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Blog Comments posted by BioGio

  1. The appearance that it's closer to Rarity is really just an optical illusion, since his Rarity score is substantially greater than the average, but the Rainbow Dash score is just a bit above normal. The two scores are probably just about equal.


    What's really bizarre is that Xaeraz scored so much on the Rarity and Fluttershy sides while also coming out Rainbow Dash.

  2. Make this picture (and accompanying posts) into a fantroll.


    The Page of Light in the Land of Crystal and Snow.


    Interests include fanciness and antiquated literature, and you type "As thou haſt always typed: in an inſufferably pretentious and archaic manner, as most rightly ſhould be obvious. Thou ſpeakſt much as a manne from the texts of yore which thou often readſt."

  3. It also doesn't always change what one types--only under some random circumstances, like when one uses the Full Editor to edit (and not make, AFAIK) a post.


    It's really annoying for everyone.


    It's helpful for one to just create a "whitelist" of ponified pages/sites and work with that, as I have done--it keeps ponies from popping up in unrelated discussion.

  4. False.


    The correct answer is a well-manned ship because you'd have to be a huge fool to try to travel back to society in a simple boat that one person can man. Also, technically, "well-manned ship" is a single thing. There's nothing to indicate that an addition to a boat (be it paint or people) is counted separately. Otherwise, we might as well count whatever's holding together the wooden planks.

  5. @ Rebellion not occurring: That's startlingly true. In fact, a gigantic number of American teenagers (going off a statistic from about 2004) are/were actually in favor of governmental censorship of the news media. It's part of living post-9/11, as annoying people in America say.


    @ ToD: So swearing, violence, and adultery are somehow increasing? Or do I misunderstand again?


    @ Onarax: lol. I fixed all the ponify-acting-up-stuff.

  6. EDIT: Why am I always Ninja'ed, @ToDD Yeah my parents are also strict, thus I'm also not amongst the general populace who swear all the time. It saddens me that whenever I go to my locker in the morning, the first thing I hear is the F-Word being used multiple times.


    So, you're greatly concerned about how a lot of people use vulgar slang? I don't think you should be so upset over a few words; they are just a collection of letters given an arbitrary meaning. There are plenty of good things about modern times (DeeVee summed it up well) that you could look at more.


    What else can we do to not "suck"?

  7. I'm not very intelligent. I'm not very mature. I'm not very wise.


    And that's why you've written the most rational, reasonable thing I've read out of that entire discussion.


    Also, @Onarax: Isn't that basically wanting human nature to change? Are you saying that people should improve from one generation to the next--or am I putting words in your mouth or not understanding your point?

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