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Vezok's Friend

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Vezok's Friend

  1. I'm an engineer, not an educator.


    Is that you, McCoy!?




    I am pretty happy to have missed the latest favourite debate theme.

    But since this is related to the story serials I am 10050% sure Greg didn't mean anything by it.

    I always found it odd that there could be no female Matoran of fire or Ice, but that's where I revert back to the Slogan Lego used back in '99 "Just imagine" and that problem fades out of existence.


    On another note, the more mailbag PM's are up here, the more I am tempted to send one of my own.




    I went a perfect week setting my school-stuff up for the coming term without being on any PC for more then 5 min ^^


    I don't know either. Especially the Multiplayers. As far as I'm concerned, those games serve the purpose of blowing of steam or telling a story (with participation).


    And I just realized how that sounds, coming from a future game-designer...

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