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Everything posted by SolarSurge

  1. No, but several loaves of bread seek your admiration. How much wood could a woodgukko chuck if woodgukko had one line of inventory space.
  2. I'm sure I was planning something before the downtime, but I'll never remember it now.
  3. I got myself acquainted with the rest of the internet, taking part in various online communities and, along the way, meeting new people and trying new things. I like to think I grew as a person from those experiences and learned a little something along the way. Good times. Also, Exams.
  4. Definitely the Exo-Toa. Man, I just love the entire concept of it, I've tried making replicas for the more recent sets but they never turn out well.
  5. Oh mine move all the time, I don't dare disturb their work. Sometimes they talk to me, tell me to do horrible things to innocent people, I don't dare disobey. jk but seriously, nothing like that happens to me much. If it does though I can usually find a rational explanation for it.
  6. I say Ackar with more Emphasis on the Ack than the Kar. Aakar
  7. Kiina, definitely. Long arms on a tiny body do not make for a good set design.
  8. Mine has to be my silver Miru, I can almost always find a use for it.
  9. My first was a Tahnok my Aunt got for me at Christmas, ever since I'd be on the lookout for more whenever I went to the store. Also this has to be the third topic of this kind I've replied to in this lifetime, I think the others died.
  10. Hey, I remember this, a great comedy has become a great remake
  11. To me, it was kind of like seeing an old friend again, then realizing you've forgotten everything about them. You know the feeling. As for the new look, it feels like I have moved into a new house or something.
  12. I'm surprised someone hasn't made a BZP Minecraft server yet, what with the amount of fans here. Anyways, I've decided to hold off the pre-releases until the official 1.9 comes out, despite the temptations.
  13. This is, undoubtedly, one of the smoothest MOCs I've ever seen. The parts fit together nicely, and kudos to you for finding a use for those seemingly useless tentacle/spike bits. Uh, where is his head though?
  14. All I remember about Earthbound was that one creepy Final Boss, it literally gave me nightmares as a kid. Not a fun childhood was mine.
  15. By God... It has been quite a while hasn't it, to be honest I was beginning to give up hope. But all in all it's good to see the site back up
  16. It's amazing how people are easily forgotten :(

  17. I'd hate to see what goes on inside your head.
  18. SolarSurge

    Say What?

    I think it's the other Piraka's Reactions to this.
  19. SolarSurge


    That was known for Months.
  20. At leastyou get a week, I ony get three days
  21. Yeah what he said *is hit on the head*

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