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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by HAZMAT



    Today I started my Graduation Project. 0_o I barely got anything done in that hour, but now that I'm more competent with Hammer hopefully I'll be able to work faster in the future. Also, I got 50 dollars today from my aunts for my birthday (which is the 28th). $35 of that might be going towards Premier Membership. I had something else to say, but forgot. Oh well. |-|\/|
  2. Have you played the demo? It's awesome. I played it at least 5 times. >_> |-|\/|
  3. So there's this project that every student at my school needs to complete to graduate, cleverly called the Graduation Project. It's starts in 9th grade with thinking about what you wanna do, and needs to be totally done by 12th grade. If you fail it, you get another try. If you fail again, you don't graduate. I was gonna rant about how much of a stupid idea I think this is, but I'll not waste your time. Anyway, here I am. A little over a week until my senior year starts. AND I have yet to start my project. >_< I have my idea finalized and approved, it's just that I haven't started working on it yet. I think presentations are in October, so I have til then to do my project and figure out how I want to present it. I should've taken advantage of BZP's downtime and worked on it, but nooooooo, all I wanted to do was play Fallout 3. :/ Oh yeah, for my project I'm going to make a Team Fortress 2 map using Hammer. AND GUESS WHAT I'M GONNA DO TODAY!! PROBABLY NOT MY GRADUATION PROJECT! Dx |-|\/|
  4. CONSPIRACY ALERT! Than isn't short for Nathan, it's a combination of the words "the man." >_> |-|\/|

    All You People

    You will read it if we don't? Okay. |-|\/|
  6. Yeah, the vehicle sections were waaaaay too long. Also, headcrab zombies are my best friends. |-|\/|
  7. Silly goose, "Pie" is 6 letters long. |-|\/|
  8. Name suggestion: Tasty Plate of Spaghetti |-|\/|
  9. Pics or it didn't happen. |-|\/|
  10. HAZMAT

    Someone Pmed Me Yesterday

    Someone was hacked and sending spam PMs, so it was probably one of them and was removed. |-|\/|
  11. HAZMAT

    Grammar Question!

    Comparative, I believe, as the red and blue cars are being used a single entity, so to speak. |-|\/|
  12. I don't have XBox, and I'm not 10, so it can't be me.


    Or can it? *mysterious music*

  13. And there's some A&W BBQ sauce too! =O |-|\/|
  14. HAZMAT

    The Dark Knight

    No, my mom was, too. xD |-|\/|
  15. HAZMAT

    Name Change Ideas

    Koth from Hoth[/lamestarwarsjoke] Mothra Kothra[/lamegodzillajoke] |-|\/|
  16. None. Dx I want to learn to play guitar, though. |-|\/|
  17. HAZMAT


    And all this time I thought the quote was supposed to be nothing. |-|\/|
  18. HAZMAT


    That's odd, the quote isn't loading for me. *waits some more* |-|\/|
  19. HAZMAT


    Sounds awesome so far. I think the guitar and drums should be a bit louder though. |-|\/|
  20. HAZMAT

    Party Animal

    I have it for PC, and my computer isn't good enough to play Burnout Pardadise online. |-|\/|
  21. HAZMAT

    Police Medic!

    Have you ever been beaten to health? It's very invigorating. |-|\/|
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