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Macku: Toa of Bubbles

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Macku: Toa of Bubbles

  1. How 'bout the Bronze Rule? "Do unto others before they do unto you?" (You know, I've always seen that applied negatively, but it can be taken either way. Why wait until you're indebted to someone before paying them a kindness? You can practice making the first move and doing good to others before they do something nice for you.)
  2. That reminds me of the time we were scheduled to play at our church singles group. Our guitarist was home with the flu, so it was just four vocalists, a violinist, and a drummer. Though the response was kind, I suspect our audience could tell something was missing.
  3. "We need reinforcements!" Kopaka yelled as Tahu's sheep imposters and the Seriousness attack from above bore down on his Ko-Matoran forces.


    Matoro, his first-in-command who wasn't supposed to be there at all, saluted. "I'm sorry, Sir, but they won't arrive until Tuesday!"


    "It is Tuesday!"


    Kopaka lit the fuse and fired the Farshtey cannon. The sheep imposters broke into song again. Kopaka covered his ears.


    "I think they like it," said Matoro. "But at least they're not attacking anymore."


    "This singing is worse!" Suddenly, a movement behind the wall of thistle bushes caught Kopaka's eye. Could it be his reinforcements?


    A piece of bacon fired over the bushes and plunged into the Farshtey cannon.


    "Oh no!" Matoro shouted. "It's Toa Po and his bacon forces!"


    "I know who it is," Kopaka snarled. "Okay, Toa Po, be prepared for my counterassault. Matoro! Release our Anti-Bacon Commandos!"


    Matoro pulled a switch. A door open and out raced a regiment of Po-Matoran, each with a knife and fork in hand and a bib tied around his neck. "Mmmmm..." said one when he saw the bacon hurling over the thistle bushes. "Bacon..."


  4. Kopaka Mistika reeled back in surprise at the Ko-Matoran's report. "The Flamers!" he gasped.


    "Yes, Sir!" The Ko-Matoran clicked his heels. "He's ordered three squadrons of On Fires, an army of Mr. Angry Faces, and four regiments of those really mean looking Burning Mads! Oh, and a sheep. That's all I heard before I left."


    Kopaka clenched his fist around his scepter, unconsciously turning it to solid ice. The scepter shattered. "A sheep," he said through gritted teeth. "That does it." He glared out his fortress window, in the direction of the Fire Toa's kingdom. "Tahu, prepare for the most powerful counterassault you've ever known!"


  5. 1) Who is the strongest playable character in Super Smash Bros Brawl?

    Not a clue. Never played the game.


    2) How many seasons did the cartoon 'Jonny Quest' run for? And what is the name of the bulldog in said show?

    No idea. I never watched it.


    3) What is a synonym for 'Ergo'?

    Ergo is Latin for "therefore."


    4) In Bionicle, who is stronger, Carapar or Reidak?



    5) How old is The Master Chief?

    I don't think he's been born yet.


    6) When will the next lunar eclipse be?

    Sorry, I don't keep track of these things. There was one the other night, though.


    7) Does Elvis scare you?

    Elvis Presley? No, not at all. Should he?

  6. I got a heart-shaped balloon today! :o And hubby brought home Chinese food so I wouldn't have to cook. Isn't that sweet? :wub:


    Tomorrow I get my Day-After-Valentine's-Day-half-priced chocolate. The best kind of chocolate there is! :D

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