised if he lost some comrades.


    Why would you do something like that?

    -Because some things just need to be done. (3 Points)

    Well yeah, it's his job.


    Where did you learn to do that?

    -I was taught by an expert in the field over many years (0 Points)


    What other kinds of relationships does your character have with established characters, if any? Add the Points up for each character who qualifies.

    Nothing to speak of, really.


    I fought my rival, and:

    -I won (1 Point)

    If kraata count as rivals, then yeah.

    TOTAL: 12 points (or 22 if the name thing counts despite the chronological differences)




    CHARACTER 2: Vert

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
    Who are you?


    What's in a name?

    -Does the character have a really cool name, like Hunter, Killer, or Death? (2 Points. 4 Points if the name sounds like an AOL user name or a fourteen-year-old wannabe hacker's handle.)

    More like 'kinda cool than 'really cool.' "Vert" is short for "vertical," as he's pretty darn good at climbing. 1 point sound fair?


    Is your character the leader of a major organization?

    Nein, danke.


    What is your character?

    -A some other species (Krekka, Vortixx, etc.) (1 Point)

    Vaguely reptilian. Could possibly be a runt of a male Vortixx with clawed feet and triple jointed legs due to a birth defect. Idunnolol.


    What's your character's origin? (Choose all that apply.)

    -The usual, I guess; nothing to write home about (0 Points)

    Grew up in homeland, left to do other stuff, you know the drill.


    What do you do?


    Tell me, what is your day job?

    -Travel the world as a wanderer? (1 Point)

    Vagrant burglar-for-hire. Seemed to be the closest match


    Does your character use some kind of weapon to fight? (Multiple weapons are cumulative.)

    -My own two fists (0 Points)

    -A knife(1 Point)

    Again, closest match I could find. It's really just a climbing hook with a sharp, pointy tip.


    Because there's nothing cooler than shooting fire from your fingers.

    -Does your Toa being control a traditional power? (Fire, Earth, Rock, Wind, Water, Ice) (0 Points)

    Low-level Fire powers - enough to heat things up and cast a bit of light, but no shooting fireballs from hands or making stuff explode.


    From here to there. How does your character move about?

    -Walks? (0 Points)

    -Takes a Boat/Airship? (1 Point)


    All in a day's work

    -Does the character save other character(s)? (1 point)

    On occasion


    Why do you do it?


    Tell me about your parents.

    -Does/Did your character work for the Dark Hunters? (1 Point)

    For a while, back in the day.


    Why would you do something like that?

    -Because I feel like it (3 Points)

    Or "Needs something to do."


    Where did you learn to do that?

    -I taught myself after years and years of hard practice. (2 Point)


    What other kinds of relationships does your character have with established characters, if any?



    I fought my rival, and:

    -I lost, but it was a long time ago (1 Point)

    Hasn't done much fighting for the past few centuries

    TOTAL: 13

  3. There needs to be a section for semi-enemies. The premise of the books is actually not half bad, but it's ruined by the fact that the books are poorly written and the movies are even worse.


    I used to be a hater, but these days I try to tone down the hate because my best friend is a huge fan of the series, and she gets pretty ticked off when I start ranting about how Meyer ruined both vampires and werewolves, or how none of the characters have any depth at all (Bella's not a protagonist, she's a flippin' plot device), or such stuff as that. :P


    So...I guess you can put me in the Neutral category.

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