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Macku: Toa of Bubbles

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Comments posted by Macku: Toa of Bubbles

  1. "You have 5 kids?"


    "That I know of. "


    The question is, "How many children have you given birth to?" not "How many children do you have?" Which makes me wonder exactly for whom this survey is designed. Ladies suffering from amnesia? Childbirth isn't exactly an experience easily forgotten. :P

  2. The biggest grossing movie of all time, adjusted for inflation, is 1939 "Gone with the Wind."


    Unadjusted Gross: $198,676,459

    Adjusted Gross: $1,430,476,000


    It's amazing to think that in the last seven decades nothing has topped it.


    Number 2 is the 1977 "Star Wars"; 3 is the 1965 "The Sound of Music"; 1982 "ET" is #4; 1956 "Ten Commandments" is #5. Not until #26 do we get into the twenty-first century with "The Dark Knight."


    People just don't go to the movies like they used to. I haven't been to the movies in something like a decade myself. I couldn't even tell you the last movie I saw in a theater.

  3. I could never understand why anyone would go to a concert just to scream their lungs out. Isn't the point of the concert to hear your favorite performers perform? When I mentioned this to Turakii, she pointed out that most concerts are so loud, the performers drown out the screamers. Too true. I'll save my $$ and buy the album, TYVM. :P


    The cranberry dessert sounds good. I'm not sure who in my family likes cranberries, though. I'll have to take a survey. Then again, I suppose I could try substituting another fruit.

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