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Toa Nidhiki05

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Everything posted by Toa Nidhiki05

  1. Toa Nidhiki05

    My Friend

    Existential crisis as in...? Sounds serious. Whatever she is going through, wish her the best of luck for me.
  2. Toa Nidhiki05


    I'm absolutely bored to death... So expect a comic to come at SOME point in the future. And yes, I am still working on Treason (to the three people that are still on here since the downtime ) - I just have a major case of writer's block.
  3. I have one, but I don't have a power source to get the 1.2 gigawatts of electricity needed to get it started. Do you by chance know any nuclear arms dealers?
  4. Toa Nidhiki05

    More Mlp

    He has hope for redemption, still. At least his musical tastes are good.
  5. Fair enough - you could argue both ways, really. But yeah, Season 3 was probably the worst - while I liked giving Chuck fighting abilities through the intersect, it just wasn't as good as earlier seasons.
  6. Toa Nidhiki05

    More Mlp

    Sorry TN. I hope that we can still remain friends. Because you know.Friendship is magic. Given I'm in your band, not like I have much choice.
  7. I've decided to go through and watch the entire first season of Chuck. As good as the show is, Season One is its absolute high point in both creativity and humor.
  8. I agree... To an extent. BIONICLE and Transformers are OK, The Wiggles is not.
  9. Neat concept, The Beninator. I'll see what I can do in terms of downloading it. -TN05
  10. That's actually pretty cool, OmiShad. I'm impressed. But we are not out for blood (I hope).
  11. @LaughinMan - I have no problem with people it enjoying it. I have a problem with people obsessing and groveling over it. This was really meant as somewhat of a joke. Do you really think I was serious when I said 'they have the advantage of unity, signified by their avs'? @Vohrahk1Panrahk2 - Read above. I don't really care what they like (as opposed to my obsession on my my hatred of Taylor Swift), and take amusement from it, actually. I get a good chuckle out of the concept of a brony. -TN05
  12. Anyone have an idea what people who hate MLP or Broniacs (credit to Zarayna for that term) should call ourselves? The other side has the advantage of unity, signified by their pony avs. What can we do to identify ourselves, fellow broniac haters (if you are out there)? -TN05
  13. I've met autistics. We're not as related as people say. This merger is just a bunch of NTs saying "Hmm, they both aren't social. Let's clump them together!" This. They are related, but there are enough major differences to warrant it being separate. This is basically as 'legit' to me as when Pluto was de-classified as a planet - it really doesn't affect what I think. I have AS, and I'll identify as such. -TN05Fellow aspie here, nice to meet you. The connection between Asperger's Syndrome and autism is also about as legit to me as the Pluto issue, hence why I agree that the two conditions are probably related. In both cases, the actual characteristics are important to the definition. Just because ordinary people would rather just have terms like "autism spectrum" or "planet" have arbitrary meanings that have nothing to do with the characteristics of the object doesn't mean that scientists can be that arbitrary about things. And unless the causes of the two conditions are discovered to be different, the similarities are too significant to ignore. I recommend reading "The Pluto Files" by Neil DeGrasse Tyson; it's an educational and VERY funny overview of the decision and all the events leading up to it, going as far back as Pluto's original discovery and the discovery of other dwarf planets like Ceres before it. Likewise, I recommend watching the biographical film Temple Grandin sometime. Temple Grandin is a very successful autistic individual, and people with Asperger's Syndrome or high-functioning autism will surely sympathize with some of her social difficulties and atypical ways of thinking as illustrated in the film. Naturally, it's a dramatization, but the DVD version includes an audio commentary with the real Temple Grandin, who describes which parts of the movie were changed slightly and which parts are very authentic portrayals of her life story. Nice to meet you too. I'll have to check those out - they seem pretty neat to me. Of course scientists have to go by fact, but my point was I don't consider myself to be 'autistic' so much as and aspie. Autism carries sort of a stigma, to me, and I really don't want people to associate me with the mid or low functioning types that most would recognize as 'autistic'. My stance is shaped more by stigma than pure scientific fact. -TN05
  14. So I finally got a chance to listen to the new Casting Crowns album a lot, and man, is it good (probably the best since Lifesong). People like to complain that Casting Crowns isn't creative, but 'Spirit Wind' and 'My Own Worst Enemy' are as creative as Crowns has ever been. I also saw them live last night with Sanctus Real and The Afters. If you like Casting Crowns but have never been to a concert of theirs (this was my third), you have to go sometime. The rock songs are heavier, the ballads have more emotion and power, and the lyrics have more meaning. -TN05
  15. The Sound (John M. Perkins' Blues) - Switchfoot
  16. Shapeshifting. The possibilities there are almost endless. -TN05
  17. Every Teardrop is a Waterfall - Coldplay
  18. Toa Nidhiki05


    Boredom sucks. -TN05
  19. Who Says You Can't Go Home (feat. Jennifer Nettles) - Bon Jovi
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