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Blog Comments posted by Noxryn

  1. to be fair i haven't seen many people at others' throats? i've seen some people point out usage of terms like "ignorant" and "lazy" and "spiteful" and "Grammar Nazi" make them feel uncomfortable/personally insulted due to the manner in which the original person chose to convey their thoughts, and have seen many people defending "improper" writing on the basis that it's easier and comes to them more quickly and provides a more casual tone they want to convey (or that people who use improper writing may have difficulties in some manner, or not have English as a first language and not be aware of the thousands of grammatical rules, etc...)


    i haven't seen anyone going on a crusade about how anyone who uses proper grammar sucks, or vice-versa (unless i missed something?) but i have seen discussion on it and some people pointing out terms that one would better do without when trying to make a claim


    in the end i mostly see "it's not invalid to use improper writing" and "it's kind of a jerk move to call out people on their grammar/spelling and think less of them" unless like, i missed something, somewhere?

  2. i wasnt shocked on the basis there's a goddess in a game named Velika (i think a city is named after her, Velika CIty of Wheels or something), and it was from there i looked up if the name had any significant meaning and was all "oh cool sounds like foreshadowing or a coincidence" but i never cared about 2006 onwards that much so i never like, mentioned it :B

  3. tbh i type this way because it's more conversational, friendly and easier for me to say what i want without feeling like i'm being too terse or harsh with my words


    it comes more easily


    usually if you see me using capitalization, punctuation and proper syntax and sentence structure then im either upset or im feeling about ready to learn someone somethin


    its really not b/c im too lazy to press the shift key and it's definitely not b/c i dont care about language or think it unimportant (but language really isn't as rigid as that, unless you're writing in the professional world or in the academic world where no one takes the best argument seriously unless it has 1 in. margins)

    • Upvote 3
  4. The Kal were awful because they were derivative. The silver joints were the only good thing to come out of them.


    As for the Bohrok? Best. Sets. Evar.



    to be frank if every villains for forever were bohrok i'd have been happy


    12 wasnt enough


    maybe i owned 18

    maybe i didnt own 18


    maybe i still bought them after they were discontinued from thrift stores and 5 and belows.





    and @aanchir i honestly doubt we'd see bohrok or anything as specialized as they were as i do understand a huge drawback to them was the amount of specialized molds they had, but it'd also be hard to make them in CCBS without a ton of specialized molds anyway (and i'd rather they not revisit and remake bohrok as something entirely different, without the ability to roll into balls and stuff -- they may as well make a new villain at that point tbh)

  5. Destiny, more or less, plays like a single player FPS a la Halo and not like a MMO (which is kind of a good thing, IMO). Only thing is you might run into other players, occasionally (usually not many) in the same map instance you're in... but that's about it. Maps and locations are about the size of some Halo levels (larger ones), and the only grindy thing I see anyone needing to do is collecting upgrade components for legendary items (which I just don't do, because I don't care enough to do it).


    you cant make me use punctuation


    or proper sentence structure


    because everything i post is but free form poetry and knows no bounds

    Going for a more formal style and failing at it is what I was referring to - I was certainly not trying to come across as criticizing intentional informality.


    (it's okay i was just joking)

  7. Let's face it, if they maintain the no-romance rule the majority of us are going to keep on ignoring it. Frankly, I don't think even GREG paid that rule much heed—I always thought it was mostly an escape clause to keep him from having to answer shipping questions. :P



    still a silly rule we can do without

  8. I agree to most of this, though I do like a little grit, and I love Vezon. XD


    Also, while some side characters should remain appearance-less, I hope they do more contests for fanmade canon, like the Tahtorak (that TLG actually acknowledges, not just Greg).


    Hate to burst bubbles, but unfortunately as the main target is 9-year-olds, main purchasers are going to be parents of those kids.... and I think there's still enough traditionally-minded people of that age that Lego isn't going to take the risk of introducing subjects like gender fluidity, for fear of losing business. Hopefully in 10 years or so, when it's our kids, that will be different.


