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Toa Neya

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Blog Comments posted by Toa Neya

  1. Yeah, maybe I might add those.


    Oh, and here are all of the people who have obtained the award legally so far. If you catch a member who does not have permission to use the awards, PM me the link with them, and you get a cookie, and I will call the mods to give said member justice. And a special Brick Award later. :P


    People who have officially earned the:


    Red Brick: Me


    Blue Brick:


    Yellow Brick: Me


    Green Brick: Me


    Purple Brick: Me, 55555


    Orange Brick: Me, 55555


    Black Brick: 55555


    White Brick:


    Gray Brick: 55555


    Transparent Brick:


    Treason Beaver: Me


    Sith Beaver: Me, 55555


    King Brick:


    Makuta Brick: Me



    Crimson Apple Masterpiece: Me, 55555


    Royal Hive Queen Masterpiece:


    Giant's Hat Masterpiece: Me


    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
    Strawberry Secret Award: Me


    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
    Phantom Orchid Secret Award:


    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «
    Heroic Story Secret Award:


    Note that when more brick awards come, for now this is the official place where those who have earned them will be honored.


    Darkspine Out. :voyanui: Just one more comment until I get my Red Brick... :voyanui:


    EDIT: Soon, I will make an entry advertising these brick awards. For now, I will be handing them out like blog approvals freely. So...this post doen't count. You have 'em if you have 'em.

  2. In praise for giving me 9th place...


    If non-premier members can do this...




    Darkspine Out. :voyanui: (fills an Olympic swimming pool nearby with tabloids, embarrassing pohotos of actors, and paparazzi magazines, and places a huge cage over them that has a sign on it that says "To capture peeves for the allergenic weapon.") Blushrooms, I have food! :voyanui:

  3. Wow. This many replies already. And a Makuta's fighting with the Order. And 2 Barraki. Looks like the whole world pretty much hates the BOM now. And if the princess of traitors (Kerrigan's the queen, lol Starcraft humor) joins the group, then maybe I know why the Phantoka are so ugly...maybe a Mutation spinner in the back?


    Darkspine Out. :voyanui: And Brutaka's in the lead. The former OOMN member comes back to the good side. Sweet. :voyanui:

  4. Pet Peeve Species: Blushroom

    My Name: Darkspine Neya

    Bio: It's a peeve, that, unlike most of the others in this contest, is in the phylum Veracia (real life peeves, like Plural Apostrophes, Always/Neveron Turnsignals, and Chalkboard Scratchers,) instead of BZPowera (forum attacking specimen, Survurlode is less vulnerable to them as they mostly help spam up his domain, which strengthens him enough to make weak floods.) These peeves feed on embarrassment, apparently by snapping photos with a camera they have evolved for a left hand. In the real world, they mostly live in Hollywood, as they follow around paparazzi there and help make tabloids. In Bionicle, they live in Metru Nui, BZ Metru, Xia, and anywhere with industry. Still, some follow the Shadowed One... and feed well by bribing the Makuta of Odina to coat their forms so they look like a Dark Hunter named Darkness. (Yes, the Shadowed One does embarrassing things, including watch soap operas [heh-heh.]) Survurlode has sent hordes of Lawyerahk movie directors called Directorahks and actor one called Actorahks to Hollywood to exterminate them there, because if he gets embarrassed by a peeve allergen flood, they can come there in droves, weakening him even more (they don't even heal him because the aren't BZPowera peeves.) To catch, rig a trap with a picture of a movie star picking his nose as bait. I own this peeve, and her name is Anabelle. (Wanna see my zoo sometime? I got a big number of Doomahs.)

    Description: They all are small, 3 inch high creatures that float on an enrgy filled sac, that has 4 holes in it that shine light- one in front, one in back, and one on each side. They have a claw on their right arm for a hand (the 2 arms are small and attached to the 1-inch diameter stem), and a camera for the other hand. They snap photos to feed.


    Other facts- Peeves are of the kingdom Peevia, the phylums being BZPowera, Bioniclum (Bionicle-related, but not forum-related peeves, like Doomahs and Bionicles,) and Veracia. Survurlode hates real life peeves the most, and BZPower peeves best. Don't use strong concentrations of BZPower peeves! It may actually heal Survurlode by carrying massive amounts of spam essence to him! This is like giving him a gallon of Delsam for the allergenic weapon! It undoes the whole cause!


    EDIT: I have just realized that there are some neutral/positive BZPowera peeves. These peeves generally have too weak a spam, no real spam or actually help the forums to be a better place. The Righteous Wrath Guerilla a few posts above is a good example of a positive BZPowera peeve, and a good neutral peeve would be the Stuffed Shirt on the first page.


    Darkspine Out. :voyanui: There. I entered. Yay for me! :voyanui:

  5. Also, if you want to see what an ungoverned forums is like, see the ones for Starcraft 2. Flamers, trolls, spammers, cussers, and complainers repeatedly go on the warpath, because their only moderator, Karune, only posts new Q&A discussions and a few other topics. It has good aspects, too, but topics are almost never closed, not even the stupidest of flame ones. Come back from there alive, and you will be singing the moderators' praises, and regret that you insulted Tufi just the other day. I will not link to it due to the fact it is a forums, and it has inappropriate posts on it.


    Darkspine Out. :voyanui: If you go to the forums there...just read the Q&A's only. :voyanui:

  6. That's it. I will alway think of Survurlode when I see a clock now. I shall now put on a conveniently placed Mask of Detection...and begin a quest for the one refresh myself!


    Darkspine Out. :voyanui: And no, I do not wear a clockcuff! Oh, and the minions are somewhat pointless by now. BZP is a small site, and there always seems to be at least 240 members on it, even with your clockcuffs! :evilgrin: Die, SURVURLODE, DIE! :voyanui:

  7. 1. Self MOC. With a size restriction or something, so that people don't go crazy

    2. Set revamp

    3. Playsets?

    4. Make Hapori Dume (kinda obvious after #44)

    5. Make a sidekick for an existing Bionicle villain

    6. Make a vehicle for Toa Mahri to use

    7. Custom Toa team

    8. Create a new type of hero (other than Toa)

    9. Make an evil machine for an existing villain

    10. Sculpture contest (e.g. Shan's Mata Nui shrine)




    I agree with #4 for #47, partly because I made an MOC of Tohu's antithesis already, though it is a bit half disassembled...


    Darkspine Out. :voyanui: Someone: Hello, my name is Tapoonu-gakole-av. But you can call me Larry. :voyanui:

  8. It was a role play. A role play of all things. And all this time, I thought that it was real, and political. :annoyed2: I should have known that the leader of the BS01 Wiki would not be the minister of a politically unsure (and thusly BZP rulebreaking) blog entry.


    Darkspine Out. :voyanui: The present you get is getting to laugh at my total obliviousness to the situation... <_< :voyanui:

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