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Bloody Nine

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Blog Comments posted by Bloody Nine

  1. 2. Then what is your point? Criticism is bad?


    -A. So, one, by that logic, I, a Chinese guy, would know more about China than a white guy? And two, having looked over DV's past mocs, I'd say that yes, he does know how to do that stuff, and how to apply that to plastic. I mean, I call them pictures. I look at one, I say, 'hey, her shoulders are narrower than a man's!'

    -B. If it is more or less your intent to make it look feminine, then yeah, it does.

  2. 1. Cool.

    2. Does it matter? If anything, that should work out in my favor, considering that CC is the best kind, and you could argue that nonconstructive would be borderline flaming. My point being is that I tend to see criticism as something like this:


    The dogs ate an cat. > Incorrect statement

    The dogs ate an cat. > Criticism

    The dogs ate an cat. (This sentence sucks.) >Flaming.

    The dogs ate an (should be 'a') cat. > Mollycoddling.


    of course, that's a rather weak example, since anyone should know the difference between 'a' and 'an', but I'd rather not post an essay. :P


    3. See 2.

    4. Alright, pretending that you didn't make this entry in response to DV (although PMing him would have been better than calling him out in public)... you have to admit that the picture helps quite a bit. Just because you can't get it 95% correct doesn't mean you auto-fail. It was just a bunch of proportions for her to consider (like, for example, a quick lookover would show that the thighs were pretty massive, the arms thin, breasts wide (or the shoulders were too hunched), etc).

  3. When there is no piece to be used as breasts you complain that it doesn't look female. When the MOCer gives it breasts, you complain that it's improperly proportioned.

    That's like complaining about people being Democrats and Republicans in the same state.


    Unless you're complaining about people who do the same thing. Which then would be considered a case of unpleasable fanbase - but seriously, links?


    If you're going to complain about the breasts being too big at the same time you complain about them being too small, suggest a better design rather than showing us something useless we already know the appearance of, such as a basic human female sketch that you can't apply to a three-dimensional object.

    So, basically, you want people to tell others' their own ideas for a design? Fair enough, but, unfortunately, that's not how criticism works. Criticism is telling you what you did wrong and giving you an idea of how to fix it - you're describing mollycoddling, there.

  4. ^Truths.


    Okay... but where's the research? The killing numbers, that sort of stuff.

    Well, I can't be certain since I haven't studied WWII as in-depth as I have WWI yet, but I'm pretty sure that the reason Russia came to the Allies' side was that Hitler made and subsequently broke a few treaties with Russia.

    The fact that Hitler, before then, was screaming about how much he hated Slavs and planned to wipe out Russia might have helped.


    I mean, industrialization is great and all, but you can't claim that it was largely due to Communist intervention and the like. Besides, the fact that ANY smart person would have gone with industry, given Russia's poor performance in WWI (and the rising powers of Germany to the west and Japan to the east) might well have spurred anyone on. Additionally, you can't really claim that the industry worked as well as you'd believe. You have to consider the Russian winter, VAST area, and the massive numbers that Stalin just chucked at the advancing Germans.

  5. That's like painting Kopaka black

    Do. Not. EVER. Speak. Ill. Of. The. Black. Kopaka.






    Best Stars entry ever.





    And yes, Rakhshi gattai was awesome.

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