    I'll probably buy and read everything, cuz I'm just so darn excited for its return. :b

    i kinda liked Vezon when i was younger, but in retrospect his personality was too... forced, kinda, and wasn't written out in an interesting/clever way and just sort of served as the series' only source of comedic relief for a time. like, he felt a lot like a knockoff deadpool (i'm using knockoff to pick at Vezon being a less inspired, less interesting and entertaining version)... of course that is opinion and if people like Vezon coolies, the character just personally annoys me and i'll be happy if he is left out.


    i'm well aware of that, even before writing this, i brought it up since this was a "things i'd like to see" and it's definitely something i genuinely would like to see acknowledged regardless of the likelihood it'll happen or not. but to be frank other media have agender characters and characters outside of the binary (ie: Renamon from Digimon, who described themself as lacking a gender) so it's not a concrete unlikelihood (i'd also point at Dark Sun Gwyndolin from Dark Souls, but the age range on that game is different and the creators likely didn't care about their implications with Dark Sun Gwyndolin's gender identity since it'd be adults playing mostly and you need to be interested in the lore to figure that out... but in Pokemon, Gardevoir can be male/female and is designed as if wearing a dress, that and there were trans characters in the Battle Mansion, and those games have a similar target audience Bionicle has). but either way, for a line targeted to kids, it would be nice to see a wider representation of people as kids aren't so homogenized and not all identify with the same thing.


    but at the end of the day if i got back into fan writing stuff i'd prolly just retcon whatever i disliked into what i'd rather see.


    There are many days where I feel like I'm the only one who liked how expansive and comprehensive the universe became. Also, the gritty/edginess is going to be very subjective, obviously, but I like a good mix. As for Vezon, I have mixed feelings. I like him as a character, I'm just not sure about where the story was going.


    Assuming reboot, the Makuta can come back if they get reworked, yeah. I'd have liked to see what they were like before the whole Teridax take-over thing went down.


    But honestly, as much as I'll ship Jaller/Hahli all day and every day I actually kinda hope that they leave out the shipping from the get-go this round. I see enough of that in the rest of the media I consume and one of the reasons I like LEGO so much is that it doesn't get caught up in that. Being able to establish a really close relationship without having to bring it to "relationship status" is such a rarity these days and probably one of the top reasons I like Pacific Rim so much. I came to Bionicle for the ROBOTS and ELEMENTAL POWERS and I don't want my time wasted reading about arbitrary romance drama.


    But then, it's all just subjective.



    Takuma Nuva


    i like expansive and comprehensive worlds, but Bionicle took it to a different level and created a lot of meaningless fluff that people had to consume (and it kept expanding in nonsensical ways, like the entire alternate dimension thing) and all these new things largely just muddled up the focus for where we were and didn't really have a direct connection to what was happening (kinda like... felt done for a "cool" factor). it also felt sort of weird since we started with a fairly isolated island and the islands and societies largely stayed isolated from one another (i don't think Metru Nui was like, trading with anyone? Or the matoran really knew what was beyond their chunk of space, really? and the societies didn't vary much and weren't terribly interesting. like mata-nui you have villagers living and working together to survive on a fairly harsh, but sometimes pleasant, landscape while a shadowy evil messes with them, whereas on Metru Nui you kinda have the same thing just in a city setting and with a singular, corrupted, turaga leading things... but the corrupted turaga is just the modernized corrupted wildlife, which metru nui still had either way...). there weren't like, interesting struggles between the various island-nations that were current or described at much length, there wasn't much effort put into political structures or economies or how these civilizations actually worked and what made them unique and what their individual cultures were... which kinda made all these excesses of islands and groups feel ultimately pointless as they're not really serving to flesh out the world more and make it more involved and believable.


    on makuta i meant like the character Makuta (teridax), because as a main villain he was incredibly dull, boring and became an annoying master planner who wouldn't go away.


    tbh when i mean to keep it from decanonization, i mean to let it exist in the universe as something that occurs so it's not putting weird and arbitrary restrictions on creative interpretations, since there are people who really like sticking close to the source material's lore. on top of that i don't mind the things they did with hewkii/macku early on, as they were on the side, were largely just cutesy little things and i like cutesy little things.


    i'd doubt canonizing romance would turn bionicle into a romance fest, i'd expect bionicle to introduce mass dismemberment before it introduced mass romantic relationships. or love triangles.


    i hate love triangles.

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