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Macku: Toa of Bubbles

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Macku: Toa of Bubbles

  1. 1. If you were a cookie, what kind would you be?

    Chocolate chip, I guess.


    2. Have you ever had your head shaved?

    Um, no.


    3. What color socks are you wearing? If you're not wearing any, what color feet do you have?

    White socks.


    4. If you could be any character from TV or a movie, who would you be?

    It depends on the show.


    5. If pies had feet, where do you think they would go?

    You're assuming they'd be quick enough to escape the dessert table.


    6. Quick! Cake or brownies?

    Cake brownies!


    7. What does the word blargh mean to you?

    Sounds like a type of onomatopoeia to me.


    8. What flavor of jello is your favorite?

    I don't have a favorite.


    9. Do you have any stains on the shirt you're currently wearing?

    Yep. Batter stains from the brownies we made earlier today. They'll probably come out in the wash, though.


    10. What do you think of the current war between spiders and crickets? (When you're sleeping, your home is a battleground!)

    As long as they stay out of my way, they can do as they please.


  2. We'll catch it when it comes to TV. You'll have to let us know if you like it and how it compares to the others. I don't think I had a favorite among the first three.


    Plans for this weekend? Probably just the usual, though if the weather's nice, we may do something on Monday.

  3. *ahem* I am hoping to have time soon to run another S&T contest in spring/summer, hopefully the first Expanded Universe one. Whattayall think -- "Design a Xian Weapon"? Winners would hopefully become official weapons from Xia, and all qualifying entries would become part of the EU. Or would yall prefer a character-making contest first, or sommat?

    I like the weapon idea, but I'm not sure I could picture it as a purely writing thing. Perhaps as an artwork and/or BBC type contest that includes a written description? After all, a picture is worth a thousand words. :)

  4. So now we can direct all those "Who do I write to get my COT RPG approved?" questions in New Member Q&A to you.


    BZP questions, BZP questions... Oh, I do have one I was going to ask before, a COT question. Would you like us to report birthday topics for closure if we notice they haven't been closed after a couple days? I usually ignore them unless someone posts to them, which they rarely do.


    Please do report them. Sometimes they are overlooked.

  5. I almost feel guilty voting in the RPG contests when I never play TBRPG's. It seems to me those who actually play should make the decision about which ones make it.


    I've been meaning to give this to you for a while now, being as you have one of the few blogs I read regularly. Bear it with pride. :P


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