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Blog Comments posted by Noxryn

  1. Thanks! I think I'm in a spot where I feel more confident in myself, both with presentation (I haven't felt real bad dysphoria in a long time, luckily) and mentally. Kinda been a lot more positive and upbeat. My main hope is my anxiety doesn't come back and hit me when I'm there, as it tends to do that when I'm off on my own a lot -- but if it does, I'll try to immediately go to counseling/therapy and be more communicative with what's going on since, in the past, I wasn't as much and I think that ultimately hindered me in a lot of ways. 


    (the person I spoke to liked what I'm working on book-wise and thinks it's promising, so that felt good). 


    As for the publishing, I don't think it'll be too much. I'm kinda expecting a minimum of 10 - 20 dollars to do it. 

    • Upvote 4
  2. Colorado seems a bit more straight forward luckily, there's just some fees involved (I think... it might cost me around 150~ USD or so? Possibly more, pending on the cost of getting the information published in a local publication). I got my fingerprints done, though I did wait a little longer since I was debating on if I wanted to change my last name (decided I did). 


    And thanks! I'm feeling positive since they've largely been positive with me, the school, even though I've dropped out of... three or so universities due to previous mental health concerns >.<

    • Upvote 5
  3. I never felt like "should" get a remake, though I am kinda excited for the upcoming Beauty and the Beast film. I really loved the old animated version, probably one of my favorite movies as a young child (and Lion King/Little Mermaid), so it's sort of... nostalgic I suppose to possibly see their new iteration in theaters in March. 


    Kinda sad I'll either have to like, convince my family to come with me or just see it alone, but o well.

    • Upvote 1
  4. What is the location of a 2x2 LEGO brick that goes by the name of Samantha?


    On a scale of being banished to the shadow realm to the ending of Neon Genesis Evangelion, how screwed are we?


    What is love?


    1) idk

    2) i could say third impact x2 but hey things have been really good for me the world cant end yet ok

    3) im givin u a serious answer and it is serein


    have there been any farm animal dreams in recent memory

    i hate that book

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