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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by HAZMAT

  1. You have to update your profile block on the side, it still says 15. |-|\/|
  2. I don't remember.


  3. I'm sorry! Please forgive me! etc, etc


    Vote For Me!

    Squidgie and Loader Mech |-|\/|
  5. Squidgie Rahkshi Prototype |-|\/|
  6. I have that mask. It'd be awesome if someone made a large insect MOC with it. |-|\/|

    Wow, Really?

    I don't know what to tell ya, Darth Vader. That Darth Vader guy just seems kinda... out there, y'know? |-|\/|

    More Sup Guys.

    They move on their own. The connection is very loose. Awwwww. This upsets me. |-|\/|

    Mouthful Of Crabs

    That's how'll I'll sound like with a mouthful of crabs |-|\/|
  10. HAZMAT

    More Sup Guys.

    Mata Nui's ankle armor is crooked. =O |-|\/|
  11. HAZMAT


    Microwave it and eat it for dinner. |-|\/|
  12. HAZMAT


    Your deadly skill is jogging? Mine is murdering people. |-|\/|
  13. I bought it digitally, so I can't sell it.

  14. I do have the original, but I don't like it.

  15. HAZMAT

    A P Chemistry

    AP Chem is supposedly one of the hardest classes at my school. >_> |-|\/|
  16. Wall-E is, like, the cutest movie ever. |-|\/|
  17. The reason for duplicates is because you'll be able to trade. Y'know, like Poke'mon cards. I've played like 6 hours since the update and only got a Flare Gun, which I already had. Hazzy wants new stuff nao!...Please. I hope VALVE gets the fix out soon. |-|\/|
  18. I lol'd. Hard. |-|\/|
  19. Foo Fighters are an AWESOME band. =P

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