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Blog Comments posted by Kiotu

  1. If you haven't already done it for school, read To Kill a Mockingbird and Lord of the Flies, as well as Fahrenheit 451. Three of my favourite novels I've read in the last few years. Animal Farm won't take you very long, since it's only ninety pages or so, so pick up another one if you're going to read it.


  2. I'd prefer flying to driving any day, for the sake of time, but it's that feeling of taking off, as well as landing that gets to me. I'm not really sure how I can explain it, but for simplicity, I don't like it.


    Also, you're very lucky being able to fly a plane (not that'd I'd want to, though). :P


  3. Even if your story doesn't have a grand meaning, I think it'd be best to have some symbolism, or at least a common allusion throughout it. In my opinion, I find it gives them a greater depth. But, then again, there are plenty of awesome stories that don't have any themes, symbolism, and hidden literary devices that contribute to a meaning at all -- like most of the stories on BZP.


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